Erin Burnett's Interview With Robert Kennedy Revealing!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The interview by CNN Host Erin Burnett of Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy was revealing on many fronts. Although Mr. Kennedy is a really good guy who is trying to make America a better place, in a lot of areas he is misguided and lacks wisdom which calls for the conclusion that he does not have the wherewithal and plan which should move the American people to elect him as President! Robert says Trump and Biden aren't going to solve the existential threats facing America; and he lists numerous ones his leading issue was the national debt crisis, the $34 trillion and growing debt, talking as if any human being can fix it. Robert don't blow smoke at the American people the only thing a good President can do is manage this devastating predicament for America that is not grow the national debt significantly higher than the projections already predict; the history of this problem was that before Trump's 2017 Tax Cut law America could use a grand bargain, equal tax raising and spending cuts, to fix the problem with this law the Republicans blew on paper a $1.5 trillion hole in America's budget over ten years and proved themselves untrustworthy to the Democrats in their commitment to control the debt and with the Pandemic since there was no trust on this spending issue Washington wasted trillions and using a term that Nancy Pelosi used in 2017 moved America closer to Economic Armageddon! Robert referenced chronic disease in our country as if any President could fix this problem, I like many people believe that chemical pollution has a lot to do with the cause, in any event the American people are going to need a lot of pharmaceuticals to respond to this crisis there is largely no way of getting around it!

Robert mentions major problems in the country but often offers no solutions not even getting to whether a solution proposal is viable. Robert spotlights how major U.S. industries have seriously compromised some Federal Agencies; he mentions military contractors and the Pentagon and the Pharmaceutical industry and Congress and the Food and Drug Administration. Robert acts like the American people are in the dark on this corruption we aren't in the dark we just don't know how to stop it! The American people know how the American Military Complex manipulated Congress to replace the Black Hawk helicopter with a new helicopter patterned after the tilt rotor helicopter the Osprey that is a fragile helicopter and will be alarmingly prone to crash when used on landing zones under enemy fire and how there was a great design alternative that just needed a little more debugging but the Complex would have had to be patient about their contract orders which of course wasn't an option! Everyone knows how America pays more for pharmaceuticals than any developed country in the world because the Pharmaceutical Industry has enough members of Congress in their pocket due to all the campaign cash they throw around. Kennedy raises major problems with no solutions why should America elect a candidate that just offers rhetoric!

Robert doesn't have perspective about many issues. He says Biden is a greater threat to Democracy than Trump and he offers Biden using the power of the Presidency to pressure Social Media Outlets to shut down criticism of the Covid vaccines as evidence. What Biden did was wrong and an abuse of power and legislation should be enacted to stop such Presidential abuse in the future but it wasn't a threat to our democratic form of government. It was clearly a deprivation of peoples right of free speech but it was a limited deprivation; no doubt it was a scandal scientific analysis is clear some, granted a very small number, of people had a negative reaction one being where it triggered their immune system to attack a person's nervous system another where it caused heart problems. As for the Secret Service issue I don't doubt that the Democrat powers to be aren't using their discretion to provide you that protection to pressure you to drop out but as for disregarding the law on this issue the media reports there is prescriptions in the law that mandate providing such protection but you haven't met the standard so the allegation that America's Democracy is being subverted here doesn't lie.

Robert says he is the candidate that is going to get America out of these endless wars, he is acting so naive, foolish and like a simpleton. Just because the leader of America wants to be done with war doesn't mean America's enemies are done with war and won't bring war on us. The absolute unequivocal truth of the matter is that if America doesn't help Ukraine win this war against Russia by providing money and weapons Russia will conquer the entirety of Ukraine and after Putin rebuilds his army in ten to fifteen years he will try to conquer a Nato country in that region to build his Russian empire which means America will be in a Nato war against Russia because of treaty obligations; so why not give money now so we don't have to give more money plus American lives later! As for Iraq, if the Iraqi Shiite government wants American troops to leave we should comply one hundred percent we should respect their sovereignty. Everyone needs to remember though America's critical role in currently being in Iraq is being a block on ISIS in Iraq and especially in Syria reconstituting themself; today there is ten thousand plus Islamic State fighters in Syria in the camps guarded by the Kurds with America back-up, if this containment fails the world could again see an ISIS state in Syria and Iraq and maybe next time their growth won't be arrested!

