Europe facing excess deaths: why?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The only explanation peoples of Europe have are Climate Change and Putin's War
If you disagree with you're a conspiracy theorist, Nazi, Putin Friend, antisemit, racist, idiot, right-wing jerk, Trump supporter, bigot etc etc etc
The 'vaccine' is of course fine

Excess deaths continue to be a controversial, yet undebatable part of our “new normal.” Theories about this phenomenon abound, from missed cancer screenings at the height of the pandemic, to drug overdoses exacerbated by COVID-19’s economic and emotional effects. One possibility that is most scary is that there could be a relationship between vaccination and death rates. For now, we don’t have the data to analyze this last option. Any persons or groups automatically jumping to this conclusion should be treated with a critical caution. But we do have recent reports from Europe that need to be examined. On September 16, Eurostat, which is the statistical office of the European Union, looked at the excess death issue. They report that excess mortality EU-wide was up 16% in July 2022, compared with 7% in June and May. This is the highest rate for 2022 to date, representing about 53,000 extra deaths for July compared with monthly averages from 2016-2019. Eurostat notes that some of the July increase might be due to heatwave related illness. July’s excess death rate varied across EU nations, with Spain and Cyprus registering 37% and 33% respectively. Latvia was the only nation with no excess deaths in July 2022. Vaccine skeptics might point out that Latvia has a low comparative vaccination rate, but the meaning of this is still speculative as the rate in Cyprus is lower than the average in Europe.

England and Wales See 26,000 Excess Deaths

On October 20, The British Medical Journal offered an opinion piece titled, “What is driving excess deaths in England and Wales?” They note that since April of this year, both England and Wales have experienced higher-than-normal or expected deaths when compared to prior years. From April 2 through September 30 there were about 26,000 excess deaths, 11% over expectation.

Around half of these deaths were COVID-19-related, yet we still need to account for the other half. This analysis revealed that death rates for the usual “top ten” causes of demise were not higher than expected. But deaths from “symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions” caused most of the excess deaths. Factors to consider include COVID-19-triggered cardiovascular conditions, folks not getting adequate care from the NHS, which is backlogged, and about 3,300 extra deaths during the June and August heatwaves.

“Naïve” to Think We Could Have Done Better?

Back on September 13, The Guardian also looked at these issues. They also focus on England and Wales, showing that in England around 900 extra deaths per week were happening compared with the last few years. They also report that about half of the excess could be from COVID-19 directly, “but the other half is puzzling, as there’s no one clear reason that jumps out.” While some have weaponized these excess deaths to critique the lockdowns that overtook the globe, The Guardian argues that it is “naïve” to think that we could have done better without these new practices of quarantining the healthy. They argue that an impacted health system is likely a key driver for death rates and that “Healthcare is finite: the best way to preserve resources for non-Covid conditions was to keep Covid infections as low as possible.”

Trend Emerges in America

In America, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) attempts to track this data.


Source: U.S. CDC & Health Feedback

Based on CDC data, the graphs above showcase deaths since the start of January 2018 across America. Each blue bar denotes deaths due to all causes. The yellow line across the blue bars on the top graph represent the average expected number of expected deaths while the red line represents the upper bound threshold for excess deaths. Note that the red dotted line represents the actual observed count of deaths above the threshold.

Various reports reveal that since the onset of the pandemic, that the number of all-cause deaths excessing the baseline number of expected deaths—or “excess mortality” clearly comes in waves, corresponding with the SARS-CoV-2 -driven pandemic as depicted in the graphs above.

A review of this graph based on the available data depicts surges driving dramatic increases in excess deaths, with the second winter wave in 2020 representing the deadliest (the first wave was undoubtedly most shocking with surge of death in New York City, for example).

As reported by academic researchers by February 2022, the COVID death count declined due to a confluence of factors and forces from both vaccine-induced and natural immunity protection to less virulent Omicron subvariants (BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4, BA.5) and more available treatments and protocols.

The growth in excess death rates across the globe should merit attention from national governments and global agencies dedicated to health. In the aggregate, the data suggests an alarming number of excess deaths. It’s not clear what’s the cause, and in fact, the underlying causes could be a complex interchange of different factors undoubtedly driven by the pandemic which has shaken the entire world. Whether the mass COVID-19 vaccination program is a culprit this media cannot say as the data just isn’t sufficient to make such claims. Any group making such claims should be scrutinized. On the other hand, this media is certain that post-COVID-19 vaccine injury data is suppressed as socio-economic, political, and health system forces banked on mass universal vaccination as a means of overcoming the pandemic. Societal leadership emphasized this mass vaccination constantly, seeking to avoid or overcome vaccine hesitancy, even when it meant avoiding or even in some cases, obfuscating troubling data. But there are real costs to this approach despite the perceived or real societal benefits.

As the public wakes up to this unfolding set of dynamics, they naturally will question motives, intent, and in many cases, the integrity of governing institutions.

Most of Europe has risky, socialized medicine schemes to "take care of" their teeming masses yearning to breathe free. And the teeming masses are the largest parts of their populations over there. And apparently their Eurotrash rulers are taking care of them.
Most of Europe has risky, socialized medicine schemes to "take care of" their teeming masses yearning to breathe free. And the teeming masses are the largest parts of their populations over there. And apparently their Eurotrash rulers are taking care of them.

