European Union President Ursula Von Der Leyen visits Ukraine to see Bucha massacre victims for herself - so now will Europe wean itself off Putin gas


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017

Remember this Muscovite . We never forget . how cruel and heartless, sooner all of you will feel the karma of our fist . How long it ("off Putin's gas") will take for us ?​

European Union President Ursula Von Der Leyen visits Ukraine to see Bucha massacre victims for herself - so now will Europe wean itself off Putin's gas?


The inconvenient truth about Ursula von der Leyen.​

BERLIN — A polyglot Brussels native who reared seven children and earned a medical degree on the side before storming to the top of German politics.

News that this Wunderfrau — aka German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen — could become the Commission’s next president left European capitals abuzz on Tuesday. “Finally some good news” was the general tenor. Who needs a Spitzenkandidat when you can have a Homecoming Queen?

At first glance, the affable 60-year-old minister with a camera-ready smile looks to be a perfect fit, with the requisite experience, political pedigree and personality to handle the EU’s toughest job.

And yet a nagging question remains: Is she too good to be true?

“The Bundeswehr’s condition is catastrophic” — Rupert Scholz, former German defense minister

“Von der Leyen is our weakest minister. That’s apparently enough to become Commission president,” former European Parliament President.


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