Robert isn't as wise as he should about a major weakness of his which is his propensity to buy into conspiracy theories. Robert may have been one hundred percent accurate in saying that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen from John Kerry but that view isn't on most Americans radar the 2000 election maybe but only God knows for sure who won that election the punch card voting records with their hanging chads were undecipherable; in any event Robert should avoid making claims or beliefs that can be labeled conspiracy theories. Robert also mentioned that he thinks there is a revolution going on in the country; that is a absolute misnomer and error there is widespread cynicism and disillusionment with America's political system and capitalism values because it hasn't been shown to work in a long-time but it is the case where people are at a loss on what to do this isn't like the 1960's where people had big causes whether it be Vietnam or Civil Rights. One final point Robert in responding to the concern that what will he say if he becomes the spoiler in the race that he spoiled Joe Biden's chances and cause Donald Trump to win; Mr. Kennedy's response that they are both extremely bad candidates so it doesn't make much of a difference! That is absolutely wrong Donald Trump is a thousand times worse than Joe Biden, Donald Trump doesn't really care about following a good conscience he doesn't care about following fundamental norms, at minimum to a large degree Donald Trump doesn't believe there is objective truth and objective goodness, these things make Donald Trump very very dangerous he is capable of anything. One compelling reason why Robert should get out of the race because he will throw it to Trump is because Biden is a wounded Democrat candidate and he very well not be able to fix the problems; for one Biden is going to have trouble with the Muslim vote because of what is happening in the Gaza strip and really the death and suffering of the Palestinians there is something beyond Biden's control, reports are Biden is going to lose a lot of the Black vote because Blacks are disillusioned with the Democrat party there loyalty hasn't improved their lives like many of them expect it should and Biden will likely lose a lot of the young voter vote for a multitude of reasons whether it be Gaza, student loans, Tik Tok and young people find it hard to identify with an octogenarian. The right answer when Erin Burnett asked Robert what he would be thinking if he woke up the day after the election and learned he was the spoiler for Trump, he should have said the guilt I would feel would be without measure and that I will never forgive myself for hurting the country this way!
The interview by CNN Host Erin Burnett of Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy was revealing on many fronts. Although Mr. Kennedy is a really good guy who is trying to make America a better place, in a lot of areas he is misguided and lacks wisdom which calls for the conclusion that he does not have the wherewithal and plan which should move the American people to elect him as President! Robert says Trump and Biden aren't going to solve the existential threats facing America; and he lists numerous ones his leading issue was the national debt crisis, the $34 trillion and growing debt, talking as if any human being can fix it. Robert don't blow smoke at the American people the only thing a good President can do is manage this devastating predicament for America that is not grow the national debt significantly higher than the projections already predict; the history of this problem was that before Trump's 2017 Tax Cut law America could use a grand bargain, equal tax raising and spending cuts, to fix the problem with this law the Republicans blew on paper a $1.5 trillion hole in America's budget over ten years and proved themselves untrustworthy to the Democrats in their commitment to control the debt and with the Pandemic since there was no trust on this spending issue Washington wasted trillions and using a term that Nancy Pelosi used in 2017 moved America closer to Economic Armageddon! Robert referenced chronic disease in our country as if any President could fix this problem, I like many people believe that chemical pollution has a lot to do with the cause, in any event the American people are going to need a lot of pharmaceuticals to respond to this crisis there is largely no way of getting around it!

Robert mentions major problems in the country but often offers no solutions not even getting to whether a solution proposal is viable. Robert spotlights how major U.S. industries have seriously compromised some Federal Agencies; he mentions military contractors and the Pentagon and the Pharmaceutical industry and Congress and the Food and Drug Administration. Robert acts like the American people are in the dark on this corruption we aren't in the dark we just don't know how to stop it! The American people know how the American Military Complex manipulated Congress to replace the Black Hawk helicopter with a new helicopter patterned after the tilt rotor helicopter the Osprey that is a fragile helicopter and will be alarmingly prone to crash when used on landing zones under enemy fire and how there was a great design alternative that just needed a little more debugging but the Complex would have had to be patient about their contract orders which of course wasn't an option! Everyone knows how America pays more for pharmaceuticals than any developed country in the world because the Pharmaceutical Industry has enough members of Congress in their pocket due to all the campaign cash they throw around. Kennedy raises major problems with no solutions why should America elect a candidate that just offers rhetoric!

Robert doesn't have perspective about many issues. He says Biden is a greater threat to Democracy than Trump and he offers Biden using the power of the Presidency to pressure Social Media Outlets to shut down criticism of the Covid vaccines as evidence. What Biden did was wrong and an abuse of power and legislation should be enacted to stop such Presidential abuse in the future but it wasn't a threat to our democratic form of government. It was clearly a deprivation of peoples right of free speech but it was a limited deprivation; no doubt it was a scandal scientific analysis is clear some, granted a very small number, of people had a negative reaction one being where it triggered their immune system to attack a person's nervous system another where it caused heart problems. As for the Secret Service issue I don't doubt that the Democrat powers to be aren't using their discretion to provide you that protection to pressure you to drop out but as for disregarding the law on this issue the media reports there is prescriptions in the law that mandate providing such protection but you haven't met the standard so the allegation that America's Democracy is being subverted here doesn't lie.

Robert says he is the candidate that is going to get America out of these endless wars, he is acting so naive, foolish and like a simpleton. Just because the leader of America wants to be done with war doesn't mean America's enemies are done with war and won't bring war on us. The absolute unequivocal truth of the matter is that if America doesn't help Ukraine win this war against Russia by providing money and weapons Russia will conquer the entirety of Ukraine and after Putin rebuilds his army in ten to fifteen years he will try to conquer a Nato country in that region to build his Russian empire which means America will be in a Nato war against Russia because of treaty obligations; so why not give money now so we don't have to give more money plus American lives later! As for Iraq, if the Iraqi Shiite government wants American troops to leave we should comply one hundred percent we should respect their sovereignty. Everyone needs to remember though America's critical role in currently being in Iraq is being a block on ISIS in Iraq and especially in Syria reconstituting themself; today there is ten thousand plus Islamic State fighters in Syria in the camps guarded by the Kurds with America back-up, if this containment fails the world could again see an ISIS state in Syria and Iraq and maybe next time their growth won't be arrested!

