Evangelicals are turning against Trump

I guess it depends on what you seek in your politicians. I would say you clearly seek way too much in them, they are here to protect our freedoms and stay out of our lives as much as possible.. at least that's what the Conservative view is.

I question your intelligence if you'd support a politician who didn't cheat on his wife but imposes horrible policy that harms people over someone who did cheat on his wife and offers far better policy onto the masses.

Problem is, the right isn't protecting our freedoms. It was Trump who put a notch in our 2A. Not to mention, those appropriations bills that funded planned parenthood (and gender studies). If Trump was pro life, he wouldn't have signed them into law.

Trumps a good speaker. And a good salesman. He could sell ice to an eskimo. Die hard Trump supporters won't even think about his actual record. It's like they're not allowed to, out of loyalty and the lesser of two evils brainwashing that a lot of voters are guilty of.

Take the sugar coating off of Trumps actual record and you'll find its at best, a moderate democrats record.

Is his record better than Bidens? Obviously. But better doesn't equate to good. We the people deserve better than what Trump brings to the table.
Problem is, the right isn't protecting our freedoms. It was Trump who put a notch in our 2A. Not to mention, those appropriations bills that funded planned parenthood (and gender studies). If Trump was pro life, he wouldn't have signed them into law.

Trumps a good speaker. And a good salesman. He could sell ice to an eskimo. Die hard Trump supporters won't even think about his actual record. It's like they're not allowed to, out of loyalty and the lesser of two evils brainwashing that a lot of voters are guilty of.

Take the sugar coating off of Trumps actual record and you'll find its at best, a moderate democrats record.
I'm not saying Trump has some perfect Conservative record.. but when given the difference between Trump and Biden... Trump's is 1,000% more palateable. Biden ran on the most radical leftist platform in US history by a long shot. To nit-pick Trump about not being Conservative enough while ignoring Biden's radicalism is irresponsible.
What is the "politics of hate"... exactly. LOL

quite a vague, hack term to just be aimlessly spewing nonstop and expect to be taken seriously. Be specific. If you make the claim, own it and proclaim it.
I don't hate Trump. I love to see Trump losing his political power. I love seeing Trump lose his many law suits in an attempt to over ride the 2020 election. I love to see the many criminal and civil investigations for him and his company. I would love to see him go to jail for the crimes he has committed. No hate, just love.
I love the many things happening to Trump and his lemmings, lately.
I don't hate Trump. I love to see Trump losing his political power. I love seeing Trump lose his many law suits in an attempt to over ride the 2020 election. I love to see the many criminal and civil investigations for him and his company. I would love to see him go to jail for the crimes he has committed. No hate, just love.
I love the many things happening to Trump and his lemmings, lately.
Seems like you're a bit too invested if you ask me. It's hard to say you don't have some hateful push against the guy when you're so obsessed.

As we've seen, people in power can commit plenty of crimes and not go to jail.. I'm not sure what Trump did that is so much different than Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton.
I'm not saying Trump has some perfect Conservative record.. but when given the difference between Trump and Biden... Trump's is 1,000% more palateable. Biden ran on the most radical leftist platform in US history by a long shot. To nit-pick Trump about not being Conservative enough while ignoring Biden's radicalism is irresponsible.

Again, better doesn't equate to good. This is the viscous cycle American voters have been almost forced into. We're down to voting for people who don't suck as bad as the other guy. This whole "lesser of two evils" voting is killing this country. It's got people voting out of fear.
Think about that for a second. Most people vote because they're scared of the other guy. So scared they don't care how bad the one they're voting for is. Even though the one they're voting for only sounds a little better. Says more things they want to hear.

That's an ridiculous reason to vote for anyone IMO.

