European Union shows true colors


Senior Member
May 11, 2004
Madison, WI

LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union may try to draw up a media code of conduct to avoid a repeat of the furor caused by the publication across Europe of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, an EU commissioner said on Thursday.

In an interview with Britain's Daily Telegraph, EU Justice and Security Commissioner Franco Frattini said the charter would encourage the media to show "prudence" when covering religion.

"The press will give the Muslim world the message: We are aware of the consequences of exercising the right of free expression," he told the newspaper. "We can and we are ready to self-regulate that right." ...


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Time for a cartoon post…
I have refrained from writing about the Danish cartoons issue, not because it doesn't concern me but rather because too mush has been written about it and I didn't feel like I would be adding something new to the discussion.

However I couldn't resist commenting on some of the most unacceptable reactions by some Muslims…more precisely by some Iraqis.

We have all seen common people protesting in the streets of different countries and we heard many condemnations from governments but as far as I know, not a single Muslim government took any action, except for one…Iraq's!

We have a piece of wisdom here that says "The bird got mad at the grain field!" which as you can see means that sometimes people make stupid decisions that can harm only their own interests yet they think that by doing what they did they would harm those they're boycotting.
This saying applies to all Muslim countries in general and to our interim government in particular.
Our brilliant transportation minister Salam al-Maliki who is a Sadrist by the way announced that his ministry will suspend all projects and contracts with Denmark and Norway and said that Iraq will stop accepting any donations or offers concerning Iraq's reconstruction!
Who are they harming by doing this?
Denmark? No…they are harming no one but Iraq and Iraqis.

I give up! I have to comment on the general situation…
I swear that 90%+ of the protestors in Muslim countries have not seen the cartoons and do not know the name of the paper and when I say that I'm sure of it because I have access to the web 24/7 and I spent a really long time searching for the cartoons and couldn’t find them until a friend emailed me a link and.

You know that those cartoons were published for the 1st time months ago and we here in the Middle East have tonnes of jokes about Allah, the prophets and the angels that are way more offensive, funny and obscene than those poorly-made cartoons, yet no one ever got shot for telling one of those jokes or at least we had never seen rallies and protests against those infidel joke-tellers.

What I want to say is that I think the reactions were planned to be exaggerated this time by some Middle Eastern regimes and are not mere public reaction.
And I think Syria and Iran have the motives to trigger such reactions in order to get away from the pressures applied by the international community on those regimes.

However, I cannot claim that Muslim community is innocent for there have been outrageous reactions outside the range of Syria's or Iran's influence but again, these protests and threats are more political than religious in nature.

One last thing, even if the entire EU apologizes it won't change a thing; fanatics in our countries here had always considered the west their infidel arrogant crusader enemy and no apology no matter how big or sincere can change that.

Posted by Omar @ 00:13
dmp said:
I'm telling you - won't be too much longer before Christians are once again hunted down and killed for their Faith. Bowing to Muslim Extremists speeds that date towards us.
They can come a huntin this infidel...I'm waiting for the day
This is not done.

It has to be in conformity with the European Convention of the Human Rights (ECHR) signed in Rome the 11/4/1950 in the Council of Europe (an independant international organization of the European Union - Treaty of Maastricht, 1992 - and the European Communities - Treaty of Rome, 1957 - , the best organization of the world in this domain).

The article 10 of the ECHR claims the liberty of the press and the liberty of expression. A regulation of the newspappers and of the press would be probably in contradiction, in violation with the ECHR.

In the past, the ECHR Law Court (in Strasbourg) condamned Ireland for a violation of the liberty of expression to have forbidden the publication of some informations about contraception ways, even if Ireland didn't and still doesn't use abortion (Opendoor v/ Ireland).
The ECHR Law Court can do the same here.
padisha emperor said:
This is not done.

It has to be in conformity with the European Convention of the Human Rights (ECHR) signed in Rome the 11/4/1950 in the Council of Europe (an independant international organization of the European Union - Treaty of Maastricht, 1992 - and the European Communities - Treaty of Rome, 1957 - , the best organization of the world in this domain).

The article 10 of the ECHR claims the liberty of the press and the liberty of expression. A regulation of the newspappers and of the press would be probably in contradiction, in violation with the ECHR.

In the past, the ECHR Law Court (in Strasbourg) condamned Ireland for a violation of the liberty of expression to have forbidden the publication of some informations about contraception ways, even if Ireland didn't and still doesn't use abortion (Opendoor v/ Ireland).
The ECHR Law Court can do the same here.