Robert isn't as wise as he should about a major weakness of his which is his propensity to buy into conspiracy theories. Robert may have been one hundred percent accurate in saying that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen from John Kerry but that view isn't on most Americans radar the 2000 election maybe but only God knows for sure who won that election the punch card voting records with their hanging chads were undecipherable; in any event Robert should avoid making claims or beliefs that can be labeled conspiracy theories. Robert also mentioned that he thinks there is a revolution going on in the country; that is a absolute misnomer and error there is widespread cynicism and disillusionment with America's political system and capitalism values because it hasn't been shown to work in a long-time but it is the case where people are at a loss on what to do this isn't like the 1960's where people had big causes whether it be Vietnam or Civil Rights. One final point Robert in responding to the concern that what will he say if he becomes the spoiler in the race that he spoiled Joe Biden's chances and cause Donald Trump to win; Mr. Kennedy's response that they are both extremely bad candidates so it doesn't make much of a difference! That is absolutely wrong Donald Trump is a thousand times worse than Joe Biden, Donald Trump doesn't really care about following a good conscience he doesn't care about following fundamental norms, at minimum to a large degree Donald Trump doesn't believe there is objective truth and objective goodness, these things make Donald Trump very very dangerous he is capable of anything. One compelling reason why Robert should get out of the race because he will throw it to Trump is because Biden is a wounded Democrat candidate and he very well not be able to fix the problems; for one Biden is going to have trouble with the Muslim vote because of what is happening in the Gaza strip and really the death and suffering of the Palestinians there is something beyond Biden's control, reports are Biden is going to lose a lot of the Black vote because Blacks are disillusioned with the Democrat party there loyalty hasn't improved their lives like many of them expect it should and Biden will likely lose a lot of the young voter vote for a multitude of reasons whether it be Gaza, student loans, Tik Tok and young people find it hard to identify with an octogenarian. The right answer when Erin Burnett asked Robert what he would be thinking if he woke up the day after the election and learned he was the spoiler for Trump, he should have said the guilt I would feel would be without measure and that I will never forgive myself for hurting the country this way!

Wow. So many fallacies, and so much wrong with this, I don't want to even get into most of it.

However, the crux of the issue?

because Biden is a wounded Democrat candidate and he very well not be able to fix the problems; for one Biden is going to have trouble with the Muslim vote because of what is happening in the Gaza strip and really the death and suffering of the Palestinians there is something beyond Biden's control, reports are Biden is going to lose a lot of the Black vote because Blacks are disillusioned with the Democrat party there loyalty hasn't improved their lives like many of them expect it should and Biden will likely lose a lot of the young voter vote for a multitude of reasons whether it be Gaza, student loans, Tik Tok and young people find it hard to identify with an octogenarian.

. . . The DNC, knew, even back for the 2020 election, that he was a terrible candidate then. And rolling up to this one, the DNC knew, that they were having problems now. If they didn't want to lose, all they had to do, is have him bow out, like LBJ did, because if he isn't popular, let the people decide. . . but the establishment is corrupt.

If Trump is, "is a thousand times worse," then he is but a symptom of the disenfranchisement and powerlessness that the lower-class and lower middle classes feel. . . THEY ARE BEING IGNORED.

CNN can gas-light them all they want. You can as well. Joe is an awful candidate, and you just gave a laundry list of garbage why, they don't listen to the masses, and you want a candidate that IS LISTENING, to drop out, so one that is backed by institutional investors will have no problem winning.

Just as you, and CNN, and his family, and many democrats are angry about this run? Is because they know, it will hurt THEM, personally, and financial, in their pocket books, and their life styles. Trump might win, and maybe he will, maybe he won't do something for the people that both RFKjr. and Trump speak to. . .

. . . and if not? Well, the makes the nation even more prime for another RFKjr. run next time around.

RFK Jr. says Biden is bigger threat to democracy than Trump​

The interview by CNN Host Erin Burnett of Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy was revealing on many fronts. Although Mr. Kennedy is a really good guy who is trying to make America a better place, in a lot of areas he is misguided and lacks wisdom which calls for the conclusion that he does not have the wherewithal and plan which should move the American people to elect him as President! Robert says Trump and Biden aren't going to solve the existential threats facing America; and he lists numerous ones his leading issue was the national debt crisis, the $34 trillion and growing debt, talking as if any human being can fix it. Robert don't blow smoke at the American people the only thing a good President can do is manage this devastating predicament for America that is not grow the national debt significantly higher than the projections already predict; the history of this problem was that before Trump's 2017 Tax Cut law America could use a grand bargain, equal tax raising and spending cuts, to fix the problem with this law the Republicans blew on paper a $1.5 trillion hole in America's budget over ten years and proved themselves untrustworthy to the Democrats in their commitment to control the debt and with the Pandemic since there was no trust on this spending issue Washington wasted trillions and using a term that Nancy Pelosi used in 2017 moved America closer to Economic Armageddon! Robert referenced chronic disease in our country as if any President could fix this problem, I like many people believe that chemical pollution has a lot to do with the cause, in any event the American people are going to need a lot of pharmaceuticals to respond to this crisis there is largely no way of getting around it!

Robert mentions major problems in the country but often offers no solutions not even getting to whether a solution proposal is viable. Robert spotlights how major U.S. industries have seriously compromised some Federal Agencies; he mentions military contractors and the Pentagon and the Pharmaceutical industry and Congress and the Food and Drug Administration. Robert acts like the American people are in the dark on this corruption we aren't in the dark we just don't know how to stop it! The American people know how the American Military Complex manipulated Congress to replace the Black Hawk helicopter with a new helicopter patterned after the tilt rotor helicopter the Osprey that is a fragile helicopter and will be alarmingly prone to crash when used on landing zones under enemy fire and how there was a great design alternative that just needed a little more debugging but the Complex would have had to be patient about their contract orders which of course wasn't an option! Everyone knows how America pays more for pharmaceuticals than any developed country in the world because the Pharmaceutical Industry has enough members of Congress in their pocket due to all the campaign cash they throw around. Kennedy raises major problems with no solutions why should America elect a candidate that just offers rhetoric!

