Kari Lake Expert Witness Who Certifies Maricopa Machines Says Tabulator Mishaps Deliberate, No “Possibility of Human Error.”


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Major all on the same page "nothing to see here move along," but the actual story is quite riveting. If you are running a script to change ballot printer configuration it's just a couple of keystrokes boom boom and you're done.

"Recall that on election day in Arizona 30% to nearly 60% of tabulation machines suddenly had problems, almost exclusively in Republican-heavy precincts. Maricopa County attorneys said in the trial that even if the machines had broken down, voters could go to another voting center to vote. But a judge on that day refused to extend the time for voting.

The defense attorney’s argument implied that voters have no other responsibilities than to find a place where the lines are shorter to vote, such as going to work or picking up children at daycare.

Now it turns out that the reason the tabulators were rejecting ballots was that 19-inch ballot images were being printed on 20-inch paper, which expert for the plaintiff (Lake) said required admin authority and could not be accidental.

Gateway Pundit’s reporter present at the trial writes:

Attorney Kevin Olsen asked [Witness Clay Parikh]: “Can this be done by accident. Parikh responded “No Sir. I reviewed the evidence and the printers are configured by script. This takes away any possibility of human error.”

A script is a short program which makes it easy to configure the settings on many machines at once.

The Arizona Elections Procedures Manual (EPM) requires “Contingency Plans” to be put inot motion if lines to vote go “significantly” over “30 minutes.” Penalty is a class 6 felony.

Contingency plans “must include”:

–A transfer plan for poll workers to move from a less busy location or from a reserve staging area;

–A plan to open alternate voting locations (including a plan to educate voters about the new location);

–A plan to add additional e-pollbooks (if used in the county);

— A plan to add voting/secrecy booths; and

–A plan to add accessible voting equipment.”
I don't claim to know what the result is going to be here. If there was fraud, we need to know.

However, the following also happened during the testimony, and the "report" conveniently left it out. And this is the problem with winger media: They give their audience only one side of the story (even if it may be entirely factual), and the audience is too intellectually lazy to get the rest:

A witness called by Lake to serve as a cybersecurity expert, Clay Parikh, got into a testy exchange with Maricopa County’s attorney, Tom Liddy, as Parikh was questioned on the first claim.

Kari Lake's cyber expert, Clay Parikh, became angry in court when he was pressed to admit that ballots would eventually be counted even if they were printed at the wrong size.

Parikh has previously spoken at a Mike Lindell event. pic.twitter.com/3jQY1GZLjU
— David Edwards (@DavidEdwards) December 21, 2022

Parikh ― who has spoken at election denial events organized by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, an election conspiracy theorist ― said he had viewed ballots that were printed in the wrong size and believes there’s no way the printer settings could have been changed by accident.

The county has acknowledged there were printer issues but has said no one was unable to vote as a result. Parikh testified that misprinted ballots that could not be read by a tabulator would be duplicated and ultimately counted anyway.

“Whether it’s accidental or inadvertent if the ... [misprinted] ballot has to be duplicated, once it’s duplicated, would it be tabulated, to your understanding?” Liddy asked the witness.

Parikh didn’t answer the question, instead asserting again that the ballots could not have been misprinted without human intervention.
“It’s not even possible. That’s not possible, your honor,” he said, prompting the judge to note that his answer was “not responsive to this question.”

“Sir, are you able to answer the question?” Liddy asked.

Parikh said he was unable to answer.

“Let me ask a different question,” Liddy said. “Are duplicated ballots tabulated? Maricopa County general election, 2022?”

“If they’re duplicated correctly and they’re configured correctly, yes,” Parikh replied.

Liddy also asked Parikh to disclose who paid for his travel and lodging to speak at an event hosted by Lindell, whom he referenced as “the MyPillow guy,” in Missouri.

“That would, I assume would be Mike Lindell,” Parikh said. “All the travel was arranged; he asked me to speak at the event.”
The bitch lost. Move on.

Sheer terror.

Great expression of naked hatred of someone you've never met, about whom you only know what your cult media tells you. This adds up to abject terror.

Keep it up. It's funny and we really enjoy watching y'all performing this comedic pseudo-political theater.


Sheer terror.

Great expression of naked hatred of someone you've never met, about whom you only know what your cult media tells you. This adds up to abject terror.

Keep it up. It's funny and we really enjoy watching y'all performing this comedic pseudo-political theater.

I gotta ask sweetie. What is it with you and your constant "fear" projections? I'm starting to get worried that you live in fear every day. That's no good for anyone.

I enjoy watching your time and the time of your ilk coming to an end. Is that why the fear projection? :auiqs.jpg:

You need to just accept it with grace and dignity.
Recall that on election day in Arizona 30% to nearly 60% of tabulation machines suddenly had problems, almost exclusively in Republican-heavy precincts. Maricopa County attorneys said in the trial that even if the machines had broken down, voters could go to another voting center to vote. But a judge on that day refused to extend the time for voting.

