Even DOJ admits Michael Brown Ferguson story was a media lie - "Snitches get stitches"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
We have the evilest media in history. All they do is lie - usually with the goal of hurting white people. They should have talked about the intimidation of witnesses who contradicted their fable of police brutality.

Witnesses to Michael Brown Shooting Feared Contradicting Hands Up Don t Shoot Narrative - Breitbart

March 4 2015
According to an 86-page report issued by the Department of Justice, six of the most credible witnesses to the shooting of Michael Brown were afraid to give testimony in support of Ferguson, MO, police officer Darren Wilson, because they knew it would undercut the “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative being advanced by their neighbors and, eventually, by the media.
Several expressed concern for their safety should they choose to contradict that narrative publicly. As one witness noted, there were signs in the neighborhood reading “snitches get stitches.”

The fear experienced by witnesses to the incident is a constant refrain in the DOJ report. Witness 102 (numbers are used to identify the witnesses rather than names) is described as a “27-year-old bi-racial male.” The report describes why witness 102 left the scene a few minutes after the shooting:

Witness 102 did not stay on Canfield Drive long after the shooting, but rather started to leave the area after about five minutes because he felt uncomfortable. According to Witness 102, crowds of people had begun to gather, wrongly claiming the police shot Brown for no reason and that he had his hands up in surrender. Two black women approached Witness 102, mobile phones set to record, asking him to recount what he had witnessed. Witness 102 responded that they would not like what he had to say. The women responded with racial slurs, calling him names like “white motherfucker.”

Witness 102 eventually presented himself to authorities because he was worried “witnesses would not come forward to tell the truth in this case because of community pressure.” The nature of that community pressure is made clear in the remainder of the report. Witness 103—a 58-year-old black male—”expressed concerns because there were signs in the neighborhood of Canfield Drive stating, “snitches get stitches.”
Wow, the black community is horrible. I can understand seeing the occasional monster who would falsely send someone to prison because he has white skin, but jesus, this shit is wide spread. What a shitty shitty culture. Black people should be embarrassed. Awful, just plain awful.
Hey... the blacks got their reason to riot, vandalize, loot, steal and destroy. It didn't have to be true. All they needed was a flimsy reason to get some free shit. Being violent because that's their nature was just frosting on the cake.
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Hey... the blacks got their reason to riot, vandalize, loot, steal and destroy. It didn't have to be true. All they needed was a flimsy reason to get some free shit. Being violent because that's their nature was just frosting on the cake.

That's it exactly. None of these looters cared about Brown. It was just an excuse to steal. But the media always calls them "protesters".
Hey... the blacks got their reason to riot, vandalize, loot, steal and destroy. It didn't have to be true. All they needed was a flimsy reason to get some free shit. Being violent because that's their nature was just frosting on the cake.

That's it exactly. None of these looters cared about Brown. It was just an excuse to steal. But the media always calls them "protesters".
Nutty luddley does.
Hey... the blacks got their reason to riot, vandalize, loot, steal and destroy. It didn't have to be true. All they needed was a flimsy reason to get some free shit. Being violent because that's their nature was just frosting on the cake.
Blacks didn't riot under Bush.

Blacks riot over Ferguson-like media set-ups because they cannot riot over being left behind by Hope and Change.
Can someone now file a lawsuit against shit color in chief and his administration along with the democrat governor for inciting riots and declaring the guilt of the WHITE cop for political expediency?

The black race is the most easily manipulated race and as a result they are a fucking disaster.

The party of the KKK plays them like 3 dollar banjos. Hollywood perpetually making ALL of them victims.

I fucking love it. Poor fucking white left wing liars. I laugh at all of you. Partly for how dumb you all are, and mostly at how smart you all think you are.
They destroyed this cops career and destroyed business all because of their bogus lies for a political agenda.
It's shameful.
They don't care at all, as long as their agenda gets done.

The PC Police continues to cause great damage.

All the posts here condemning Wilson, day after day.

They were just SO SURE, when most of us didn't know.

Tough shit. They destroyed a white cop, though, so they have a consolation prize.


They didnt destroy him. His career yes.

But he'll settle a dozen slander lawsuits against the media and NAACP. Those orgs dont want the embarrassment of losing in court...and he just wants cash. So they'll quietly settle before even officially filing a suit.

He'll quietly get about 4-5 million to retire on. Change his name. Grow a beard. He'll be someones wealthy neighbor "William McMahon" or some other name....and live happily ever after.

Ferguson. ..meanwhile...will see the cops do a complete stand down and become an even worse shit hole than before.

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