Robert doesn't have perspective about many issues. He says Biden is a greater threat to Democracy than Trump and he offers Biden using the power of the Presidency to pressure Social Media Outlets to shut down criticism of the Covid vaccines as evidence. What Biden did was wrong and an abuse of power and legislation should be enacted to stop such Presidential abuse in the future but it wasn't a threat to our democratic form of government. It was clearly a deprivation of peoples right of free speech but it was a limited deprivation; no doubt it was a scandal scientific analysis is clear some, granted a very small number, of people had a negative reaction one being where it triggered their immune system to attack a person's nervous system another where it caused heart problems. As for the Secret Service issue I don't doubt that the Democrat powers to be aren't using their discretion to provide you that protection to pressure you to drop out but as for disregarding the law on this issue the media reports there is prescriptions in the law that mandate providing such protection but you haven't met the standard so the allegation that America's Democracy is being subverted here doesn't lie.

Robert says he is the candidate that is going to get America out of these endless wars, he is acting so naive, foolish and like a simpleton. Just because the leader of America wants to be done with war doesn't mean America's enemies are done with war and won't bring war on us. The absolute unequivocal truth of the matter is that if America doesn't help Ukraine win this war against Russia by providing money and weapons Russia will conquer the entirety of Ukraine and after Putin rebuilds his army in ten to fifteen years he will try to conquer a Nato country in that region to build his Russian empire which means America will be in a Nato war against Russia because of treaty obligations; so why not give money now so we don't have to give more money plus American lives later! As for Iraq, if the Iraqi Shiite government wants American troops to leave we should comply one hundred percent we should respect their sovereignty. Everyone needs to remember though America's critical role in currently being in Iraq is being a block on ISIS in Iraq and especially in Syria reconstituting themself; today there is ten thousand plus Islamic State fighters in Syria in the camps guarded by the Kurds with America back-up, if this containment fails the world could again see an ISIS state in Syria and Iraq and maybe next time their growth won't be arrested!

Robert isn't as wise as he should about a major weakness of his which is his propensity to buy into conspiracy theories. Robert may have been one hundred percent accurate in saying that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen from John Kerry but that view isn't on most Americans radar the 2000 election maybe but only God knows for sure who won that election the punch card voting records with their hanging chads were undecipherable; in any event Robert should avoid making claims or beliefs that can be labeled conspiracy theories. Robert also mentioned that he thinks there is a revolution going on in the country; that is a absolute misnomer and error there is widespread cynicism and disillusionment with America's political system and capitalism values because it hasn't been shown to work in a long-time but it is the case where people are at a loss on what to do this isn't like the 1960's where people had big causes whether it be Vietnam or Civil Rights. One final point Robert in responding to the concern that what will he say if he becomes the spoiler in the race that he spoiled Joe Biden's chances and cause Donald Trump to win; Mr. Kennedy's response that they are both extremely bad candidates so it doesn't make much of a difference! That is absolutely wrong Donald Trump is a thousand times worse than Joe Biden, Donald Trump doesn't really care about following a good conscience he doesn't care about following fundamental norms, at minimum to a large degree Donald Trump doesn't believe there is objective truth and objective goodness, these things make Donald Trump very very dangerous he is capable of anything. One compelling reason why Robert should get out of the race because he will throw it to Trump is because Biden is a wounded Democrat candidate and he very well not be able to fix the problems; for one Biden is going to have trouble with the Muslim vote because of what is happening in the Gaza strip and really the death and suffering of the Palestinians there is something beyond Biden's control, reports are Biden is going to lose a lot of the Black vote because Blacks are disillusioned with the Democrat party there loyalty hasn't improved their lives like many of them expect it should and Biden will likely lose a lot of the young voter vote for a multitude of reasons whether it be Gaza, student loans, Tik Tok and young people find it hard to identify with an octogenarian. The right answer when Erin Burnett asked Robert what he would be thinking if he woke up the day after the election and learned he was the spoiler for Trump, he should have said the guilt I would feel would be without measure and that I will never forgive myself for hurting the country this way!
Now you know why most of this family thinks he's a whack-a-doodle and have shunned him. Lotsa talk about what he thinks is wrong with both candidates but in this rambling diatribe of an interview, I don't think I heard one substantive policy issue of what he would do for the average American voter. Because he knows he has no chance of winning. Which reduces him to the status of circus spoiler. Just another failed candidate who couldn't make it in the two party system, dropping down to third tier (and below) and becoming just another distraction. This is PRECISELY why a third party will NEVER gain any least in my lifetime. Because the candidates always end up to be the dregs. The Sideshow Bob's. A collection of clowns.
Now you know why most of this family thinks he's a whack-a-doodle and have shunned him. Lotsa talk about what he thinks is wrong with both candidates but in this rambling diatribe of an interview, I don't think I heard one substantive policy issue of what he would do for the average American voter. Because he knows he has no chance of winning. Which reduces him to the status of circus spoiler. Just another failed candidate who couldn't make it in the two party system, dropping down to third tier (and below) and becoming just another distraction. This is PRECISELY why a third party will NEVER gain any least in my lifetime. Because the candidates always end up to be the dregs. The Sideshow Bob's. A collection of clowns.
like bidens policies are doing the average American voter any good?....yea bring on the 3rd party people....
The interview by CNN Host Erin Burnett of Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy was revealing on many fronts. Although Mr. Kennedy is a really good guy who is trying to make America a better place, in a lot of areas he is misguided and lacks wisdom which calls for the conclusion that he does not have the wherewithal and plan which should move the American people to elect him as President! Robert says Trump and Biden aren't going to solve the existential threats facing America; and he lists numerous ones his leading issue was the national debt crisis, the $34 trillion and growing debt, talking as if any human being can fix it. Robert don't blow smoke at the American people the only thing a good President can do is manage this devastating predicament for America that is not grow the national debt significantly higher than the projections already predict; the history of this problem was that before Trump's 2017 Tax Cut law America could use a grand bargain, equal tax raising and spending cuts, to fix the problem with this law the Republicans blew on paper a $1.5 trillion hole in America's budget over ten years and proved themselves untrustworthy to the Democrats in their commitment to control the debt and with the Pandemic since there was no trust on this spending issue Washington wasted trillions and using a term that Nancy Pelosi used in 2017 moved America closer to Economic Armageddon! Robert referenced chronic disease in our country as if any President could fix this problem, I like many people believe that chemical pollution has a lot to do with the cause, in any event the American people are going to need a lot of pharmaceuticals to respond to this crisis there is largely no way of getting around it!

