Evidence Presented

that's a picture of a rino barbershop quartet.

some of us earthings are going to splinter off and form a new party. "the deplorable party".

our platform is "we can do whatever we want with clinton like impunity. i think it might catch on.
Billy, what's your point? Are you familiar with, and do you concur with, anything any of these 'defectors' stand for aside from their abhorrence of Trump-stated policies...not Trump himself, but whatever it is he says he stands for (today)! I believe all of them are not so petty as to personally disavow Trump, but rather his stated positions if given the chance to employ them.

The point is obvious. They are aiding the Clinton campaign.

Are you familiar with, and do you concur with, anything any of these 'defectors' stand for aside from their abhorrence of Trump-stated policies

It doesn't matter if I am, or do. They are giving aid to the Clinton campaign, and the things I do not support are enough for me to reject them.

The point is obvious. They are aiding the Clinton campaign.

Are you familiar with, and do you concur with, anything any of these 'defectors' stand for aside from their abhorrence of Trump-stated policies

It doesn't matter if I am, or do. They are giving aid to the Clinton campaign, and the things I do not support are enough for me to reject them.

No they are trying not to go down with the Trump ship.

The point is obvious. They are aiding the Clinton campaign.

Are you familiar with, and do you concur with, anything any of these 'defectors' stand for aside from their abhorrence of Trump-stated policies

It doesn't matter if I am, or do. They are giving aid to the Clinton campaign, and the things I do not support are enough for me to reject them.
OK, my friend, I understand. I think you are wrong, but I asked and you answered. For the record, if Trump wins, I will not be an obstacle against legislative proposals if they are fair and good for the country. But I genuinely do fear a Trump Presidency, not be disappointed but actually fear. But that's my problem.

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