Europe Becomes Second Region To Cross 250,000 Deaths As Second COVID Wave Hits


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?

So wait, Europe, a region smaller than the USA has MORE deaths? What happened to Joe's failed Trump policies? :omg: Or is the voter really that stupid?
Trump's handling of the virus was brilliant.

Covid-19 got Potus45.
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?
How about upgrading HVAC to HEPA standard in public accommodation? It could create a labor market and that labor will be creating demand and generating tax revenue while upgrading our economy to also help mitigate the spread of pandemic pathogens in public accommodation.
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?
How about upgrading HVAC to HEPA standard in public accommodation? It could create a labor market and that labor will be creating demand and generating tax revenue while upgrading our economy to also help mitigate the spread of pandemic pathogens in public accommodation.
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?

Lockdowns do not work. They simply slow the spread and are ways to allow you to build up medical capacity. After about two weeks they are useless as viral infection are exponential. COVID 19 has an exponent of 10 or higher. This means every person infected infects 10. This is due to the infected person being unaware they are ill. This is how the elderly get infected(unless you live in Democrat states where the governors put infected into nursing homes).

Masks (face coverings and unsealed breathing apparatus) do nothing for the wearer if they are not the ones infected. N-95 mask do offer some protection but do not block all of the virus. These are basically a placebo to make you feel safe when it does almost nothing.

Distancing, sun light and air flow are the best protectors.

There is no reason to re-litigate the scientific facts. In July, even the CDC's own data showed that over 85% of those who contracted COIVD-19 WORE MASKS ALL OR MOST OF THE TIME. In other data, those who wore mask also had a major increase of bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. This makes you very susceptible to COVID INFECTION.

The point being is, every action has risk. The masks and lockdowns do little to stop this virus and only prolong the inevitable... Europe is now finding out why you do not lock down as they now have a second "burn" wave they could have prevented.

We know who this affects and how to protect them. We have the medications and abilities to keep even those over 70 who have other conditions alive now.

Biological Warfare 101.
Trump's handling of the virus was brilliant.

Covid-19 got Potus45.
In life there are RISKS...

This virus respects NO ONE.. Hiding in a basement is not being presidential or leadership in any way. Trump knew the risks and made decisions for himself. The infection at the White House was brought in by a person who was purported to wear a mask every day. A person in the press pool who refused to wear mask except when they were on air.

IF you think you know where all the risks are coming from, you dont have a clue. A piece of paper, food, drinks, anything you touch can be your down fall.

LIFE HAS RISKS... you can either cower in fear or deal with them...
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(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?

So wait, Europe, a region smaller than the USA has MORE deaths? What happened to Joe's failed Trump policies? :omg: Or is the voter really that stupid?
Nations with 1/8th the populations have as many deaths as we do.....
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?

So wait, Europe, a region smaller than the USA has MORE deaths? What happened to Joe's failed Trump policies? :omg: Or is the voter really that stupid?
Nations with 1/8th the populations have as many deaths as we do.....
which nations?
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?

So wait, Europe, a region smaller than the USA has MORE deaths? What happened to Joe's failed Trump policies? :omg: Or is the voter really that stupid?
europe has about 750 million inhabitants. twat
Does anyone find it amusing that the lefties are staying away from this news?
Actually, pravda is selectively pushing this news. They are framing it per the ‘European region’ in order to produce a larger number as a scare tactic. Usually they frame it as the US vs individual European countries to make the US (i.e., trump) look bad.
(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?

Lockdowns do not work. They simply slow the spread and are ways to allow you to build up medical capacity. After about two weeks they are useless as viral infection are exponential. COVID 19 has an exponent of 10 or higher. This means every person infected infects 10. This is due to the infected person being unaware they are ill. This is how the elderly get infected(unless you live in Democrat states where the governors put infected into nursing homes).

Masks (face coverings and unsealed breathing apparatus) do nothing for the wearer if they are not the ones infected. N-95 mask do offer some protection but do not block all of the virus. These are basically a placebo to make you feel safe when it does almost nothing.

Distancing, sun light and air flow are the best protectors.

There is no reason to re-litigate the scientific facts. In July, even the CDC's own data showed that over 85% of those who contracted COIVD-19 WORE MASKS ALL OR MOST OF THE TIME. In other data, those who wore mask also had a major increase of bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. This makes you very susceptible to COVID INFECTION.

The point being is, every action has risk. The masks and lockdowns do little to stop this virus and only prolong the inevitable... Europe is now finding out why you do not lock down as they now have a second "burn" wave they could have prevented.

