Evidence of the return of "The Bad Old Days" in NYC


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
I have been noticing some disturbing trends myself the past year or so, mostly in Manhattan, regarding a return to issues we thought had been fixed in NYC after Guillani and Bloomberg went on a law and order bender.

The first thing was the increase of homeless people, not just out and about, but camping out with their things in high traffic areas, and being far more aggressive when panhandling. You are also seeing it on the Subways, with more homeless taking up spaces and generally stinking up cars. I know they were still around during the last two admins, but somehow any outreach coupled with forcing them into shelters has been stopped.

And just yesterday my wife had two disturbing incidents in Union Square. Two junkies started fighting, and 3rd threatened anyone around to "not call the cops or I will kick your ass". This went on for several minutes, and my wife and most of the other people fled the park. No cops responded during that time, despite several police cars in the area.

And on the subway platform, a large group of kids were yelling, climbing the fences, and almost knocked a guy onto the tracks when he "looked at them the wrong way". They then tore up out of the station, challenging the "white people" to do something about it. This is right near a subway booth, but no police showed up.

NYC became livable again due to aggressive policing, which seems to have been curtailed by the present Mayor. Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NYC, we have a situation where troublemakers and criminals know they have a window of time to do their dirty work before (and recently if) the cops show up.

So policing is down, and the people are still effectively defenseless. NYC may be going to the bad old days again, the question is, will the people in the city put up with it like they did in the 70's and 80's, or will there be a quicker push back?
I have been noticing some disturbing trends myself the past year or so, mostly in Manhattan, regarding a return to issues we thought had been fixed in NYC after Guillani and Bloomberg went on a law and order bender.

The first thing was the increase of homeless people, not just out and about, but camping out with their things in high traffic areas, and being far more aggressive when panhandling. You are also seeing it on the Subways, with more homeless taking up spaces and generally stinking up cars. I know they were still around during the last two admins, but somehow any outreach coupled with forcing them into shelters has been stopped.

And just yesterday my wife had two disturbing incidents in Union Square. Two junkies started fighting, and 3rd threatened anyone around to "not call the cops or I will kick your ass". This went on for several minutes, and my wife and most of the other people fled the park. No cops responded during that time, despite several police cars in the area.

And on the subway platform, a large group of kids were yelling, climbing the fences, and almost knocked a guy onto the tracks when he "looked at them the wrong way". They then tore up out of the station, challenging the "white people" to do something about it. This is right near a subway booth, but no police showed up.

NYC became livable again due to aggressive policing, which seems to have been curtailed by the present Mayor. Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NYC, we have a situation where troublemakers and criminals know they have a window of time to do their dirty work before (and recently if) the cops show up.

So policing is down, and the people are still effectively defenseless. NYC may be going to the bad old days again, the question is, will the people in the city put up with it like they did in the 70's and 80's, or will there be a quicker push back?

Better run to saint pats cathedral and grovel to some statues , that might help
I have been noticing some disturbing trends myself the past year or so, mostly in Manhattan, regarding a return to issues we thought had been fixed in NYC after Guillani and Bloomberg went on a law and order bender.

The first thing was the increase of homeless people, not just out and about, but camping out with their things in high traffic areas, and being far more aggressive when panhandling. You are also seeing it on the Subways, with more homeless taking up spaces and generally stinking up cars. I know they were still around during the last two admins, but somehow any outreach coupled with forcing them into shelters has been stopped.

And just yesterday my wife had two disturbing incidents in Union Square. Two junkies started fighting, and 3rd threatened anyone around to "not call the cops or I will kick your ass". This went on for several minutes, and my wife and most of the other people fled the park. No cops responded during that time, despite several police cars in the area.

And on the subway platform, a large group of kids were yelling, climbing the fences, and almost knocked a guy onto the tracks when he "looked at them the wrong way". They then tore up out of the station, challenging the "white people" to do something about it. This is right near a subway booth, but no police showed up.

NYC became livable again due to aggressive policing, which seems to have been curtailed by the present Mayor. Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NYC, we have a situation where troublemakers and criminals know they have a window of time to do their dirty work before (and recently if) the cops show up.

So policing is down, and the people are still effectively defenseless. NYC may be going to the bad old days again, the question is, will the people in the city put up with it like they did in the 70's and 80's, or will there be a quicker push back?

Better run to saint pats cathedral and grovel to some statues , that might help

Nice useless troll post.
Get used to it. The people of the City will put up with it. If they refuse to welcome the new lawlessness, will be called racist.
This was all 100% predictable when the voters of New York elected the current Leftist. He vowed to end Stop & Frisk, and to bring the police "under control." After a few more years the people will get tired of this and hopefully a competent Republican will run. Unlike Californians, New Yorkers are goofy, but redeemable.
Get used to it. The people of the City will put up with it. If they refuse to welcome the new lawlessness, will be called racist.