Yeah, that will stop the terroists from cutting of anyones head or blowing things up!
EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos strives to enforce "proper solidarity."
August 16, 2017

Bruce Bawer


Flash forward to 2017. In June, the European Commission sues the governments of Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic for refusing to accept so-called migrants from the Middle East and north Africa who are currently working on their tans in Greece and Italy. The governments hold firm. On July 26, Moscow – sorry, Brussels – gives them an ultimatum: they have one month to snap into line. On the same day, an official at the Court of Justice of the European Union rules that the EC's migrant-relocation orders are legal. Well, naturally they're legal: the EU itself makes the laws under which it operates. Just as the system of government in the good old Eastern bloc provided no peaceful way for the oppressed masses to question or check or challenge Moscow's power, so the eminentos in Brussels have defanged their own subject peoples, fobbing off on them a parliament that has no authority whatsoever to initiate legislation and that is effectively subordinate to the unelected, autocratic Politburo – sorry, European Commission.

There are good reasons, needless to say, why Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic would prefer not to follow the EC's directives on migrants. Just look at a map of where European jihadist attacks have occurred in recent years. There's a simple reason why one city after another in western Europe has been targeted while eastern Europe has been almost entirely spared. It's called border control. Unlike most of the technocrats who run Western Europe, most of the leaders of Eastern Europe have put the interests of their own people above those of unvetted – and unvettable – foreigners claiming to be refugees.

Ever heard of Dimitris Avramopoulos? Don't worry, nobody else has either. Outside of his own homeland, Greece, where he was mayor of Athens, nobody has ever voted for him for anything. But he's a powerful man, holding the august title of EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs, and Citizenship. On July 26, commenting on the disobedience of the duly elected Polish, Czech, and Hungarian governments, this Hellenic technocrat sounded for all the world like a Communist dictator – like Brezhnev trying to threaten and cajole Warsaw back into the fold. “There is still time,” said Avramopoulos darkly, “to change everything and come back to normality.” Normality – a fine Kremlin-worthy euphemism for obedience, deference, docility. Avropoulos then engaged in a bit of apparatchik-style finger-wagging: noting that, on the migrant issue, most EU states – especially Sweden – have been showing “proper solidarity” and “making enormous efforts in a real European spirit,” he expressed “regret that other member states continue to show no solidarity and to ignore our repeated calls to participate in this common effort.” Solidarity; European spirit; common effort – more cozy euphemisms for obedience. How do you say “Orwellian” in Greek?


Just like Brezhnev, the EU insists that it respects national sovereignty. Obviously that's as much of a lie now as it was then. Like the Warsaw Pact, the EU is no voluntary association of “fraternal countries”; it's a budding dictatorship, a malevolent colossus, an ongoing exercise in the amassing of undemocratic power and the dissipation of freedom. It's also a shaky vessel that's taking on so many non-paying passengers that it's destined to sink. The Brexiters were right to vote to jump ship – let's hope that actually happens. And let's hope the Poles, Czechs, and Hungarians stick to their guns. The quicker the EU founders and the peoples of Europe regain their sovereignty, the better for them, and the better for the cause of freedom in the world.

Just Like the Good Old Soviet Days
The EU is more democratic than most of its member states. The author of the article doesn't know what he is talking about. Any member state can leave the EU, no one is stopping the former Eastern block members of the EU, who are given billions annually by the EU, from leaving the EU. Good riddance.
The EU is more democratic than most of its member states. The author of the article doesn't know what he is talking about. Any member state can leave the EU, no one is stopping the former Eastern block members of the EU, who are given billions annually by the EU, from leaving the EU. Good riddance.
Everybody should shoulder the burden.
The EU is more democratic than most of its member states. The author of the article doesn't know what he is talking about. Any member state can leave the EU, no one is stopping the former Eastern block members of the EU, who are given billions annually by the EU, from leaving the EU. Good riddance.
Everybody should shoulder the burden.
Including ourselves in the UK.
It won't happen as each country is subject to local law on freedom of speech and its precedence. If anything comes out of that it will be a toothless statement of "intent".
The EU could easily agree that the EU is closed to refugees, in opposition to International Law. But, the EU tends to follow International Law. The Italians could blow refugee boats out of the water, rather than saving people, how would that be viewed? Would the EU become known as a pariah state?

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