Epstein an Agent of Israel?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
The extent of spying against the US by Israel is one of the biggest stories most Americans are clueless about.

From Jonathon Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for his crime, to Arnon Milchan who has yet to answer for his alleged espionage (including passing US nuclear secrets to Israel), the Jewish state regularly tops the list of "friendly" states that conduct aggressive spying against the USA.

Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?

"Epstein kept a black book identifying many of his social contacts, which is now in the hands of investigators.

"It included fourteen personal phone numbers belonging to Donald Trump, including ex-wife Ivana, daughter Ivanka and current wife Melania. It also included Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, Jon Huntsman, Senator Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, David Koch, Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, John Kerry, George Mitchell, David Rockefeller, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomfield, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Elizabeth, Saudi King Salman and Edward de Rothschild.

"Mossad would have exploited Epstein’s contacts, arranging their cooperation by having Epstein wining and dining them while flying them off to exotic locations, providing them with women and entertainment. If they refused to cooperate, it would be time for blackmail, photos and videos of the sex with underage women.

"It will be very interesting to see just how far and how deep the investigation into Epstein and his activities goes.

"One can expect that efforts will be made to protect top politicians like Clinton and Trump and to avoid any examination of a possible Israeli role.

"That is the normal practice, witness the 9/11 Report and the Mueller investigation, both of which eschewed any inquiry into what Israel might have been up to.

"But this time, if it was indeed an Israeli operation, it might prove difficult to cover up the story since the pedophile aspect of it has unleashed considerable public anger from all across the political spectrum...."

"That Epstein was perceived as being intelligence-linked was made clear in Acosta’s comments when being cleared by the Trump transition team.

"He was asked 'Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?' … 'Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had "been told" to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. "I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.'"
Epstein an Agent of Israel?

Certainly has that appearance.

Israeli spies operate more or less freely in the US compared to those of "hostile" states, but perhaps the stigma of human trafficking will trump the usual double standard DC elites project towards Israel?

Ghislaine Maxwell's father's state funeral in Israel might be a good starting point for anyone interested in uncovering the truth about Epstein's usefulness to the Jewish state?

2,000 Pages Of Documents Expected To Reveal Epstein’s High-Powered Associates

"A legal document expected to be released within days is likely to reveal allegations of sexual abuse by 'numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders' with ties to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, Vanity Fair reported Wednesday.

"The document will be unveiled by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which is hearing a defamation case brought by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of Epstein’s accusers, against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s longtime friend.

"'It’s going to be staggering, the amount of names,' a source with litigation against Epstein told Vanity Fair. 'It’s going to be contagion numbers.'"
The Day Israel Attacked America (USS Liberty Documentary)
The extent of spying against the US by Israel is one of the biggest stories most Americans are clueless about.

From Jonathon Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for his crime, to Arnon Milchan who has yet to answer for his alleged espionage (including passing US nuclear secrets to Israel), the Jewish state regularly tops the list of "friendly" states that conduct aggressive spying against the USA.

Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?

"Epstein kept a black book identifying many of his social contacts, which is now in the hands of investigators.

"It included fourteen personal phone numbers belonging to Donald Trump, including ex-wife Ivana, daughter Ivanka and current wife Melania. It also included Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, Jon Huntsman, Senator Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, David Koch, Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, John Kerry, George Mitchell, David Rockefeller, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomfield, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Elizabeth, Saudi King Salman and Edward de Rothschild.

"Mossad would have exploited Epstein’s contacts, arranging their cooperation by having Epstein wining and dining them while flying them off to exotic locations, providing them with women and entertainment. If they refused to cooperate, it would be time for blackmail, photos and videos of the sex with underage women.

"It will be very interesting to see just how far and how deep the investigation into Epstein and his activities goes.

"One can expect that efforts will be made to protect top politicians like Clinton and Trump and to avoid any examination of a possible Israeli role.

"That is the normal practice, witness the 9/11 Report and the Mueller investigation, both of which eschewed any inquiry into what Israel might have been up to.

