Erdogan is a 'snowflake' - who knew?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan publicly declared he is personally offended by President Trump's HARSHLY WRITTEN LETTER in which the President warned him not to be a 'tough guy' and took him to task over invading Syria (again) and attacking the Kurds (again). Erdogan said he would never forget the harshly written letter.

Poor fragile, easily-offended genocidal leader attempting to wipe out the Kurds...he was offended by a harshly written will haunt him the rest of his miserable life.


After the letter and a visit from VP Pence, Erdogan agreed to a 5-day cease fire to allow Kurdish fighters and civilians leave the area, but he warned 'Turkey would "do what's necessary" concerning the letter " when the time comes." He did not elaborate.'

If Tayyip feels 'froggy' he can 'jump' any time he wants. He is already risking having Turkey expelled from NATO, according to other members, without looking for an ass whuppin' on top of it. It's just tough talk from a Turkish snowflake...

Erdogan: Turkey Won't Forget Trump's 'Tough Guy' Letter

He was probably offended at being sent a letter written at a 3rd grade level.
That letter has to be some sort of troll gimmick....
Erdogan has been pushing around our compromised president for weeks.

Some snowflake!
13th November Erdogan will meet Trump.
I'm sure they'll talk about the letter.
And Trump will step infront of cameras and talk about Erdogan being a tough, wonderful guy and his friend.

Get out of my way, bitch. I'm coming through!


Yes, sir! Right away, sir!

The Middle East is all yours, boss.


You are the best return on investment I have ever made, tovarishch.
What does that have to do with Trump sending out letters written at a 3rd grade level?
American Socialist-Democrat-manipulated, Gruber-described sock puppets like yourself are the only ones dumb enough and emotionally manipulated enough to make such a ridiculous, embarrassing claim...oh, except for D-Adam Schiff, who can also author some moronic fiction and present it to the world as if real.

What does that have to do with Trump sending out letters written at a 3rd grade level?
American Socialist-Democrat-manipulated, Gruber-described sock puppets like yourself are the only ones dumb enough and emotionally manipulated enough to make such a ridiculous, embarrassing claim...oh, except for D-Adam Schiff, who can also author some moronic fiction and present it to the world as if real.


It is not a claim, it is a fact....

I made a is a 4th grade level not 3rd.

I apologize
What does that have to do with Trump sending out letters written at a 3rd grade level?
American Socialist-Democrat-manipulated, Gruber-described sock puppets like yourself are the only ones dumb enough and emotionally manipulated enough to make such a ridiculous, embarrassing claim...oh, except for D-Adam Schiff, who can also author some moronic fiction and present it to the world as if real.


If the letter weren't an embarrassment to adults, you'd have a point. Face it - that was the product of a low-functioning mind.
It is not a claim, it is a fact....I made a is a 4th grade level not 3rd.

Only an American Socialist-Democrat-manipulated, Gruber-described sock puppet could, in the same post, double-down on the moronic comment by claiming it to be fact...and then in the next sentence contradict themselves by saying it is NOT a fact, that they were wrong...

If the letter weren't an embarrassment to adults, you'd have a point. Face it - that was the product of a low-functioning mind.
...and yet it successfully resulted in a Cease Fire. Bwuhahahahaha.....
It is not a claim, it is a fact....I made a is a 4th grade level not 3rd.

Only an American Socialist-Democrat-manipulated, Gruber-described sock puppet could, in the same post, double-down on the moronic comment by claiming it to be fact...and then in the next sentence contradict themselves by saying it is NOT a fact, that they were wrong...


I made a mistake, the letter is written at a 4th grade level based upon the Automated Readability Index. My mistake does not change the letter
It is not a claim, it is a fact....I made a is a 4th grade level not 3rd.

Only an American Socialist-Democrat-manipulated, Gruber-described sock puppet could, in the same post, double-down on the moronic comment by claiming it to be fact...and then in the next sentence contradict themselves by saying it is NOT a fact, that they were wrong...


I made a mistake, the letter is written at a 4th grade level based upon the Automated Readability Index. My mistake does not change the letter

What you're say is that Donald Trump is so smart that he knew the fearless leader of Turkey wouldn't understand a letter written at a fifth grade level?

I can see that.

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