Most civilized countries have some form of universal healthcare including Australia, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The only explanation peoples of Europe have are Climate Change and Putin's War
If you disagree with you're a conspiracy theorist, Nazi, Putin Friend, antisemit, racist, idiot, right-wing jerk, Trump supporter, bigot etc etc etc
The 'vaccine' is of course fine

Excess deaths continue to be a controversial, yet undebatable part of our “new normal.” Theories about this phenomenon abound, from missed cancer screenings at the height of the pandemic, to drug overdoses exacerbated by COVID-19’s economic and emotional effects. One possibility that is most scary is that there could be a relationship between vaccination and death rates. For now, we don’t have the data to analyze this last option. Any persons or groups automatically jumping to this conclusion should be treated with a critical caution. But we do have recent reports from Europe that need to be examined. On September 16, Eurostat, which is the statistical office of the European Union, looked at the excess death issue. They report that excess mortality EU-wide was up 16% in July 2022, compared with 7% in June and May. This is the highest rate for 2022 to date, representing about 53,000 extra deaths for July compared with monthly averages from 2016-2019. Eurostat notes that some of the July increase might be due to heatwave related illness. July’s excess death rate varied across EU nations, with Spain and Cyprus registering 37% and 33% respectively. Latvia was the only nation with no excess deaths in July 2022. Vaccine skeptics might point out that Latvia has a low comparative vaccination rate, but the meaning of this is still speculative as the rate in Cyprus is lower than the average in Europe.

England and Wales See 26,000 Excess Deaths

On October 20, The British Medical Journal offered an opinion piece titled, “What is driving excess deaths in England and Wales?” They note that since April of this year, both England and Wales have experienced higher-than-normal or expected deaths when compared to prior years. From April 2 through September 30 there were about 26,000 excess deaths, 11% over expectation.

Around half of these deaths were COVID-19-related, yet we still need to account for the other half. This analysis revealed that death rates for the usual “top ten” causes of demise were not higher than expected. But deaths from “symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions” caused most of the excess deaths. Factors to consider include COVID-19-triggered cardiovascular conditions, folks not getting adequate care from the NHS, which is backlogged, and about 3,300 extra deaths during the June and August heatwaves.

“Naïve” to Think We Could Have Done Better?

Back on September 13, The Guardian also looked at these issues. They also focus on England and Wales, showing that in England around 900 extra deaths per week were happening compared with the last few years. They also report that about half of the excess could be from COVID-19 directly, “but the other half is puzzling, as there’s no one clear reason that jumps out.” While some have weaponized these excess deaths to critique the lockdowns that overtook the globe, The Guardian argues that it is “naïve” to think that we could have done better without these new practices of quarantining the healthy. They argue that an impacted health system is likely a key driver for death rates and that “Healthcare is finite: the best way to preserve resources for non-Covid conditions was to keep Covid infections as low as possible.”

Trend Emerges in America

In America, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) attempts to track this data.


Source: U.S. CDC & Health Feedback

Based on CDC data, the graphs above showcase deaths since the start of January 2018 across America. Each blue bar denotes deaths due to all causes. The yellow line across the blue bars on the top graph represent the average expected number of expected deaths while the red line represents the upper bound threshold for excess deaths. Note that the red dotted line represents the actual observed count of deaths above the threshold.

Various reports reveal that since the onset of the pandemic, that the number of all-cause deaths excessing the baseline number of expected deaths—or “excess mortality” clearly comes in waves, corresponding with the SARS-CoV-2 -driven pandemic as depicted in the graphs above.

A review of this graph based on the available data depicts surges driving dramatic increases in excess deaths, with the second winter wave in 2020 representing the deadliest (the first wave was undoubtedly most shocking with surge of death in New York City, for example).

As reported by academic researchers by February 2022, the COVID death count declined due to a confluence of factors and forces from both vaccine-induced and natural immunity protection to less virulent Omicron subvariants (BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4, BA.5) and more available treatments and protocols.

The growth in excess death rates across the globe should merit attention from national governments and global agencies dedicated to health. In the aggregate, the data suggests an alarming number of excess deaths. It’s not clear what’s the cause, and in fact, the underlying causes could be a complex interchange of different factors undoubtedly driven by the pandemic which has shaken the entire world. Whether the mass COVID-19 vaccination program is a culprit this media cannot say as the data just isn’t sufficient to make such claims. Any group making such claims should be scrutinized. On the other hand, this media is certain that post-COVID-19 vaccine injury data is suppressed as socio-economic, political, and health system forces banked on mass universal vaccination as a means of overcoming the pandemic. Societal leadership emphasized this mass vaccination constantly, seeking to avoid or overcome vaccine hesitancy, even when it meant avoiding or even in some cases, obfuscating troubling data. But there are real costs to this approach despite the perceived or real societal benefits.

As the public wakes up to this unfolding set of dynamics, they naturally will question motives, intent, and in many cases, the integrity of governing institutions.

probably because of the right wing morons who follow trump's advice and believe the vaccines etcetera are dangerous.
Most of Europe has risky, socialized medicine schemes to "take care of" their teeming masses yearning to breathe free. And the teeming masses are the largest parts of their populations over there. And apparently their Eurotrash rulers are taking care of them.

You are a brainwashed functional moron chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich or other ridiculous right wingers.... They all spend less on health care than the United states does and they cover everyone and have much better results. dummies...
Most civilized countries have some form of universal healthcare including Australia, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Every modern country Europe Canada Australia etc has a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the rich. Except the United states the richest country of all, with the dumbest voters of all the GOP base....

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