Zone1 Evidence That Proves Trump Is A Racist

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Are you honestly looking for a civil disussion of observations, opinions and feedback with the intention of being objective yourself?

Not from you.
The question was directed to the person starting the thread, and he already answered, in case you need to catch up.
The question was directed to the person starting the thread, and he already answered, in case you need to catch up.
Do you think we will see actual evidence as specified in the opening post get posted, or do you think the posts so far show us the self evident truth?
The question was directed to the person starting the thread, and he already answered, in case you need to catch up.
Your answers have not changed since I saw your first post several years ago...WHITE MAN BAD.
You think we don't know your bullshit already?
Not to mention that you always feel free to intervene when I have a discussion with a specific poster.
There is something YUGE about the notion that Trump is a racist. The request for a shred of actual evidence that proves this is extremely controversial. So controversial that this thread is under threat of censorship, and has so many posts that lack the evidence. It would appear that what makes this one of the hottest racism topics is the contrast between the ZERO evidence that has been posted vs the amount of effort and censorship that is used to force the false notion.
Your answers have not changed since I saw your first post several years ago...WHITE MAN BAD.
You think we don't know your bullshit already?
Not to mention that you always feel free to intervene when I have a discussion with a specific poster.
Obviously that is not related to THIS topic. If you want to discuss anything outside of THIS topic, that should be a different subject in a different thread.
Do you think we will see actual evidence as specified in the opening post get posted, or do you think the posts so far show us the self evident truth?
I haven't read all of the responses, so I have no opinion yet.
2 threads asking if Brandon is racist have been locked yet this one remains open.

Probably because they know that the Biden one won't have zone 1 responses whereas this one has no responses.
2 threads asking if Brandon is racist have been locked yet this one remains open.
This thread exposes the hypocrisy you describe, as well as the ridiculous lack of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. The lack of evidence and hypocrisy you describe mean that this thread is in danger of censorship, and that there will be massive censorship across all social media and tech platforms on this topic if Trump begins a campaign.
Probably because they know that the Biden one won't have zone 1 responses whereas this one has no responses.
Don't forget that the original Trump thread was blocked by flacaltenn with his order to abandon race threads started before May. This topic is going to be blocked on this site.
The Irony!
The topic is racism and to you, every White human is racist.

Wrong. The topic is "Evidence Proving That TRUMP Is Racist", and it is posted in the Race Relations forum.

And no, I don't believe any such thing, and you are welcome to start a thread showing specific examples that prove otherwise.
I've already addressed the topic. But has already been pointed out, it's another in a long line of the OP's circular arguing.

Oh yeah, you weren't addressed. Stay out of it.
What circular arguing. You people who hate Trump and call him names should be able to prove your statements with direct and complete quotes or other factual evidence. Seeing as we are up to 120 posts without such evidence seems telling to me.
What circular arguing. You people who hate Trump and call him names should be able to prove your statements with direct and complete quotes or other factual evidence. Seeing as we are up to 120 posts without such evidence seems telling to me.
That's what the OP's thread does. In fact, it's what they always do. Start off with a question that the OP has predetermined the answer to and just repeat the same lines over and over. Hence, the arguing in circles.
Trump is gone. He ain't comin back. I don't give a shit if he's racist or not. There's no evidence to suggest directly he is. His father was. And a father's upbringing does rub off on the child.
For the record, I answered the question. The OP didn't like the answer....but it was answered. :)

Wrong. The topic is "Evidence Proving That TRUMP Is Racist", and it is posted in the Race Relations forum.

And no, I don't believe any such thing, and you are welcome to start a thread showing specific examples that prove otherwise.
One of the great things about this thread is that it does so much more than just discussing evidence that proves Trump is a racist. It opens the door to even more threads about even MORE topics. Based on the replies here. It became apparent that there should be a thread about evidence that proves Biden is a racist, it became apparent that we need more threads about censorship. And it became even apparent that racism is getting too encumbered by the forum admin of this site to have free, open, or civilized conversations about. The political landscape going forward is being revealed before our very eyes.
That's what the OP's thread does. In fact, it's what they always do. Start off with a question that the OP has predetermined the answer to and just repeat the same lines over and over. Hence, the arguing in circles.
Trump is gone. He ain't comin back. I don't give a shit if he's racist or not. There's no evidence to suggest directly he is. His father was. And a father's upbringing does rub off on the child.
For the record, I answered the question. The OP didn't like the answer....but it was answered. :)
Yes, lefties heavily resent the topic of the opening post. It's one of the hottest race or political topics of the last decade though, and the question has yet to be reconciled.
Yes, lefties heavily resent the topic of the opening post. It's one of the hottest race or political topics of the last decade though, and the question has yet to be reconciled.
No, it actually isn't. No one but the fringe cares if Trump is racist or not. They cared about his competency and his corruption. They cared about the fact that he wasn't fit to sit in the chair and had a bad habit of forcing himself on women who didn't want his advances. Those were all reasons I voted against him. In addition to the shit show I knew he'd bring to Washington. Outside of his full page ad about the Central Park Five, his calling for the death penalty for them, and his subsequent statements saying he still believes they're guilty, I don't really have much of a bead on his racial motivations. I can probably guess based on his upbringing and several quotes people have lined up over the years. But that's just hearsay.
When our only topical debate forum was the CDZone -- we didn't allow political threads on hot topics. Because politics is dirty, dishonest, hypocritical and mostly emotional. Same here. You're welcome to do these IN POLITICS forum but not in a Zone1 forum. Closed this one. Closed the mirror image thread on Biden. The word "racist" no longer has any great punch to it LARGELY BECAUSE -- the tribal political wars have over-played, exaggerated, and lied about "who is a racist".
How do you not care if Trump is a racist? He is likely to be the nominee.

Do you not care that Biden has made many racist comments?

This is why HOT political topics dont' really belong in Race Issues. There will never be an honest civil POLITICAL discussion about race/racists. The term is DEAD to politics because of over-use and mis-use. It will ALWAYS be "whataboutisms", hypocrisy, dirt and all the other polluting things that the political realm take deep dives in every day in this country. Nothing wrong with THIS post -- but just an example of how this ends up to be 90% politics and very little about Race relations or Race.
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