Article from last week's left wing assault in Minneapolis. Downplayed by the scum in the media.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Thousands of lawless, violent Democrats “protested” Trump’s appearance by committing assault, among other crimes. They battled police officers. They attacked Republicans leaving Target Center. They set bonfires and burned patriotic regalia. They carried the flag of the defunct Soviet Union.

They spat on peaceful Trump supporters. They assaulted an uncounted number of normal citizens leaving the Target Center. They struck a woman across the head with a piece of lumber. They waved a sign that said, “Blue Lives Don’t F@$king Matter.” The Minneapolis Chief of Police reported, “Objects containing liquid believed to be urine were hurled at some of my officers along with bottles and rocks. Police horses were also assaulted by protesters striking them with sticks.”

These leftists are identical to the Nazi Brownshirts of the 1930s. But make no mistake–they represent today’s Democratic Party. A sitting Democratic State Representative, Aisha Gomez (DFL-Minneapolis), was seen among the fascists, dressed in black like an Antifa hoodlum. And Minneapolis’s boy Mayor, Jacob Frey, who expressed regret that he could not legally prevent President Trump from visiting Minneapolis, and then tried to do it anyway, issued an order to the Minneapolis Police Department not to use chemical irritants on the mob of criminal Democrats. [UPDATE: We have a disagreement between Boy Mayor Frey and the mob: Frey denies issuing such an order, putting him at odds with fellow Democrat Gomez.] And not a single local Democrat has condemned the violence and disorder that took place last night.

Last Night, We Saw Fascism In the Streets [Updated]

We deserve it. All of us deserve to piss thrown at us by these scumbags. We deserve to be spit on. We are all fucking cowards cause we are afraid to be called names and be labeled as racist or the violent ones.

We will all continue to allow it to happen, and then we will wonder how we were eliminated. Do you know it is still actually a mystery how nearly 70 million people were eliminated in China over 10 years?

Not a mystery to me. One side is willing to be violent and the other side wants to bend over forward and be raped.
We should round up antifa assholes and send them to guard the precious Kurds.
Every time some liberal points to countries like Sweden and their highly successful health care systems they completely avid mentioning the fact that these nations have the strictest immigration plans on the planet and do not let millions of illegals flood into their country and be part of that system.
They got there somehow , follow them to their homes in the dead of night and show them religion . They use fear to promote their agendas so they must respect it's application - so turn it on them .
The discussions and tolerance are over and it's time to react .

Thousands of lawless, violent Democrats “protested” Trump’s appearance by committing assault, among other crimes. They battled police officers. They attacked Republicans leaving Target Center. They set bonfires and burned patriotic regalia. They carried the flag of the defunct Soviet Union.

They spat on peaceful Trump supporters. They assaulted an uncounted number of normal citizens leaving the Target Center. They struck a woman across the head with a piece of lumber. They waved a sign that said, “Blue Lives Don’t F@$king Matter.” The Minneapolis Chief of Police reported, “Objects containing liquid believed to be urine were hurled at some of my officers along with bottles and rocks. Police horses were also assaulted by protesters striking them with sticks.”

These leftists are identical to the Nazi Brownshirts of the 1930s. But make no mistake–they represent today’s Democratic Party. A sitting Democratic State Representative, Aisha Gomez (DFL-Minneapolis), was seen among the fascists, dressed in black like an Antifa hoodlum. And Minneapolis’s boy Mayor, Jacob Frey, who expressed regret that he could not legally prevent President Trump from visiting Minneapolis, and then tried to do it anyway, issued an order to the Minneapolis Police Department not to use chemical irritants on the mob of criminal Democrats. [UPDATE: We have a disagreement between Boy Mayor Frey and the mob: Frey denies issuing such an order, putting him at odds with fellow Democrat Gomez.] And not a single local Democrat has condemned the violence and disorder that took place last night.

Last Night, We Saw Fascism In the Streets [Updated]

We deserve it. All of us deserve to piss thrown at us by these scumbags. We deserve to be spit on. We are all fucking cowards cause we are afraid to be called names and be labeled as racist or the violent ones.

We will all continue to allow it to happen, and then we will wonder how we were eliminated. Do you know it is still actually a mystery how nearly 70 million people were eliminated in China over 10 years?

Not a mystery to me. One side is willing to be violent and the other side wants to bend over forward and be raped.

There is a breaking point Mr Owl. People get fed up. And the backlash is nasty but necessary and for years afterwards people know not to allow such nonsense...until they eventually get complacent again..

Berlin in the 1920's...


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