Not so sure people will put up with it much more. the current NYC is based on the concept of being able to go out and about without being afraid for your life. If that isn't the case, the gentry will revolt.
This was all 100% predictable when the voters of New York elected the current Leftist. He vowed to end Stop & Frisk, and to bring the police "under control." After a few more years the people will get tired of this and hopefully a competent Republican will run. Unlike Californians, New Yorkers are goofy, but redeemable.

I just don't know of a republican on independent that could take him on.
I have been noticing some disturbing trends myself the past year or so, mostly in Manhattan, regarding a return to issues we thought had been fixed in NYC after Guillani and Bloomberg went on a law and order bender.

The first thing was the increase of homeless people, not just out and about, but camping out with their things in high traffic areas, and being far more aggressive when panhandling. You are also seeing it on the Subways, with more homeless taking up spaces and generally stinking up cars. I know they were still around during the last two admins, but somehow any outreach coupled with forcing them into shelters has been stopped.

And just yesterday my wife had two disturbing incidents in Union Square. Two junkies started fighting, and 3rd threatened anyone around to "not call the cops or I will kick your ass". This went on for several minutes, and my wife and most of the other people fled the park. No cops responded during that time, despite several police cars in the area.

And on the subway platform, a large group of kids were yelling, climbing the fences, and almost knocked a guy onto the tracks when he "looked at them the wrong way". They then tore up out of the station, challenging the "white people" to do something about it. This is right near a subway booth, but no police showed up.

NYC became livable again due to aggressive policing, which seems to have been curtailed by the present Mayor. Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NYC, we have a situation where troublemakers and criminals know they have a window of time to do their dirty work before (and recently if) the cops show up.

So policing is down, and the people are still effectively defenseless. NYC may be going to the bad old days again, the question is, will the people in the city put up with it like they did in the 70's and 80's, or will there be a quicker push back?

Better run to saint pats cathedral and grovel to some statues , that might help

(where's that damn 'stupid' button?)
NYC was a cesspool prior to Rudy. I really disliked going there on business trips which I had to do 6-8 times a year. But it was really amazing how much better things got once Rudy and Co. got tough with the sleezeballs spoiling the place. Now though with that lefty idiot deBozo in City Hall things are regressing alarmingly. It's a shame.
Might want to buy some Mace and take a couple self defense classes don't ya think? Maybe a discrete fold up knife. 4 inch and under.

Or get a new mayor.

When I lived in NY and was in the Bronx quite a lot, when you saw someone walking in the late evening, seemed like a ball bat was the preferred "walking stick".
Get used to it. The people of the City will put up with it. If they refuse to welcome the new lawlessness, will be called racist.

Not so sure people will put up with it much more. the current NYC is based on the concept of being able to go out and about without being afraid for your life. If that isn't the case, the gentry will revolt.

The democratic stronghold before wasn't broken until the mayor at the time let rioting blacks kill jews in the streets.

Until it reaches that point again, you are stuck.

AND maybe not even then. That is what demographic change is all about. People voting Identity Politics so that Democrats are not held responsible for the results of their policies.
Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NY

That's odd. I just googled both knives and mace for NYC and multiple sources said it is legal within limits. Knives under 4" and mace is allowed.

What's the problem with those as self defense tools?
Get used to it. The people of the City will put up with it. If they refuse to welcome the new lawlessness, will be called racist.

Not so sure people will put up with it much more. the current NYC is based on the concept of being able to go out and about without being afraid for your life. If that isn't the case, the gentry will revolt.

The democratic stronghold before wasn't broken until the mayor at the time let rioting blacks kill jews in the streets.

Until it reaches that point again, you are stuck.

AND maybe not even then. That is what demographic change is all about. People voting Identity Politics so that Democrats are not held responsible for the results of their policies.

I have been noticing some disturbing trends myself the past year or so, mostly in Manhattan, regarding a return to issues we thought had been fixed in NYC after Guillani and Bloomberg went on a law and order bender.

The first thing was the increase of homeless people, not just out and about, but camping out with their things in high traffic areas, and being far more aggressive when panhandling. You are also seeing it on the Subways, with more homeless taking up spaces and generally stinking up cars. I know they were still around during the last two admins, but somehow any outreach coupled with forcing them into shelters has been stopped.

