
padisha emperor

Senior Member
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Aix-en-Provence, France
then here dillo we wil have our discussion.

I have not really prooves of ther fact that science was created by human beeing, only common sense.

butr can you give me a proof to explain that God created Science ?
padisha emperor said:
then here dillo we wil have our discussion.

I have not really prooves of ther fact that science was created by human beeing, only common sense.

butr can you give me a proof to explain that God created Science ?

My point is that no one can prove anything one way or the other. You also only use one definition of creationism--there are many. Neither side has an upper hand on the other in this discussion as NOTHING can be proven in this discussion.
padisha emperor said:
then here dillo we wil have our discussion.

I have not really prooves of ther fact that science was created by human beeing, only common sense.

butr can you give me a proof to explain that God created Science ?

Either way it takes faith. You have faith that God doesn't exist, fine. Just don't assume that those who do believe in God are in someway inferior. There is exactly the same amount of evidence for the non-existence of God as there is for His existence.
of course, the faith makes that the discussion can touch very sensitive points. it hurts personal opinion, deep in the hearts and minds.

but i think we can try to have a coorect conversation about it.

Dillo, a real question ;) : are you agnostic ?
padisha emperor said:
of course, the faith makes that the discussion can touch very sensitive points. it hurts personal opinion, deep in the hearts and minds.

but i think we can try to have a coorect conversation about it.

Dillo, a real question ;) : are you agnostic ?

No but neutrality isn't a bad position to take in this discussion since no one can prove anything
padisha emperor said:
then here dillo we wil have our discussion.

I have not really prooves of ther fact that science was created by human beeing, only common sense.

butr can you give me a proof to explain that God created Science ?

I can prove creationism a lot easier than all the scientist in the world can prove evolution. All I have to do is look at one leaf on a tree, one blade of grass, or one living organism.
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