Robert mentions major problems in the country but often offers no solutions not even getting to whether a solution proposal is viable. Robert spotlights how major U.S. industries have seriously compromised some Federal Agencies; he mentions military contractors and the Pentagon and the Pharmaceutical industry and Congress and the Food and Drug Administration. Robert acts like the American people are in the dark on this corruption we aren't in the dark we just don't know how to stop it! The American people know how the American Military Complex manipulated Congress to replace the Black Hawk helicopter with a new helicopter patterned after the tilt rotor helicopter the Osprey that is a fragile helicopter and will be alarmingly prone to crash when used on landing zones under enemy fire and how there was a great design alternative that just needed a little more debugging but the Complex would have had to be patient about their contract orders which of course wasn't an option! Everyone knows how America pays more for pharmaceuticals than any developed country in the world because the Pharmaceutical Industry has enough members of Congress in their pocket due to all the campaign cash they throw around. Kennedy raises major problems with no solutions why should America elect a candidate that just offers rhetoric!

Robert doesn't have perspective about many issues. He says Biden is a greater threat to Democracy than Trump and he offers Biden using the power of the Presidency to pressure Social Media Outlets to shut down criticism of the Covid vaccines as evidence. What Biden did was wrong and an abuse of power and legislation should be enacted to stop such Presidential abuse in the future but it wasn't a threat to our democratic form of government. It was clearly a deprivation of peoples right of free speech but it was a limited deprivation; no doubt it was a scandal scientific analysis is clear some, granted a very small number, of people had a negative reaction one being where it triggered their immune system to attack a person's nervous system another where it caused heart problems. As for the Secret Service issue I don't doubt that the Democrat powers to be aren't using their discretion to provide you that protection to pressure you to drop out but as for disregarding the law on this issue the media reports there is prescriptions in the law that mandate providing such protection but you haven't met the standard so the allegation that America's Democracy is being subverted here doesn't lie.

Robert says he is the candidate that is going to get America out of these endless wars, he is acting so naive, foolish and like a simpleton. Just because the leader of America wants to be done with war doesn't mean America's enemies are done with war and won't bring war on us. The absolute unequivocal truth of the matter is that if America doesn't help Ukraine win this war against Russia by providing money and weapons Russia will conquer the entirety of Ukraine and after Putin rebuilds his army in ten to fifteen years he will try to conquer a Nato country in that region to build his Russian empire which means America will be in a Nato war against Russia because of treaty obligations; so why not give money now so we don't have to give more money plus American lives later! As for Iraq, if the Iraqi Shiite government wants American troops to leave we should comply one hundred percent we should respect their sovereignty. Everyone needs to remember though America's critical role in currently being in Iraq is being a block on ISIS in Iraq and especially in Syria reconstituting themself; today there is ten thousand plus Islamic State fighters in Syria in the camps guarded by the Kurds with America back-up, if this containment fails the world could again see an ISIS state in Syria and Iraq and maybe next time their growth won't be arrested!

Robert isn't as wise as he should about a major weakness of his which is his propensity to buy into conspiracy theories. Robert may have been one hundred percent accurate in saying that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen from John Kerry but that view isn't on most Americans radar the 2000 election maybe but only God knows for sure who won that election the punch card voting records with their hanging chads were undecipherable; in any event Robert should avoid making claims or beliefs that can be labeled conspiracy theories. Robert also mentioned that he thinks there is a revolution going on in the country; that is a absolute misnomer and error there is widespread cynicism and disillusionment with America's political system and capitalism values because it hasn't been shown to work in a long-time but it is the case where people are at a loss on what to do this isn't like the 1960's where people had big causes whether it be Vietnam or Civil Rights. One final point Robert in responding to the concern that what will he say if he becomes the spoiler in the race that he spoiled Joe Biden's chances and cause Donald Trump to win; Mr. Kennedy's response that they are both extremely bad candidates so it doesn't make much of a difference! That is absolutely wrong Donald Trump is a thousand times worse than Joe Biden, Donald Trump doesn't really care about following a good conscience he doesn't care about following fundamental norms, at minimum to a large degree Donald Trump doesn't believe there is objective truth and objective goodness, these things make Donald Trump very very dangerous he is capable of anything. One compelling reason why Robert should get out of the race because he will throw it to Trump is because Biden is a wounded Democrat candidate and he very well not be able to fix the problems; for one Biden is going to have trouble with the Muslim vote because of what is happening in the Gaza strip and really the death and suffering of the Palestinians there is something beyond Biden's control, reports are Biden is going to lose a lot of the Black vote because Blacks are disillusioned with the Democrat party there loyalty hasn't improved their lives like many of them expect it should and Biden will likely lose a lot of the young voter vote for a multitude of reasons whether it be Gaza, student loans, Tik Tok and young people find it hard to identify with an octogenarian. The right answer when Erin Burnett asked Robert what he would be thinking if he woke up the day after the election and learned he was the spoiler for Trump, he should have said the guilt I would feel would be without measure and that I will never forgive myself for hurting the country this way!
I‘m guessing you’re a liberal who is frightened that Democrats have an option other than a demented old man importing millions of illegals (and who refuse to vote for Trump).