We know who this affects and how to protect them. We have the medications and abilities to keep even those over 70 who have other conditions alive now.

Biological Warfare 101.

And for those who are looking for the evidence of the consequence of lockdowns and government overreach. People are literally dying from it... (source CDC).

Lockdown deaths? - 25-44yrs have 77% excess deaths NOT Covid related...
COVID cases and deaths have been widely discussed but now the CDC is reporting on excess deaths from the COVID pandemic period of time. What is happening? Is the cure becoming worse than the disease?

(Reuters) – Europe became the second region after Latin America to surpass 250,000 deaths on Saturday, according to a Reuters tally, with record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections reported in the past two weeks.

Europe reported 200,000 daily infections for the first time on Thursday, as many Southern European countries this week reported their highest number of cases in a single day.

Europe accounts for nearly 19% of global deaths and about 22% of global cases, according to a Reuters tally.

The United Kingdom, Italy, France, Russia, Belgium and Spain account for nearly two-thirds of about 250,000 deaths registered until now from a total of about 8 million cases across Europe.

The United Kingdom leads Europe’s death toll with about 45,000 deaths, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Russia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday Britain cannot rely on a vaccine and will need to use other measures to slow the pandemic.

So, despite all we are hearing from opponents to this admistrations actions in this pandemic, seems that Europe with all of its lockdowns, and the huge hit they are taking economically, they are doing no better than we are...So, maybe, just maybe there is another approach we should be taking....?

Lockdowns do not work. They simply slow the spread and are ways to allow you to build up medical capacity. After about two weeks they are useless as viral infection are exponential. COVID 19 has an exponent of 10 or higher. This means every person infected infects 10. This is due to the infected person being unaware they are ill. This is how the elderly get infected(unless you live in Democrat states where the governors put infected into nursing homes).

Masks (face coverings and unsealed breathing apparatus) do nothing for the wearer if they are not the ones infected. N-95 mask do offer some protection but do not block all of the virus. These are basically a placebo to make you feel safe when it does almost nothing.

Distancing, sun light and air flow are the best protectors.

There is no reason to re-litigate the scientific facts. In July, even the CDC's own data showed that over 85% of those who contracted COIVD-19 WORE MASKS ALL OR MOST OF THE TIME. In other data, those who wore mask also had a major increase of bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. This makes you very susceptible to COVID INFECTION.

The point being is, every action has risk. The masks and lockdowns do little to stop this virus and only prolong the inevitable... Europe is now finding out why you do not lock down as they now have a second "burn" wave they could have prevented.

We know who this affects and how to protect them. We have the medications and abilities to keep even those over 70 who have other conditions alive now.

Biological Warfare 101.

And for those who are looking for the evidence of the consequence of lockdowns and government overreach. People are literally dying from it... (source CDC).

Lockdown deaths? - 25-44yrs have 77% excess deaths NOT Covid related...
COVID cases and deaths have been widely discussed but now the CDC is reporting on excess deaths from the COVID pandemic period of time. What is happening? Is the cure becoming worse than the disease?


Well, I think that is spot on, if you are saying that we shouldn't be locking down vast sectors of our economy due to a disease that has a 99.9% recovery rate...With that said, I am absolutely for protecting the most vunerable, ie; eldery, and people with underlying conditions that are effected by this thing....However, Given Democrats plans, that we saw infuse covid infected patients into nursing homes, directly effecting these people, which I believe is criminal, we can not elect these dumbasses to majorities...
Those that are still dying from this manufactured virus. are those who hid from the virus in the beginning. You have to be exposed to it in order for the body to build up an immunity. And especially if you hid away from it, and then exposed to it with other germs bacteria and viruses that you hid away from while hiding from this one. Then you will be in worst condition than before, because you'll have to fight off seven more invaders with this virus.
We still have viruses floating around that has been here for over a hundred years ago.
Viruses don't die it is just our bodies builds up immunity from these viruses by exposure. But those who has their immune system suppressed by eating unhealthy foods like GMOs, or has caught another viruses like AIDS or another contiguous viruses while being exposed to this virus can cause harm. But if you were exposed to it while your immune system is at its best. Then your body will build up an immunity. That is what vaccines are for. To introduce the body to the virus so that it can start building up immunity. But they add antigens into the vaccines to help your body to build up immunity. but if your body doesn't responded to the dead virus cell that is in the vaccines means that your body has already build up immunity. And so there is no need to add antigens to help stimulate your immune system, especially the unnatural antigens.

Matthew 12:45
Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”


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