The defense attorney’s argument implied that voters have no other responsibilities than to find a place where the lines are shorter to vote, such as going to work or picking up children at daycare


Voters could simply drop their ballot in to drop BOX#3, on the scanner, if the scanner could not read their ballot....


They DID NOT have to go to another location to try to get a machine scanner to read or count their vote.

Right there, where they stood, was the drop box to put their ballot, which would be hand counted later.

17000 voters put their ballots in secure drop box#3, and were counted!

Your fake news site failed to mention such a CRITICAL part to the news story...



To promote fake news!
Last edited:
I gotta ask sweetie. What is it with you and your constant "fear" projections? I'm starting to get worried that you live in fear every day. That's no good for anyone.

I enjoy watching your time and the time of your ilk coming to an end. Is that why the fear projection? :auiqs.jpg:

You need to just accept it with grace and dignity.

Okay, Saul.



Voters could simply drop their ballot in to drop BOX#3, on the scanner, if the scanner could not read their ballot....


They DID NOT have to go to another location to try to get a machine scanner to read or count their vote.

Right there, where they stood, was the drop box to put their ballot, which would be hand counted later.

17000 voters put their ballots in secure drop box#3, and were counted!

Your fake news site failed to mention such a CRITICAL part to the news story...



To promote fake news!

You mean dropped into Box 3 to get thrown in the trash? That's why the tabulators were sabotaged. Oh, but only in Republican-heavy precincts how coinky-dinky is that?
What does 'ok Saul' mean?
Alinsky. Standard fall back of the right wing and the alt-right when they have no argument that stands up to fact. Just label em. :)
Kind of like always falling back on Soros (who is still alive). Alinsky's been dead for almost 50 years but that doesn't stop the just and righteous patriots who always need a boogeyman.
Alinsky. Standard fall back of the right wing and the alt-right when they have no argument that stands up to fact. Just label em. :)
Kind of like always falling back on Soros (who is still alive). Alinsky's been dead for almost 50 years but that doesn't stop the just and righteous patriots who always need a boogeyman.

Boy, that just went right straight over your head!

Not surprised.

But, nice try.

Sure. It was a widespread conspiracy to not affect the election… since… it didn’t affect the tabulation, count, or access to voting.

Sheer terror.

Great expression of naked hatred of someone you've never met, about whom you only know what your cult media tells you. This adds up to abject terror.

Keep it up. It's funny and we really enjoy watching y'all performing this comedic pseudo-political theater.


Why do people, with a demonstrated propensity for Credulity, insist that objection to the squalid behavior of their Grifter is an expression of Fear?
Sorry sweetheart. Your act is tired. Old, and predictable.

I know what you meant. But saying nothing...is still saying nothing. Which is what you said. :)
Given the strict standards around here how does that imbecile with the swastika draped donkey escape the scrutiny of the Guardians of Decency?
The bitch lost. Move on.
That seems untrue. Kari Lake is a good person, and cheaters hurt the people's choice from being the outcome as it should have been in the first place.

Arizona and other states should get rid of the crook machines that can be manipulated by the deep state and make voting truth impossible. They should get votes from people's signatures that match the signatures on their driver's licenses along with thumbprints. If they don't match, it's void.

I think an injustice has landed on Kari Lake, and she should take her case to a higher court that takes its responsibility seriously.
"Given the strict standards around here how does that imbecile with the swastika draped donkey escape the scrutiny"
I've often entertained a bemused curiosity about why poster PleaseQuit self-identifies as a Nazi Jackass.
What's up with that?

'Clueless is as clueless does'....per Forrest Gump. Or somethin' like that.

'...manipulated by the deep state...'
Who.....is the "deep state" good poster 'beautress'?
Name names, name titles (if they got 'em), name responsibilities.
Name your sources.
So saddle up, Skinnyjeans.....show us your trick pony.

ps...but confidentially...well, I think your little pony can't trot across the room. Just sayin'.

I think an injustice has landed on Kari Lake,
And the judge handed out "injustice"?
Were you at the trial?
Saw the evidence? Heard the testimony?
Read the judges' verdict and his rationale?
If you did none of that, good poster 'beautress'......well, count me skeptical that you know what you are talking about.
Which....ain't fatal to your life or your reputation.
But, it doesn't exactly enhance your avatar's reputation for credibility, gravitas, for seriousness-of-purpose.
So there is that.

If I was a resident of AZ, I'd tell the local and state government to GF Themselves.

OK, cool story, bro....but, but then what?
Now that you've told your Township Clerk, your Tax Appraiser, County Treasurer, your police chief, sheriff, and deputies, your road commissioner, drain commissioner, your elected magistrates ..... to go f-themselves....what's next on your personal Goodwill Tour?

And if you'd do that if you lived in Arizona....well, why ain't you marchin' down to your local sheriff's office and tellin' them to go 'f-themselves?

All hat. No cows. Come to mind. Keyboard tuffguy.

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