Even Hilary cant name one achievement she made as Secretary of state.

Which Secretaries of State can?

Well, any that ran for president had to cite some....or they would be dead in the water.

Okay, so you tell us. What exactly, and specifically do Secretaries of State do that result in listed accomplishments?

Give us the examples of the craft.

  • Serves as the President's principal adviser on U.S. foreign policy;
  • Conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs;
  • Grants and issues passports to American citizens and exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United States;
  • Advises the President on the appointment of U.S. ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and other diplomatic representatives;
  • Advises the President regarding the acceptance, recall, and dismissal of the representatives of foreign governments;
  • Personally participates in or directs U.S. representatives to international conferences, organizations, and agencies;
  • Negotiates, interprets, and terminates treaties and agreements;
  • Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries;
  • Supervises the administration of U.S. immigration laws abroad;
  • Provides information to American citizens regarding the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian conditions in foreign countries;
  • Informs the Congress and American citizens on the conduct of U.S. foreign relations;
  • Promotes beneficial economic intercourse between the United States and other countries;
  • Administers the Department of State;
  • Supervises the Foreign Service of the United States.
I just listened to an interview of Hillary Clinton. She said her biggest achievement as Secretary of State was returning our standing on the world stage. She said we were "flat on our back", reputation wise, after the war in Iraq and the economic crash and the shameful things we had done while prosecuting the War on Terra™. She claimed her efforts had gone a long way toward restoring our reputation.

So the claim that Hillary can't name an achievement is wrong. She has at least one she names.
Clinton also indicated how she will handle the Benghazi tragedy. She compared the day of the attack to knowing how George Shultz must have felt the day of the Beirut barracks bombing and how Madeline Albright felt the day of the embassy bombings in Tanzania.

She then made a sideswipe at Reagan by saying she did not believe in cutting and running from Libya because of the attack on the consulate there.
Did you all watch her interview.. She cant even name one of her achievements as secretary of state ..

What achievements does Chris Christy have? He's a bully dictator that people in New Jersey like. Big fucking deal. Bobby Jindal? Jeb Bush? Lets not forget how his brother played favoritism when Jeb had a hurricane, the national guard, food, water and millions in aid came rushing in.

What accomplishments does Paul Ryan have beyond slashing programs that help the middle class and poor? You broke ass republicans keep voting for the rich instead of the people. So you get what you deserve. Want more of the pie? Vote Democratic.

Even the Democrats have been taken over by the corporations. Know how to take the party back? Lets start our own tea party. But we can't get enough of you poor and middle class Republicans to wake the fuck up. Stop letting them divide us on wedge issues like god, gays and guns. When the American Middle class isn't being pitted against third world labor anymore, then we'll be strong again. Vote for politicians who want to strenghten ss and medicare, not cut them. Oh is that socialism? Go fuck yourselves you retarded bastards. America will always and should always have some socialism. Post office, schools, police, government employees. We'll never be libertards. Stop wishing for it. The less regulation middle class dopes voting for Ron Paul and Paul Ryan need to wake the fuck up. If Bush didn't fuck up Clinton's surplus and launch two wars and cut the taxes for the rich and corporations, maybe the debt wouldn't be so fucking bad.

Oh yea, and the Michigan GOP is deciding should they raise our sales tax or a gas tax to pay for the roads. Congrats you dumb fucking middle class voters who voted for Snyder and gave control of both houses to the GOP. They cut taxes for corporations like Whirlpool and now they say we're broke. No shit.

Let me give you one small example of why they won't leave Michigan if we tax them appropriately. Michigan allows much heavier truck on our roads. So manufacturing stays here because every other state would charge them more, why? Because it is those heavy loads tearing up our roads.

Any poor or middle class American wants to wake up and realize their government is not the enemy, read this: Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Our enemy, or should I say our opponent, because they are not our enemy, but our opponent is corporations. Government should be the referee, unfortunately they are in bed with lobbyists. Then Citizens United.

Another great read Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
I just listened to an interview of Hillary Clinton. She said her biggest achievement as Secretary of State was returning our standing on the world stage. She said we were "flat on our back", reputation wise, after the war in Iraq and the economic crash and the shameful things we had done while prosecuting the War on Terra™. She claimed her efforts had gone a long way toward restoring our reputation.

So the claim that Hillary can't name an achievement is wrong. She has at least one she names.

I heard that one.......she named what she hoped to accomplish.

Unfortunately she failed miserably.

Not only didn't she improve our standing in the world, she undeniably made it much worse. Perhaps she was just carrying out Obama policies, but that is her only excuse. She didn't distiguish herself. The media doesn't ask foreigners their opinions on Obama anymore because they keep hearing the wrong responses.
Clinton also indicated how she will handle the Benghazi tragedy. She compared the day of the attack to knowing how George Shultz must have felt the day of the Beirut barracks bombing and how Madeline Albright felt the day of the embassy bombings in Tanzania.

She then made a sideswipe at Reagan by saying she did not believe in cutting and running from Libya because of the attack on the consulate there.