If RFK is the one who keeps Biden (and thus Obama, who is behind the “.transformation”) from continuing his rampage on the country, he is worth his weight in gold.

I think I’ll contribute to his campaign.
The interview by CNN Host Erin Burnett of Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy was revealing on many fronts. Although Mr. Kennedy is a really good guy who is trying to make America a better place, in a lot of areas he is misguided and lacks wisdom which calls for the conclusion that he does not have the wherewithal and plan which should move the American people to elect him as President! Robert says Trump and Biden aren't going to solve the existential threats facing America; and he lists numerous ones his leading issue was the national debt crisis, the $34 trillion and growing debt, talking as if any human being can fix it. Robert don't blow smoke at the American people the only thing a good President can do is manage this devastating predicament for America that is not grow the national debt significantly higher than the projections already predict; the history of this problem was that before Trump's 2017 Tax Cut law America could use a grand bargain, equal tax raising and spending cuts, to fix the problem with this law the Republicans blew on paper a $1.5 trillion hole in America's budget over ten years and proved themselves untrustworthy to the Democrats in their commitment to control the debt and with the Pandemic since there was no trust on this spending issue Washington wasted trillions and using a term that Nancy Pelosi used in 2017 moved America closer to Economic Armageddon! Robert referenced chronic disease in our country as if any President could fix this problem, I like many people believe that chemical pollution has a lot to do with the cause, in any event the American people are going to need a lot of pharmaceuticals to respond to this crisis there is largely no way of getting around it!

Robert mentions major problems in the country but often offers no solutions not even getting to whether a solution proposal is viable. Robert spotlights how major U.S. industries have seriously compromised some Federal Agencies; he mentions military contractors and the Pentagon and the Pharmaceutical industry and Congress and the Food and Drug Administration. Robert acts like the American people are in the dark on this corruption we aren't in the dark we just don't know how to stop it! The American people know how the American Military Complex manipulated Congress to replace the Black Hawk helicopter with a new helicopter patterned after the tilt rotor helicopter the Osprey that is a fragile helicopter and will be alarmingly prone to crash when used on landing zones under enemy fire and how there was a great design alternative that just needed a little more debugging but the Complex would have had to be patient about their contract orders which of course wasn't an option! Everyone knows how America pays more for pharmaceuticals than any developed country in the world because the Pharmaceutical Industry has enough members of Congress in their pocket due to all the campaign cash they throw around. Kennedy raises major problems with no solutions why should America elect a candidate that just offers rhetoric!

Robert doesn't have perspective about many issues. He says Biden is a greater threat to Democracy than Trump and he offers Biden using the power of the Presidency to pressure Social Media Outlets to shut down criticism of the Covid vaccines as evidence. What Biden did was wrong and an abuse of power and legislation should be enacted to stop such Presidential abuse in the future but it wasn't a threat to our democratic form of government. It was clearly a deprivation of peoples right of free speech but it was a limited deprivation; no doubt it was a scandal scientific analysis is clear some, granted a very small number, of people had a negative reaction one being where it triggered their immune system to attack a person's nervous system another where it caused heart problems. As for the Secret Service issue I don't doubt that the Democrat powers to be aren't using their discretion to provide you that protection to pressure you to drop out but as for disregarding the law on this issue the media reports there is prescriptions in the law that mandate providing such protection but you haven't met the standard so the allegation that America's Democracy is being subverted here doesn't lie.

Robert says he is the candidate that is going to get America out of these endless wars, he is acting so naive, foolish and like a simpleton. Just because the leader of America wants to be done with war doesn't mean America's enemies are done with war and won't bring war on us. The absolute unequivocal truth of the matter is that if America doesn't help Ukraine win this war against Russia by providing money and weapons Russia will conquer the entirety of Ukraine and after Putin rebuilds his army in ten to fifteen years he will try to conquer a Nato country in that region to build his Russian empire which means America will be in a Nato war against Russia because of treaty obligations; so why not give money now so we don't have to give more money plus American lives later! As for Iraq, if the Iraqi Shiite government wants American troops to leave we should comply one hundred percent we should respect their sovereignty. Everyone needs to remember though America's critical role in currently being in Iraq is being a block on ISIS in Iraq and especially in Syria reconstituting themself; today there is ten thousand plus Islamic State fighters in Syria in the camps guarded by the Kurds with America back-up, if this containment fails the world could again see an ISIS state in Syria and Iraq and maybe next time their growth won't be arrested!

