Senate Candidate Alison Grimes: Boy Howdy, Did I Have Some Strong Words for Harry Rei


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I doubt this sees a lot of time in the LSM.

Just like the crisis we're facing with all the 'undocumented' children appearing on our borders and in our Cities.

Funny how that works, huh?

Anyway, dims are what dims are....

Senate Candidate Alison Grimes: Boy Howdy, Did I Have Some Strong Words for Harry Reid About His War on Coal When I Saw Him!
Ace of Spades HQ

So she says.

Grimes is running for Senate in Kentucky, a state in which coal mining is an important industry employing a lot of voters.

Her would-be constituents objected to her planning a joint fund-raiser with Alleged Pederast Harry Reid. She claimed -- vowed -- she would use that appearance to give him a Piece of Her Mind on coal.

Her campaign claims she did Just That.

Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes (Ky.) had "strong words" for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the administration's new rules limiting carbon pollution, according to her campaign.

"Alison Lundergan Grimes had strong words with Senator Reid regarding her displeasure with President Obama's new [Environmental Protection Agency] regulations and the negative impact it could have on Kentucky families," Grimes campaign manger Jonathan Hurst said in an email Monday.

The Hill reporter gushes :eek: that Grimes has "flipped the script" on Mitch McConnell by blaming himfor the anti-coal measures, claiming he should have stopped Obama's new EPA regs.

Though how he could do that in the minority (in which Grimes wishes to insure he will remain), she doesn't say.

So-- did she actually give Harry Reid a great big dose of what-for?


She, get this, is lying to trick the rubes back home.

Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign insisted last week that she’d use a high-dollar fundraiser with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as a forum to promote Kentucky’s coal industry and demand action to protect the use of fossil fuel.

That [get this] didn’t happen, according to an audio recording of the affair obtained by POLITICO through a source at the event.

Instead, when the Kentucky Democrat spoke at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill last Thursday, she stuck to a partisan script, railing against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s record on jobs, the minimum wage and women’s issues.

The one word she didn’t say during her 11-minute speech: “coal.”

“Make no mistake, the hill that we are climbing … it is steep, but I will continue to run circles in my heels around Mitch McConnell,” she told the donors, who paid as much as $2,600 a plate to attend....

It’s a notable omission for a campaign that went out of its way last week to say that she would “use the event” to raise concerns about environmental rules that are unpopular in Kentucky. After she was criticized for holding a fundraiser with Reid — whose views against coal are unpopular in her state — her campaign said the event would offer a chance to highlight opposition to newly proposed rules from the Environmental Protection Agency to dramatically cut carbon emissions.

Grimes' campaign now say she spoke to Reid "privately," but observers say that's impossible -- Reid arrived late and left before Grimes arrived. :rofl:

dimocraps is dimocraps :dunno:
I doubt this sees a lot of time in the LSM.

Just like the crisis we're facing with all the 'undocumented' children appearing on our borders and in our Cities.

Funny how that works, huh?

Anyway, dims are what dims are....

Senate Candidate Alison Grimes: Boy Howdy, Did I Have Some Strong Words for Harry Reid About His War on Coal When I Saw Him!
Ace of Spades HQ

So she says.

Grimes is running for Senate in Kentucky, a state in which coal mining is an important industry employing a lot of voters.

Her would-be constituents objected to her planning a joint fund-raiser with Alleged Pederast Harry Reid. She claimed -- vowed -- she would use that appearance to give him a Piece of Her Mind on coal.

Her campaign claims she did Just That.

Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes (Ky.) had "strong words" for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the administration's new rules limiting carbon pollution, according to her campaign.

"Alison Lundergan Grimes had strong words with Senator Reid regarding her displeasure with President Obama's new [Environmental Protection Agency] regulations and the negative impact it could have on Kentucky families," Grimes campaign manger Jonathan Hurst said in an email Monday.

The Hill reporter gushes :eek: that Grimes has "flipped the script" on Mitch McConnell by blaming himfor the anti-coal measures, claiming he should have stopped Obama's new EPA regs.

Though how he could do that in the minority (in which Grimes wishes to insure he will remain), she doesn't say.

So-- did she actually give Harry Reid a great big dose of what-for?


She, get this, is lying to trick the rubes back home.

Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign insisted last week that she’d use a high-dollar fundraiser with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as a forum to promote Kentucky’s coal industry and demand action to protect the use of fossil fuel.

That [get this] didn’t happen, according to an audio recording of the affair obtained by POLITICO through a source at the event.

Instead, when the Kentucky Democrat spoke at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill last Thursday, she stuck to a partisan script, railing against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s record on jobs, the minimum wage and women’s issues.

The one word she didn’t say during her 11-minute speech: “coal.”

“Make no mistake, the hill that we are climbing … it is steep, but I will continue to run circles in my heels around Mitch McConnell,” she told the donors, who paid as much as $2,600 a plate to attend....

It’s a notable omission for a campaign that went out of its way last week to say that she would “use the event” to raise concerns about environmental rules that are unpopular in Kentucky. After she was criticized for holding a fundraiser with Reid — whose views against coal are unpopular in her state — her campaign said the event would offer a chance to highlight opposition to newly proposed rules from the Environmental Protection Agency to dramatically cut carbon emissions.

Grimes' campaign now say she spoke to Reid "privately," but observers say that's impossible -- Reid arrived late and left before Grimes arrived. :rofl:

dimocraps is dimocraps :dunno:

The word "Democrat" means "lying thieving scumbag."
I doubt this sees a lot of time in the LSM.

Just like the crisis we're facing with all the 'undocumented' children appearing on our borders and in our Cities.

Funny how that works, huh?

Anyway, dims are what dims are....

Senate Candidate Alison Grimes: Boy Howdy, Did I Have Some Strong Words for Harry Reid About His War on Coal When I Saw Him!
Ace of Spades HQ

So she says.

Grimes is running for Senate in Kentucky, a state in which coal mining is an important industry employing a lot of voters.

Her would-be constituents objected to her planning a joint fund-raiser with Alleged Pederast Harry Reid. She claimed -- vowed -- she would use that appearance to give him a Piece of Her Mind on coal.

Her campaign claims she did Just That.

Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes (Ky.) had "strong words" for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the administration's new rules limiting carbon pollution, according to her campaign.

"Alison Lundergan Grimes had strong words with Senator Reid regarding her displeasure with President Obama's new [Environmental Protection Agency] regulations and the negative impact it could have on Kentucky families," Grimes campaign manger Jonathan Hurst said in an email Monday.

The Hill reporter gushes :eek: that Grimes has "flipped the script" on Mitch McConnell by blaming himfor the anti-coal measures, claiming he should have stopped Obama's new EPA regs.

Though how he could do that in the minority (in which Grimes wishes to insure he will remain), she doesn't say.

So-- did she actually give Harry Reid a great big dose of what-for?


She, get this, is lying to trick the rubes back home.

Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign insisted last week that she’d use a high-dollar fundraiser with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as a forum to promote Kentucky’s coal industry and demand action to protect the use of fossil fuel.

That [get this] didn’t happen, according to an audio recording of the affair obtained by POLITICO through a source at the event.

Instead, when the Kentucky Democrat spoke at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill last Thursday, she stuck to a partisan script, railing against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s record on jobs, the minimum wage and women’s issues.

The one word she didn’t say during her 11-minute speech: “coal.”

“Make no mistake, the hill that we are climbing … it is steep, but I will continue to run circles in my heels around Mitch McConnell,” she told the donors, who paid as much as $2,600 a plate to attend....

It’s a notable omission for a campaign that went out of its way last week to say that she would “use the event” to raise concerns about environmental rules that are unpopular in Kentucky. After she was criticized for holding a fundraiser with Reid — whose views against coal are unpopular in her state — her campaign said the event would offer a chance to highlight opposition to newly proposed rules from the Environmental Protection Agency to dramatically cut carbon emissions.

Grimes' campaign now say she spoke to Reid "privately," but observers say that's impossible -- Reid arrived late and left before Grimes arrived. :rofl:

dimocraps is dimocraps :dunno:
Obama has opened the door to out and out lying by representatives. They do so baldly and with no expectation they might have consequences to pay. And they're not sorry. At all.
Because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM won't call them on it.

In fact, they will out and out COVER for them.

Just like the New Yawk SLIMES did the other day on Bergdahl?

Slimes: Who would slander a fine soldier like Bergdahl and call him a deserter?

Public: His Platoon mates.

Slimes: And you believe those baby-killers?

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