"But this time, if it was indeed an Israeli operation, it might prove difficult to cover up the story since the pedophile aspect of it has unleashed considerable public anger from all across the political spectrum...."

"That Epstein was perceived as being intelligence-linked was made clear in Acosta’s comments when being cleared by the Trump transition team.

"He was asked 'Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?' … 'Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had "been told" to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. "I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.'"
Perhaps Acosta should have asked 'who's intelligence?'

Jonathan Pollard - Google Search
The extent of spying against the US by Israel is one of the biggest stories most Americans are clueless about.

From Jonathon Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for his crime, to Arnon Milchan who has yet to answer for his alleged espionage (including passing US nuclear secrets to Israel), the Jewish state regularly tops the list of "friendly" states that conduct aggressive spying against the USA.

Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?

"Epstein kept a black book identifying many of his social contacts, which is now in the hands of investigators.

"It included fourteen personal phone numbers belonging to Donald Trump, including ex-wife Ivana, daughter Ivanka and current wife Melania. It also included Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, Jon Huntsman, Senator Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, David Koch, Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, John Kerry, George Mitchell, David Rockefeller, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomfield, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Elizabeth, Saudi King Salman and Edward de Rothschild.

"Mossad would have exploited Epstein’s contacts, arranging their cooperation by having Epstein wining and dining them while flying them off to exotic locations, providing them with women and entertainment. If they refused to cooperate, it would be time for blackmail, photos and videos of the sex with underage women.

"It will be very interesting to see just how far and how deep the investigation into Epstein and his activities goes.

"One can expect that efforts will be made to protect top politicians like Clinton and Trump and to avoid any examination of a possible Israeli role.

"That is the normal practice, witness the 9/11 Report and the Mueller investigation, both of which eschewed any inquiry into what Israel might have been up to.

"But this time, if it was indeed an Israeli operation, it might prove difficult to cover up the story since the pedophile aspect of it has unleashed considerable public anger from all across the political spectrum...."

"That Epstein was perceived as being intelligence-linked was made clear in Acosta’s comments when being cleared by the Trump transition team.

"He was asked 'Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?' … 'Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had "been told" to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. "I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.'"
Perhaps Acosta should have asked 'who's intelligence?'

Jonathan Pollard - Google Search
Perhaps Acosta should have asked 'who's intelligence?'
I don't spend much time watching MSM, but, so far, I haven't heard any questions regarding the connections between Epstein, Robert Maxwell, and Israel?

Perhaps someone will ask Acosta to publicly verify the claim he was told to "back off" his prosecution of Jeffrey?

La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein

"Media tycoon and former Labour MP Robert Maxwell (father of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s partner in crime) was given a state funeral in Jerusalem after *accidentally* falling off his yacht – the unluckily named 'Lady Ghislaine'.

"Later it was revealed Maxwell Sr was a Mossad asset who used his vast network of connections and publishing platforms to run editorial interference over his purchased assets to influence enemies and friends alike, ensuring their fealty to the foreign government that had enlisted him for its espionage work...."

"More ominously, he was behind the spy agency’s successful attempt to install a trapdoor in software intended for government use, allowing the Israelis a direct pipeline into a vast network of computers installed with undectable malware..."

"Epstein, like Maxwell, was laying the groundwork for Israeli espionage activities through his interests in companies with a political agenda concealed in products intended for international export.

"If true, the playboy philanthropist feted and flattered his high profile friends to ensnare them as complicit partners in what amounts to the legal definition of treason."
The extent of spying against the US by Israel is one of the biggest stories most Americans are clueless about.

From Jonathon Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for his crime, to Arnon Milchan who has yet to answer for his alleged espionage (including passing US nuclear secrets to Israel), the Jewish state regularly tops the list of "friendly" states that conduct aggressive spying against the USA.

Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?

"Epstein kept a black book identifying many of his social contacts, which is now in the hands of investigators.