Several differences.

Carter put them there. Reagan did not.

Obama put them there. He paid a price for lax security. Hillary said she was in charge but not in charge of security. Dodge.

Hillary says now what she would do. Too fucken late bitch. You screwed up so do-overs are basically irrelevant.
Okay, so you tell us. What exactly, and specifically do Secretaries of State do that result in listed accomplishments?

Give us the examples of the craft.
Well Henry Kissinger negotiated an end to the Vietnam War.
Dean Acheson formulated America's response to the Cold War
Generally secretaries give advice and carry out policy of the president. But let's ask: Is America more respected or less respected after she left the post?

We lost the Vietnam War; read a history book.

You're an ignorant boob. Go read about teh Paris Peace Talks sometime and leave everyone here alone.
I just listened to an interview of Hillary Clinton. She said her biggest achievement as Secretary of State was returning our standing on the world stage. She said we were "flat on our back", reputation wise, after the war in Iraq and the economic crash and the shameful things we had done while prosecuting the War on Terra™. She claimed her efforts had gone a long way toward restoring our reputation.

So the claim that Hillary can't name an achievement is wrong. She has at least one she names.

I heard that one.......she named what she hoped to accomplish.

Unfortunately she failed miserably.

Not only didn't she improve our standing in the world, she undeniably made it much worse. Perhaps she was just carrying out Obama policies, but that is her only excuse. She didn't distiguish herself. The media doesn't ask foreigners their opinions on Obama anymore because they keep hearing the wrong responses.

She is simply making shit up. That's what this administration does. They give a version of events that simply didnt happen and reflect wishful thinking if not psychosis.
The Right has not kept their powder dry. In their fear they prematurely attacked Clinton way, way, way too early. She's been provided plenty of time to come up with counters to all of those attacks now.

The only tools the Right will have left in 2016 are bullshit smears. "Her husband did this, her husband did that." Bill isn't running, kids.

You would think the Right would have figured out after 2008 and 2012 that shit just doesn't work any more.

I strongly suggest the Right do what they should have been doing all along, and that is formulate policies. Superior policies. And grow a spine and a brain.

Clinton is going to be laying plans on the table, and she has the balls to defend those plans. If all the Right has to counter her with is, "SHE'S A WHORE!", then they are going down in flames. Again.

Stop bashing gays and blacks and Mexicans and Muslims and start figuring out a way to get the economy going and create jobs and fix our education system and reform healthcare and balance the budget and save Social Security and make America a shining city on a hill. Take out the trash. Inform the bigots and retards we have no place for them any more.
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The Right has not kept their powder dry. In their fear they prematurely attacked Clinton way, way, way too early. She's been provided plenty of time to come up with counters to all of those attacks now.

The only tools the Right will have left in 2016 are bullshit smears. "Her husband did this, her husband did that." Bill isn't running, kids.

You would think the Right would have figured out after 2008 and 2012 that shit just doesn't work any more.

I strongly suggest the Right do what they should have been doing all along, and that is formulate policies. Superior policies. And grow a spine and a brain.

Clinton is going to be laying plans on the table, and she has the balls to defend those plans. If all the Right has to counter her with is, "SHE'S A WHORE!", then they are going down in flames. Again.

Obama took the early lead in smearing Romney. And it worked.
The rest of your post is bullshit too. Hillary offers nothing.
The Right has not kept their powder dry. In their fear they prematurely attacked Clinton way, way, way too early. She's been provided plenty of time to come up with counters to all of those attacks now.

The only tools the Right will have left in 2016 are bullshit smears. "Her husband did this, her husband did that." Bill isn't running, kids.

You would think the Right would have figured out after 2008 and 2012 that shit just doesn't work any more.

I strongly suggest the Right do what they should have been doing all along, and that is formulate policies. Superior policies. And grow a spine and a brain.

Clinton is going to be laying plans on the table, and she has the balls to defend those plans. If all the Right has to counter her with is, "SHE'S A WHORE!", then they are going down in flames. Again.

Obama took the early lead in smearing Romney. And it worked.
The rest of your post is bullshit too. Hillary offers nothing.

Keep being stupid enough to believe that and the GOP will lose. Again.

Clinton is smart. And clever. If her opposition acts like the usual jackals, she will win.

And the one who took the lead in smearing Romney was Gingrich. He sounded like a marxist in his attacks on Romney.
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The Right has not kept their powder dry. In their fear they prematurely attacked Clinton way, way, way too early. She's been provided plenty of time to come up with counters to all of those attacks now.

The only tools the Right will have left in 2016 are bullshit smears. "Her husband did this, her husband did that." Bill isn't running, kids.

You would think the Right would have figured out after 2008 and 2012 that shit just doesn't work any more.

I strongly suggest the Right do what they should have been doing all along, and that is formulate policies. Superior policies. And grow a spine and a brain.

Clinton is going to be laying plans on the table, and she has the balls to defend those plans. If all the Right has to counter her with is, "SHE'S A WHORE!", then they are going down in flames. Again.

