Even After Maricopa Official Testified Machine Settings Were Tampered With on Election Day, Judge Finds No Evidence of Fraud, Dismisses Kari Lake Case


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

"Apparently Judge Thompson did not find the following to be “clear and convincing evidence of misconduct“:

  • Violation of state law under the Elections Procedures Manual (EPM) was to have “Contingency Plans” if waits to vote went “significantly” over “30 minutes.” In this election those waits were almost exclusively in Republican-leaning precinct, showing not just incompetence but clear and undeniable intent to disenfranchise one class of voters.
  • Active interference in normal election processes aimed at changing the results, according to a Maricopa County official’s testimony at trial that the ballot printer settings which made the tabulators reject ballots were changed on election day, after test runs of all the equipment were fine the night before."

Judge Peter Thompson
The killer is that even if you are not sure this proves INTENT, what could it hurt to err on the side of caution and redo the election?

The very worst that could happen is that you'd prove there was indeed no intent to defraud when everyone came in and re-voted the same as they did the first time and you got a similar outcome!
The killer is that even if you are not sure this proves INTENT, what could it hurt to err on the side of caution and redo the election?

The very worst that could happen is that you'd prove there was indeed no intent to defraud when everyone came in and re-voted the same as they did the first time and you got a similar outcome!

So how does one prove 'intent'? Unless someone confesses they will just keep doing this over and over saying, yeah, we made a mess of the election and everyone knows it, but there was no intent. Rubbish.
The killer is that even if you are not sure this proves INTENT, what could it hurt to err on the side of caution and redo the election?

The very worst that could happen is that you'd prove there was indeed no intent to defraud when everyone came in and re-voted the same as they did the first time and you got a similar outcome!
If the election had gone the other way, would you have entertained this sort of suggestion? No need to answer.
So how does one prove 'intent'? Unless someone confesses they will just keep doing this over and over saying, yeah, we made a mess of the election and everyone knows it, but there was no intent. Rubbish.
Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
The votes were eventually counted.
Their state LAW requires an unbroken, verifiable CHAIN OF CUSTODY. The ballots from each polling station were to be tallied before being physically moved to a central location. That NEVER HAPPENED. As a result, any number of faked, forged, false ballots could have been added prior to the official count. The most important part of this is the fact that we all KNOW, your party would be gathering in the feckin' streets screaming and burning shit if it cost YOU an election. Looks like plans need to be made for 2024 to be ready on the Right to do the same thing.
If the election had gone the other way, would you have entertained this sort of suggestion? No need to answer.
Perhaps... but since it ALWAYS benefits the Left, you don't have a case to argue. Just don't be too shocked it those on the Right don't start doing the same shit in '24 including massing in the streets and fighting.
So how does one prove 'intent'?
Ask the J6 committee. They've spent two years and unlimited federal dollars with a broad team of people just trying to prove the intent of one person, Trump, not the intent of every election worker at every voting station in Mariposa County! Proving intent is next to impossible, either through circumstantial evidence which the judge is already dismissing, or if you literally have a letter between the parties saying they intend to do it! So, from the very beginning, this judge set safe limits (for himself), then set up a list of conditions which would be virtually impossible for Lake to meet, perhaps even with far greater time, so that he could say he gave her her day in court (literally) and SHE failed (and his butt isn't in the ringer with anyone).

Unless someone confesses they will just keep doing this over and over
And no one is going to confess, so our broken and highly flawed system is flawed and broken because the powers that be WANT it flawed and broken, because, if they REALLY wanted honest and fair elections, they would arduously pursue claims of fraud as a crime, and prosecute heavily for the smallest infraction to get and KEEP them honest.
So how does one prove 'intent'? Unless someone confesses they will just keep doing this over and over saying, yeah, we made a mess of the election and everyone knows it, but there was no intent. Rubbish.
This "judge" demanded the impossible and everyone knew he would. This so called trial was just for show and talking points. Until these people learn to fear the consequences, nothing will change. If I was a resident of AZ, I'd tell the local and state government to GF Themselves.
Dismiss Kari at your peril!

You'll only find that you don't have a country anymore.

Kari is going to win back her stolen election and will go on to be Trump's all-american queen.

Anybody can see that she's as American as apple pie and AR-15 assault weapons.
This "judge" demanded the impossible and everyone knew he would. This so called trial was just for show and talking points. Until these people learn to fear the consequences, nothing will change. If I was a resident of AZ, I'd tell the local and state government to GF Themselves.
Asking for evidence of wide spread voter fraud is demanding the impossible. Cause there is not any.
Perhaps... but since it ALWAYS benefits the Left, you don't have a case to argue. Just don't be too shocked it those on the Right don't start doing the same shit in '24 including massing in the streets and fighting.
Like 1/6? People going to jail isn't enough to tell you that's not the way to go?
And no one is going to confess, so our broken and highly flawed system is flawed and broken because the powers that be WANT it flawed and broken, because, if they REALLY wanted honest and fair elections, they would arduously pursue claims of fraud as a crime, and prosecute heavily for the smallest infraction to get and KEEP them honest.
The only part of that making sense is the part about your broken and highly flawed system.

The right in America don't want fair elections, they want the dysfunctional babbling of a sociopathic narcissist.

And they want to take their guns to the streets, but the narcissist won't lead AGAIN!

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