Robert isn't as wise as he should about a major weakness of his which is his propensity to buy into conspiracy theories. Robert may have been one hundred percent accurate in saying that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen from John Kerry but that view isn't on most Americans radar the 2000 election maybe but only God knows for sure who won that election the punch card voting records with their hanging chads were undecipherable; in any event Robert should avoid making claims or beliefs that can be labeled conspiracy theories. Robert also mentioned that he thinks there is a revolution going on in the country; that is a absolute misnomer and error there is widespread cynicism and disillusionment with America's political system and capitalism values because it hasn't been shown to work in a long-time but it is the case where people are at a loss on what to do this isn't like the 1960's where people had big causes whether it be Vietnam or Civil Rights. One final point Robert in responding to the concern that what will he say if he becomes the spoiler in the race that he spoiled Joe Biden's chances and cause Donald Trump to win; Mr. Kennedy's response that they are both extremely bad candidates so it doesn't make much of a difference! That is absolutely wrong Donald Trump is a thousand times worse than Joe Biden, Donald Trump doesn't really care about following a good conscience he doesn't care about following fundamental norms, at minimum to a large degree Donald Trump doesn't believe there is objective truth and objective goodness, these things make Donald Trump very very dangerous he is capable of anything. One compelling reason why Robert should get out of the race because he will throw it to Trump is because Biden is a wounded Democrat candidate and he very well not be able to fix the problems; for one Biden is going to have trouble with the Muslim vote because of what is happening in the Gaza strip and really the death and suffering of the Palestinians there is something beyond Biden's control, reports are Biden is going to lose a lot of the Black vote because Blacks are disillusioned with the Democrat party there loyalty hasn't improved their lives like many of them expect it should and Biden will likely lose a lot of the young voter vote for a multitude of reasons whether it be Gaza, student loans, Tik Tok and young people find it hard to identify with an octogenarian. The right answer when Erin Burnett asked Robert what he would be thinking if he woke up the day after the election and learned he was the spoiler for Trump, he should have said the guilt I would feel would be without measure and that I will never forgive myself for hurting the country this way!
What's revealing is that you want to attack Kennedy because he's taking votes away from Biden.
The interview by CNN Host Erin Burnett of Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy was revealing on many fronts. Although Mr. Kennedy is a really good guy who is trying to make America a better place, in a lot of areas he is misguided and lacks wisdom which calls for the conclusion that he does not have the wherewithal and plan which should move the American people to elect him as President! Robert says Trump and Biden aren't going to solve the existential threats facing America; and he lists numerous ones his leading issue was the national debt crisis, the $34 trillion and growing debt, talking as if any human being can fix it. Robert don't blow smoke at the American people the only thing a good President can do is manage this devastating predicament for America that is not grow the national debt significantly higher than the projections already predict; the history of this problem was that before Trump's 2017 Tax Cut law America could use a grand bargain, equal tax raising and spending cuts, to fix the problem with this law the Republicans blew on paper a $1.5 trillion hole in America's budget over ten years and proved themselves untrustworthy to the Democrats in their commitment to control the debt and with the Pandemic since there was no trust on this spending issue Washington wasted trillions and using a term that Nancy Pelosi used in 2017 moved America closer to Economic Armageddon! Robert referenced chronic disease in our country as if any President could fix this problem, I like many people believe that chemical pollution has a lot to do with the cause, in any event the American people are going to need a lot of pharmaceuticals to respond to this crisis there is largely no way of getting around it!

Robert mentions major problems in the country but often offers no solutions not even getting to whether a solution proposal is viable. Robert spotlights how major U.S. industries have seriously compromised some Federal Agencies; he mentions military contractors and the Pentagon and the Pharmaceutical industry and Congress and the Food and Drug Administration. Robert acts like the American people are in the dark on this corruption we aren't in the dark we just don't know how to stop it! The American people know how the American Military Complex manipulated Congress to replace the Black Hawk helicopter with a new helicopter patterned after the tilt rotor helicopter the Osprey that is a fragile helicopter and will be alarmingly prone to crash when used on landing zones under enemy fire and how there was a great design alternative that just needed a little more debugging but the Complex would have had to be patient about their contract orders which of course wasn't an option! Everyone knows how America pays more for pharmaceuticals than any developed country in the world because the Pharmaceutical Industry has enough members of Congress in their pocket due to all the campaign cash they throw around. Kennedy raises major problems with no solutions why should America elect a candidate that just offers rhetoric!

Robert doesn't have perspective about many issues. He says Biden is a greater threat to Democracy than Trump and he offers Biden using the power of the Presidency to pressure Social Media Outlets to shut down criticism of the Covid vaccines as evidence. What Biden did was wrong and an abuse of power and legislation should be enacted to stop such Presidential abuse in the future but it wasn't a threat to our democratic form of government. It was clearly a deprivation of peoples right of free speech but it was a limited deprivation; no doubt it was a scandal scientific analysis is clear some, granted a very small number, of people had a negative reaction one being where it triggered their immune system to attack a person's nervous system another where it caused heart problems. As for the Secret Service issue I don't doubt that the Democrat powers to be aren't using their discretion to provide you that protection to pressure you to drop out but as for disregarding the law on this issue the media reports there is prescriptions in the law that mandate providing such protection but you haven't met the standard so the allegation that America's Democracy is being subverted here doesn't lie.

