
  1. toobfreak

    Disney/ABC Has Damning Evidence in Epstein Case, Admits He was Clearly Murdered But Sits On Story To Protect Hillary?

    Yep, you heard that right. ABC admitted damning evidence in the Epstein death / sex scandal case but conveniently says airing it to protect women doesn't meet their editorial standards?
  2. toobfreak

    Too Funny: The Prison Lost Jeffrey Epstein's Jailcell Video

    You can't make this stuff up! Now apparently the video that was taken the night Epstein was found dead has been "lost." :21: Prison Video Related to Jeffrey Epstein's Apparent Suicide Attempt Is Lost, Prosecutors Say
  3. EvilEyeFleegle

    Two jail guards charged in connection to Jeffrey Epstein's death, sources say

    No conspiracy..just stupidity: Two jail guards charged in connection to Jeffrey Epstein's death, sources say "Federal prosecutors have charged two guards at a prison in Manhattan in connection to the investigation into accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a senior law enforcement official...
  4. Cellblock2429

    Well, well, well. Looks like Epstein was strangled after all.

    Now we learn what many have always suspected. It was a hit job, not suicide. Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide, Dr. Michael Baden reveals Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide, Dr. Michael Baden reveals
  5. The Original Tree

    Evidence Points to Epstein Being Murdered

    He had multiple fractures and crushing injuries to his neck vertebrae. The Camera that was supposed to be in his Cell was oddly pointed away from Epstein. It is unknown due to "Camera Malfunctions" when Epstein's Muscle Bound Convicted Murderer Cell Mate was transferred out of his cell. The...
  6. Conservative American

    27 people who died mysteriously before testifying against the clintons in court and how they died

    Just hours after the high-profile financier Jeffrey Epstein was found dead on Saturday, conspiracy theories about his death began to gain traction online. Epstein, who was set to stand trial on sex trafficking and conspiracy charges, "supposedly" killed himself in his jail cell in New York...
  7. georgephillip

    Epstein an Agent of Israel?

    The extent of spying against the US by Israel is one of the biggest stories most Americans are clueless about. From Jonathon Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for his crime, to Arnon Milchan who has yet to answer for his alleged espionage (including passing US nuclear secrets to Israel)...
  8. S

    What's up with Jefferey Epstein's Sex Temple?

    What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island? What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island? by Matt Naham | 1:04 pm, July 12th, 2019 The latest buzz about the Jeffrey Epstein child...
  9. deanrd

    Trump’s Labor Secretary has a lot to answer for in Epstein child molestation.

    Trump’s Labor Secretary has a lot to answer for in Epstein child molestation case. Judge: DOJ broke law by not conferring with victims of Jeffrey Epstein - CNNPolitics Prosecutors Broke Law in Agreement Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Rules Earlier this month, Sen. Ben Sasse, a...
  10. The Original Tree

    Revisiting The Clinton-Hollywood-Liberal Elite Sex Ring

    This whole discussion should be revisted. From Bill Clinton's 26 DOCUMENTED ROMPS on Kiddie Porn Island with Epstein, and multiple rapes of underage girls...... To The Clinton's Close relationships with Anthony Weiner........and Weinstein.... To the Rumored Sex Ring that Podesta was involved...
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