Stop bashing gays and blacks and Mexicans and Muslims and start figuring out a way to get the economy going and create jobs and fix our education system and reform healthcare and balance the budget and save Social Security and make America a shining city on a hill. Take out the trash. Inform the bigots and retards we have no place for them any more.

Hillary's plan is already in action.

The gay thing and the black /Mexican vs is all typical class-warfare.

Hillary's plan is use the media to prop her up and provide cover for her bad policies. Nothing else.
The Right has not kept their powder dry. In their fear they prematurely attacked Clinton way, way, way too early. She's been provided plenty of time to come up with counters to all of those attacks now.

The only tools the Right will have left in 2016 are bullshit smears. "Her husband did this, her husband did that." Bill isn't running, kids.

You would think the Right would have figured out after 2008 and 2012 that shit just doesn't work any more.

I strongly suggest the Right do what they should have been doing all along, and that is formulate policies. Superior policies. And grow a spine and a brain.

Clinton is going to be laying plans on the table, and she has the balls to defend those plans. If all the Right has to counter her with is, "SHE'S A WHORE!", then they are going down in flames. Again.

Obama took the early lead in smearing Romney. And it worked.
The rest of your post is bullshit too. Hillary offers nothing.

Keep being stupid enough to believe that and the GOP will lose. Again.

Clinton is smart. And clever. If her opposition acts like the usual jackals, she will win.

And the one who took the lead in smearing Romney was Gingrich. He sounded like a marxist in his attacks on Romney.
Translation: I've got nothing.
Great, now get lost.
Hillary is irrelevant. She is not on the ballot in 2014.

GOP number 1 goal - win back the Senate. Period. Focus on Obama's "post congressional" presidency. He believes he is a King. We need to remind him his is not.

As for 2016 ....Hillary will be destroyed by the first far left wingnut that promises more "redistribution" and "retribution" against the evil 1% and corporations. Just like 2008, her own party will defeat her. Leftists don't like Hillary- they want a a far left fringe wingnut. a true believer like Liz Warren. Hillary is too moderate for the "base".......she's a longshot.
Yeah, the musty scrunt is real smart.....

Hillary Suggests Ambassador Stevens Responsible For His Own Death In Benghazi: He Was There “Of His Own Choosing”…


Safe to say yesterday’s interview with Diane Sawyer was a disaster for Pant Suits.

Via Truth Revolt:

In an interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC News, Hillary Clinton appeared to put some of the blame on the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi on the late Ambassador himself.

Sawyer pointed out that Stevens had written about “never ending security threats” in his diary and Clinton interjected to remind Sawyer that Stevens was in Benghazi “of his own choosing.” [...]

The matter-of-fact nature in which Clinton proclaims that Stevens was there “of his own choosing” gave the appearance that she, in some way, may be assigning some of the responsibility on Stevens for being there in the first place.
Clinton also indicated how she will handle the Benghazi tragedy. She compared the day of the attack to knowing how George Shultz must have felt the day of the Beirut barracks bombing and how Madeline Albright felt the day of the embassy bombings in Tanzania.

She then made a sideswipe at Reagan by saying she did not believe in cutting and running from Libya because of the attack on the consulate there.

Several differences.

Carter put them there. Reagan did not.

Why do you feel the need to plant that little snippet of misinformation to the discussion. Carter never deployed Marines to Lebanon.

The Marines were deployed under orders from Reagan. They landed in Lebanon on 20 Aug 1982. Not only did he deploy there, he approved the orders that prevented them from carrying loaded weapons and constructing a robust system of barrier security at the barracks that would have prevented the truck bomber, even after the Embassy had been destroyed by a car bomb and military officers on the ground begged for changes in the initial orders that insisted they appear as "non-hostile" by carrying the unloaded weapons and making safe guards against vehicle suicide bombers.
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I just listened to an interview of Hillary Clinton. She said her biggest achievement as Secretary of State was returning our standing on the world stage. She said we were "flat on our back", reputation wise, after the war in Iraq and the economic crash and the shameful things we had done while prosecuting the War on Terra™. She claimed her efforts had gone a long way toward restoring our reputation.

So the claim that Hillary can't name an achievement is wrong. She has at least one she names.

I heard that one.......she named what she hoped to accomplish.

Unfortunately she failed miserably.

Not only didn't she improve our standing in the world, she undeniably made it much worse. Perhaps she was just carrying out Obama policies, but that is her only excuse. She didn't distiguish herself. The media doesn't ask foreigners their opinions on Obama anymore because they keep hearing the wrong responses.

Excuse me? Just remember the days of that John Boulton guy that Bush unleashed on the UN. So embarrassing. The rest of the world loves Obama compared to Bush.

You talking about Russia? Russia made moves on Reagan & Bush's watches. What did they do? Nothing. Reagan was a piece of shit who started the beginning of the end for the middle class. He was a B Actor and a puppet for the rich. He did a great job acting like our grandfather who cared but he was fucking us we just didn't know it yet.
She didn't bring us into any wars looking for WMDs

Does that count as an achievement?

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