"It included fourteen personal phone numbers belonging to Donald Trump, including ex-wife Ivana, daughter Ivanka and current wife Melania. It also included Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, Jon Huntsman, Senator Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, David Koch, Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, John Kerry, George Mitchell, David Rockefeller, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomfield, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Elizabeth, Saudi King Salman and Edward de Rothschild.

"Mossad would have exploited Epstein’s contacts, arranging their cooperation by having Epstein wining and dining them while flying them off to exotic locations, providing them with women and entertainment. If they refused to cooperate, it would be time for blackmail, photos and videos of the sex with underage women.

"It will be very interesting to see just how far and how deep the investigation into Epstein and his activities goes.

"One can expect that efforts will be made to protect top politicians like Clinton and Trump and to avoid any examination of a possible Israeli role.

"That is the normal practice, witness the 9/11 Report and the Mueller investigation, both of which eschewed any inquiry into what Israel might have been up to.

"But this time, if it was indeed an Israeli operation, it might prove difficult to cover up the story since the pedophile aspect of it has unleashed considerable public anger from all across the political spectrum...."

"That Epstein was perceived as being intelligence-linked was made clear in Acosta’s comments when being cleared by the Trump transition team.

"He was asked 'Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?' … 'Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had "been told" to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. "I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.'"
Perhaps Acosta should have asked 'who's intelligence?'

Jonathan Pollard - Google Search
Perhaps Acosta should have asked 'who's intelligence?'
I don't spend much time watching MSM, but, so far, I haven't heard any questions regarding the connections between Epstein, Robert Maxwell, and Israel?

Perhaps someone will ask Acosta to publicly verify the claim he was told to "back off" his prosecution of Jeffrey?

La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein

"Media tycoon and former Labour MP Robert Maxwell (father of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s partner in crime) was given a state funeral in Jerusalem after *accidentally* falling off his yacht – the unluckily named 'Lady Ghislaine'.

"Later it was revealed Maxwell Sr was a Mossad asset who used his vast network of connections and publishing platforms to run editorial interference over his purchased assets to influence enemies and friends alike, ensuring their fealty to the foreign government that had enlisted him for its espionage work...."

"More ominously, he was behind the spy agency’s successful attempt to install a trapdoor in software intended for government use, allowing the Israelis a direct pipeline into a vast network of computers installed with undectable malware..."

"Epstein, like Maxwell, was laying the groundwork for Israeli espionage activities through his interests in companies with a political agenda concealed in products intended for international export.

"If true, the playboy philanthropist feted and flattered his high profile friends to ensnare them as complicit partners in what amounts to the legal definition of treason."
And who told Acosta that would be nice to know.

The MSM isn't going to ask those ??'s and there is a lot of misinformation out there on this portion of this whole affair. I read claim Ghislaine was a Russian asset so discounted that report but it did have some other interesting tidbits.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s Great Escape Didn’t Get Her Far
A 2001 report in the Evening Standard noted that Epstein once claimed that during the 1980s he worked for the CIA, but Epstein later backed away from that assertion.

Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

Journalist Ed Reid, author of the Virginia Hill biography The Mistress and the Mafia, wrote that Lansky was attempting to entrap powerful people through sexual blackmail as far back as 1939. Reid contends that Lansky sent Ms. Hill to Mexico, where his West Coast connections had established a drug ring that later involved the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, to seduce numerous “top politicians, army officers, diplomats and police officials.”
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case
without looking at all the info posted so far since i am pressed for time,i would put my money on it,the fact he is pals with the clintons and trump who are BOTH pro Israel themselves. hang out with the war mongers. makes sense.
without looking at all the info posted so far since i am pressed for time,i would put my money on it,the fact he is pals with the clintons and trump who are BOTH pro Israel themselves. hang out with the war mongers. makes sense.
Shortsightedness on your part. Pro Israel doesn't necessarily mean pro pedo or pro criminal no more than pro American means that all of the people agree pedos and criminals should be free to roam through society or be in any kind of leadership position.

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