A few years back, I stopped doing that. And decided I wasn't going to vote for someone who I didn't actually support. I was no longer going to hold my nose when voting. And I didn't feel like they were "good" for the job, I wouldn't give them my vote. I've missed 2 elections so far. My first one, I felt a little guilty. But after seeing how things turned out, this last midterm I missed was easy peasy. In fact, it felt pretty darn good knowing that I wasn't contributing to the demise of the country.

For the record: My congressman and Senator are CINO's (conservative in name only) They are both republicans who have horrible voting records.

Bruce Westerman 71% liberty score.
John Boozeman 64% liberty score.
I don't hate Trump. I love to see Trump losing his political power. I love seeing Trump lose his many law suits in an attempt to over ride the 2020 election. I love to see the many criminal and civil investigations for him and his company. I would love to see him go to jail for the crimes he has committed. No hate, just love.
I love the many things happening to Trump and his lemmings, lately.

You love to hate him.
No one is ‘dictating’ anything to the religious right; racism, bigotry, and hate are comprehensively immoral among all religious dogma – it’s perfectly appropriate to condemn the religious right when it foments racism, bigotry and hate via the political process.
It doesn't, jackass. That's a Dims specialty.
Yeah, he's a real victim.

Absolutely amazing how you didn't see or hear the constant personal insults and childish name-calling in which he has engaged, for all those years.
The Dims are far worse, numskull. They've been calling Republicans "racists" and "NAZIs" for decades.

That's not "counterpunching", that's juvenile. That is a petulant child. And his flock cheers him on when he does it. What that says about his flock is not good.
But it's not juvenile when Democrats do it

Yeah, right.
Again, better doesn't equate to good. This is the viscous cycle American voters have been almost forced into. We're down to voting for people who don't suck as bad as the other guy. This whole "lesser of two evils" voting is killing this country. It's got people voting out of fear.
Think about that for a second. Most people vote because they're scared of the other guy. So scared they don't care how bad the one they're voting for is. Even though the one they're voting for only sounds a little better. Says more things they want to hear.

That's an ridiculous reason to vote for anyone IMO.

A few years back, I stopped doing that. And decided I wasn't going to vote for someone who I didn't actually support. I was no longer going to hold my nose when voting. And I didn't feel like they were "good" for the job, I wouldn't give them my vote. I've missed 2 elections so far. My first one, I felt a little guilty. But after seeing how things turned out, this last midterm I missed was easy peasy. In fact, it felt pretty darn good knowing that I wasn't contributing to the demise of the country.

For the record: My congressman and Senator are CINO's (conservative in name only) They are both republicans who have horrible voting records.

Bruce Westerman 71% liberty score.
John Boozeman 64% liberty score.
So your choice is to vote for the greater of two evils?

You base the entire population, and the entire spectrum of your political opponents, on signatures on a divisive message board?

that explains a lot.

Again not what I said at all. Your “bullshit baffles brains” approach to posting is not working.

All you’ve succeeded in doing so far is proving that you’re incapable of adequately creating or defending a strawman fallacy.
Again not what I said at all. Your “bullshit baffles brains” approach to posting is not working.

All you’ve succeeded in doing so far is proving that you’re incapable of adequately creating or defending a strawman fallacy.

You literally used signatures on this board to justify your hate of all evangelicals.
I don't hate Trump. I love to see Trump losing his political power. I love seeing Trump lose his many law suits in an attempt to over ride the 2020 election. I love to see the many criminal and civil investigations for him and his company. I would love to see him go to jail for the crimes he has committed. No hate, just love.
I love the many things happening to Trump and his lemmings, lately.
I can't wait till you get mugged.
Seems like you're a bit too invested if you ask me. It's hard to say you don't have some hateful push against the guy when you're so obsessed.

As we've seen, people in power can commit plenty of crimes and not go to jail.. I'm not sure what Trump did that is so much different than Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton.
You can never be too invested in love.
You should bring more love into your life Friscus. You seem to be a bit uptight.
Who is we? The Trump lemmings, white people, white men, the simple minded?
Here :itsok:


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