Every Non Voting Machine Ballot Collected Should Require In Person Voter Identification


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Every Non Voting Machine Ballot Collected Should Require In Person Voter Identification "

* Contact Your Congressional Leaders And Mandate The Voting Policy *

If non voting machine ballots are to be accepted for purposes of convenience , every non voting machine ballot collected should be submitted in person at authorized collection locations where voter identification and eligibility are verified before representatives of competing parties , just as when voting in person on election day .

Anonymously dropping a ballot into a mailbox subjects the voting system to fraud and , legitimately , to voter skepticism that must stop .

A recount is largely pointless without an audit to determine whether the ballots were legally submitted ; and after ballots have been accepted into the system , post auditing does not occur , and to mitigate the disparity requires in person voter identification before a ballot is accepted .
" Get Off Your Lazy Ass And Prove You Are Who You Are In Person "

* Stop Making Excuses For Policies That Need To Change *

That's what canvassing and certification are for. Mail in voting has been carried on by several states for years. The military has been using it for decades. All without incident.Familiarize yourself.
That which was does not make a flying fuck worth of difference compared to what should be to avoid ballot harvesting .

That the total number of votes is within the total number of registered voters is being used as a justification to dismiss fraud , which is idiotic at best .

Without in person verification , there is not a way to certify that the number of ballots submitted equals the number of voters who submitted the ballots .
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" Get Off Your Lazy Ass And Prove You Are Who You Are In Person "

* Stop Making Excuses For Policies That Need To Change *

That's what canvassing and certification are for. Mail in voting has been carried on by several states for years. The military has been using it for decades. All without incident.Familiarize yourself.
That which was does not make a flying fuck worth of difference compared to what should be to avoid ballot harvesting .

That the total number of votes is within the total number of registered voters is being used as a justification to dismiss fraud , which is idiotic at best .

Without in person verification , there is not a way to certify that the number of ballots submitted equals the number of voters who submitted the ballots .

"Stop crying and bitching because you supported a worthless sack who was a great disappointment as President. Support someone worthy..and maybe you might win".
Because it's just sour grapes.
" Left Wing Hacks "

* Traitors To Valid Election Protocols *

"Stop crying and bitching because you supported a worthless sack who was a great disappointment as President. Support someone worthy..and maybe you might win".Because it's just sour grapes.
Stop acting like a fucking criminal .

The trump may have had personality issues but his policies were good for americans .

The demon rats continue to blame their losses on everything but the stupidity of their policies .
" Get Off Your Lazy Ass And Prove You Are Who You Are In Person "

* Stop Making Excuses For Policies That Need To Change *

That's what canvassing and certification are for. Mail in voting has been carried on by several states for years. The military has been using it for decades. All without incident.Familiarize yourself.
That which was does not make a flying fuck worth of difference compared to what should be to avoid ballot harvesting .

That the total number of votes is within the total number of registered voters is being used as a justification to dismiss fraud , which is idiotic at best .

Without in person verification , there is not a way to certify that the number of ballots submitted equals the number of voters who submitted the ballots .

"Stop crying and bitching because you supported a worthless sack who was a great disappointment as President. Support someone worthy..and maybe you might win".
Because it's just sour grapes.
Trump has been an excellent president.

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