And just yesterday my wife had two disturbing incidents in Union Square. Two junkies started fighting, and 3rd threatened anyone around to "not call the cops or I will kick your ass". This went on for several minutes, and my wife and most of the other people fled the park. No cops responded during that time, despite several police cars in the area.

And on the subway platform, a large group of kids were yelling, climbing the fences, and almost knocked a guy onto the tracks when he "looked at them the wrong way". They then tore up out of the station, challenging the "white people" to do something about it. This is right near a subway booth, but no police showed up.

NYC became livable again due to aggressive policing, which seems to have been curtailed by the present Mayor. Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NYC, we have a situation where troublemakers and criminals know they have a window of time to do their dirty work before (and recently if) the cops show up.

So policing is down, and the people are still effectively defenseless. NYC may be going to the bad old days again, the question is, will the people in the city put up with it like they did in the 70's and 80's, or will there be a quicker push back?

Keep voting Dim.

That should fix things.
Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NY

That's odd. I just googled both knives and mace for NYC and multiple sources said it is legal within limits. Knives under 4" and mace is allowed.

What's the problem with those as self defense tools?

It may be legal to carry on the street, but look up the rules in the subway system. Also as a park, Union Square may have additional restrictions. And if I used mace in a subway car or platform, I would probably be prosecuted for hitting the other people.

The point is, the old compact was the NYPD cracked down, and we accepted walking about unarmed. That compact is now being broken.
I have been noticing some disturbing trends myself the past year or so, mostly in Manhattan, regarding a return to issues we thought had been fixed in NYC after Guillani and Bloomberg went on a law and order bender.

The first thing was the increase of homeless people, not just out and about, but camping out with their things in high traffic areas, and being far more aggressive when panhandling. You are also seeing it on the Subways, with more homeless taking up spaces and generally stinking up cars. I know they were still around during the last two admins, but somehow any outreach coupled with forcing them into shelters has been stopped.

And just yesterday my wife had two disturbing incidents in Union Square. Two junkies started fighting, and 3rd threatened anyone around to "not call the cops or I will kick your ass". This went on for several minutes, and my wife and most of the other people fled the park. No cops responded during that time, despite several police cars in the area.

And on the subway platform, a large group of kids were yelling, climbing the fences, and almost knocked a guy onto the tracks when he "looked at them the wrong way". They then tore up out of the station, challenging the "white people" to do something about it. This is right near a subway booth, but no police showed up.

NYC became livable again due to aggressive policing, which seems to have been curtailed by the present Mayor. Couple this with almost all forms of self defense being illegal or very hard to acquire legally in NYC, we have a situation where troublemakers and criminals know they have a window of time to do their dirty work before (and recently if) the cops show up.

So policing is down, and the people are still effectively defenseless. NYC may be going to the bad old days again, the question is, will the people in the city put up with it like they did in the 70's and 80's, or will there be a quicker push back?

Keep voting Dim.

That should fix things.

Haven't voted Dem in a City Mayoral election yet. The problem is too many groups vote it by default, and only switch sides when hell is a) about to break loose or b) the person that put the hell back in the bottle is up for re-election.
Get used to it. The people of the City will put up with it. If they refuse to welcome the new lawlessness, will be called racist.

Not so sure people will put up with it much more. the current NYC is based on the concept of being able to go out and about without being afraid for your life. If that isn't the case, the gentry will revolt.

The democratic stronghold before wasn't broken until the mayor at the time let rioting blacks kill jews in the streets.

Until it reaches that point again, you are stuck.

AND maybe not even then. That is what demographic change is all about. People voting Identity Politics so that Democrats are not held responsible for the results of their policies.
Times have changed. Blacks killing Jews would be quite acceptable today.
Oh yeah....New Jack City is coming back. It's inevitable.

This is what you people get when you vote Democrat.

And....it appears a majority of the country is dumb enough to vote Hillary and we'll see the surging violence in our cities keep going up up up up.....for years to come.

Lock and load....and buy a home in the country.
Get used to it. The people of the City will put up with it. If they refuse to welcome the new lawlessness, will be called racist.

Not so sure people will put up with it much more. the current NYC is based on the concept of being able to go out and about without being afraid for your life. If that isn't the case, the gentry will revolt.

The democratic stronghold before wasn't broken until the mayor at the time let rioting blacks kill jews in the streets.

Until it reaches that point again, you are stuck.

AND maybe not even then. That is what demographic change is all about. People voting Identity Politics so that Democrats are not held responsible for the results of their policies.
Times have changed. Blacks killing Jews would be quite acceptable today.

Probably not in NYC, and sadly it depends on which Jewish Sect is targeted. If there is a wave of violence against the Hasidim, they will react back, and react back hard.

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