Ever notice about Democrats and Obamacare....

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.
All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

If you get your insurance through your employer (as most do in this country), you pay no tax.

There's a lot to like about the Affordable Care Act.
All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

The Left hopes to foster dependency by cherry picking things out of it
Unfortunately , there is a lot more to dislike than like about Papa Obama Care.
Which is why Papa Obama distances himself from it and the left
gets upset when you associated his name with it

Since the taxpayer has NO option and has to buy or pay the gov't
It is a tax- can they choose to not pay - no

Actually one of the largest recessive tax increases in history
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All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

We mention a lot! You want to talk about the tax credits? Or the help for small businesses? Or the exchanges? Or the expanded Medicare options? Or the plugging of the hole in Part D?

Do you want to talk about the savings from Medicare? Something every conservative has been asking for.

Just because you don't want to talk about it doesn't mean we aren't.
All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

Control for Gubmint is paramount. Liberty takes a hit...many will die at the whim of bureaucrats.
All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

Because those are the 2 Goodies, that sound wonderful. Problem is they are attached to an Unworkable POS bill that is going to Lower the Quality of Care, Cost the Middle Class money that they can not afford, and will not Lower the Cost of Care.

Republicans should wise up and start talking about those 2 things all the time as well, as the only 2 things they will save out of the ACA when they Repeal it.
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All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

Because those are the 2 Goodies, that sound wonderful. Problem is they are attached to an Unworkable POS bill that is going to Lower the Quality of Care, Cost the Middle Class money that can not afford, and will not Lower the Cost of Care.

Republicans should wise up and start talking about those 2 things all the time as well, as the only 2 things they will save out of the ACA when they Repeal it.

You may get your wish:

The Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling - Roberts' Rules of Order - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/28/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

The Governor said he would keep the PEC acceptance plank. He hasn't come around on the 26 y/o plank yet but, you know the Governor; whatever sounds good to you will sound good to him (just make sure you're the last one to talk to him before he signs the bill).
All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

We mention a lot! You want to talk about the tax credits?
The President and Democrats do not want to focus on this, because the Credits are not enough to make the Insurance Affordable to people who can't afford it now, and will Run up the Deficit.

Or the help for small businesses?
What help for Small Business? Again the Credits to Spur Small Business to hire are not enough to be effective, and will run up the Debt. The Negative effects on Small Business far out weigh the Positive in the ACA. Hiring is hurting because of the ACA and it's not even fully in effect yet.

Or the exchanges?
Again going to be very Costly, to our Budget

Or the expanded Medicare options?
The Expanded Medicare Options, which were a Big part of how Obama told us this would help, were just ruled Optional to the States. Considering the Bill only helps them Fund it for a couple of years and then asks them to come up with the money themselves I would not celebrate this.
All they ever talk about is pre-existing conditions and kids on mom and pops insurance?

The bill is thousands of pages long and that seems to be all they think is in it. No mention of all the taxes or other provisions. Like a child in a bank always notices the free candy dish and nothing else.

Taxes in the bill help pay for the costs of implementing. It was part of being a fully funded bill. You are not supposed to pass legislation without a way to pay for it
In addition to pre-existing conditions and allowing children up to 26 to stay on their parents plans, Obamacare also ends lifetime caps on coverage and starts healthcare exchanges to hold down costs

What have Republicans done other than let them die?
Kool aid drinker

CBO: ObamaCare Price Tag Shifts from $940 Billion to $1.76 Trillion

President Obama's landmark healthcare overhaul is projected to cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, reports the Congressional Budget Office, a hefty sum more than the $940 billion estimated when the healthcare legislation was signed into law. To put it mildly, ObamaCare's projected net worth is far off from its original estimate -- in fact, about $820 billion off.

This is before the SCOTUS ruled states don't have to join the medicaid portion

Considering the Left's estimates on budget prorgrams before
No one really believes that Papa Obama Care is going to "cost" nothing
Again, don't trust the Left on taxes and
never trust the Left on spending estimates of gov't programs

Spending Program
Medicare Part A
What politicians said it would cost- $9 billion a year by 1990
What it actually cost- $67 billion a year

Entire Medicare Program
What politicians said it would cost- $12 billion a year by 1990
What it actually cost- $110 billion a year

Medicare relief to states for hospitals
What politicians said it would cost- $1 billion a year in 1992
What it actually cost- $17 billion a year

But hey
no need to worry

Considering the premium/penalty are now a tax,
the mandate becomes the largest regressive tax increase in U.S. history.
With costs likely to go up beyond estimates
this is a bad bill

But hey, we are paying taxes now
so what is a little more
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In addition to pre-existing conditions and allowing children up to 26 to stay on their parents plans, Obamacare also ends lifetime caps on coverage and starts healthcare exchanges to hold down costs

What have Republicans done other than let them die?

Republicans aren't supposed to do anything but sit in the back of the bus. Didn't you get the Whitehouse memo?
In addition to pre-existing conditions and allowing children up to 26 to stay on their parents plans, Obamacare also ends lifetime caps on coverage and starts healthcare exchanges to hold down costs

What have Republicans done other than let them die?

Republicans aren't supposed to do anything but sit in the back of the bus. Didn't you get the Whitehouse memo?

Wait around long enough and you'll get a post like this from Grumps...
A post like what? I, like everyone else watched Obama scold the GOP during the healthcare debates on live tv. He specifically said "I won and the election is over"
Essentially saying stfu and deal with what "I" do.

Well if we win in November it will be him that can stfu and deal with repeal.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXudI0ibo-k&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Obama to McCain: 'The Election's Over' - YouTube[/ame]

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