Robert says he is the candidate that is going to get America out of these endless wars, he is acting so naive, foolish and like a simpleton. Just because the leader of America wants to be done with war doesn't mean America's enemies are done with war and won't bring war on us. The absolute unequivocal truth of the matter is that if America doesn't help Ukraine win this war against Russia by providing money and weapons Russia will conquer the entirety of Ukraine and after Putin rebuilds his army in ten to fifteen years he will try to conquer a Nato country in that region to build his Russian empire which means America will be in a Nato war against Russia because of treaty obligations; so why not give money now so we don't have to give more money plus American lives later! As for Iraq, if the Iraqi Shiite government wants American troops to leave we should comply one hundred percent we should respect their sovereignty. Everyone needs to remember though America's critical role in currently being in Iraq is being a block on ISIS in Iraq and especially in Syria reconstituting themself; today there is ten thousand plus Islamic State fighters in Syria in the camps guarded by the Kurds with America back-up, if this containment fails the world could again see an ISIS state in Syria and Iraq and maybe next time their growth won't be arrested!

Robert isn't as wise as he should about a major weakness of his which is his propensity to buy into conspiracy theories. Robert may have been one hundred percent accurate in saying that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen from John Kerry but that view isn't on most Americans radar the 2000 election maybe but only God knows for sure who won that election the punch card voting records with their hanging chads were undecipherable; in any event Robert should avoid making claims or beliefs that can be labeled conspiracy theories. Robert also mentioned that he thinks there is a revolution going on in the country; that is a absolute misnomer and error there is widespread cynicism and disillusionment with America's political system and capitalism values because it hasn't been shown to work in a long-time but it is the case where people are at a loss on what to do this isn't like the 1960's where people had big causes whether it be Vietnam or Civil Rights. One final point Robert in responding to the concern that what will he say if he becomes the spoiler in the race that he spoiled Joe Biden's chances and cause Donald Trump to win; Mr. Kennedy's response that they are both extremely bad candidates so it doesn't make much of a difference! That is absolutely wrong Donald Trump is a thousand times worse than Joe Biden, Donald Trump doesn't really care about following a good conscience he doesn't care about following fundamental norms, at minimum to a large degree Donald Trump doesn't believe there is objective truth and objective goodness, these things make Donald Trump very very dangerous he is capable of anything. One compelling reason why Robert should get out of the race because he will throw it to Trump is because Biden is a wounded Democrat candidate and he very well not be able to fix the problems; for one Biden is going to have trouble with the Muslim vote because of what is happening in the Gaza strip and really the death and suffering of the Palestinians there is something beyond Biden's control, reports are Biden is going to lose a lot of the Black vote because Blacks are disillusioned with the Democrat party there loyalty hasn't improved their lives like many of them expect it should and Biden will likely lose a lot of the young voter vote for a multitude of reasons whether it be Gaza, student loans, Tik Tok and young people find it hard to identify with an octogenarian. The right answer when Erin Burnett asked Robert what he would be thinking if he woke up the day after the election and learned he was the spoiler for Trump, he should have said the guilt I would feel would be without measure and that I will never forgive myself for hurting the country this way!
Your post is too long and not worth reading.
Up through 2016, national elections followed fairly consistent ballot rates of around 60% of registered voters in Presidential years and 40% in the off years. Staring in 2018, this all changed. The off year ballot rates for 2018 and 2022 increased to about 50% (~10 million extra ballots), and the 2020 vote ballot rates zoomed to 67% (~15 million extra ballots).
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I’ll summarize: he tries to convince gullible voters that RFK Jr is actually a conservative!
The left is telling the public that RFKjr. is really a super secret MAGA supporter, and the right is telling the public that RFKjr. is a super secret ultra lefty.

When, the reality is, when you look at his policy prescriptions, and solutions, he is more moderate than either party, and more in-line with the majority of what the nation wants.

. . . an end to regulatory capture.
The left is telling the public that RFKjr. is really a super secret MAGA supporter, and the right is telling the public that RFKjr. is a super secret ultra lefty.

When, the reality is, when you look at his policy prescriptions, and solutions, he is more moderate than either party, and more in-line with the majority of what the nation wants.

. . . an end to regulatory capture.
I think he’s a traditional Democrat, with traditional liberal policies. It’s just that Democrats have moved so far to the left that a “normal” Democrat appears to be in the middle of both parties.

For example, he wants a strong, secure border and he is pro-Israel. Those are both normal Democrat positions - or had been. So now thT Dems are tolerating anti-Israel, anti-Jew protests and and are defending illegal aliens, RFK seems to be an independent.
I‘m guessing you’re a liberal who is frightened that Democrats have an option other than a demented old man importing millions of illegals (and who refuse to vote for Trump).

If RFK is the one who keeps Biden (and thus Obama, who is behind the “.transformation”) from continuing his rampage on the country, he is worth his weight in gold.

I think I’ll contribute to his campaign.
See if you can find a Democratic Party voter that will vote for RFKjr. Good luck!
See if you can find a Democratic Party voter that will vote for RFKjr. Good luck!
You honestly think Democrats will ALL vote for Biden, given the disaster at border and the problems that have resulted…..the high prices of groceries that have half of all Americans struggling to buy food….his siding with Muslims over Jews….our dependence on adversaries for our energy….his calling half of all voters “threats to democracy”….his enriching his family to the tune of $20 million laundered through shell companies….and of course his very obvious dementia that makes it difficult to complete a sentence together with his physical frailty that makes it difficult to climb the stairs?
You honestly think Democrats will ALL vote for Biden, given the disaster at border and the problems that have resulted…..the high prices of groceries that have half of all Americans struggling to buy food….his siding with Muslims over Jews….our dependence on adversaries for our energy….his calling half of all voters “threats to democracy”….his enriching his family to the tune of $20 million laundered through shell companies….and of course his very obvious dementia that makes it difficult to complete a sentence together with his physical frailty that makes it difficult to climb the stairs?
Yes, we'll all vote for President Biden, because we don't see things the same way that you do.

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