EPIC INTERVIEW: Ex-Pfizer Chief Science Officer Explains the "8 COVID Lies" That Are Killing You


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Dr. Mike Yeadon spent his whole life developing drugs and vaccines, including as a former Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer. Not an "anti-vaxxer." AMAZING interview, for clear and lucid exposition of the science and how governments are lying to you.
-"We knew these vaccines would kill people."

-By lying about safe remedies like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine,, governments have committed "mass murder."
-"Don't be afraid of COVID or 'variants.' Be terrified of your government."

-ā€œThese are not ā€˜slip-upsā€™, ā€˜well-intentioned mistakesā€™ā€¦Theyā€™re deliberately misleading.ā€

Dr. Yeadon LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-yeadon-3818613/

"US Army Flight Surgeon Is Grounding ā€œVaccinatedā€ Pilots, Citing Deaths, Calls for Halt to Shots for Military"

Below is An Open Email to the Public from Dr. Mike Yeadon, Published in Off-Guardian Yeadon Sums It Up

To all on this list,

It is quite clear to me that, whatever the truth is about the origins of the virus or whether or not it actually exists in the precise form that weā€™re told, certain things have happened & continue to happen.

Very closely together in time, scores of countries simultaneously discarded their pandemic preparedness plans & instead adopted what Iā€™ve dubbed the ā€œEight covid19 liesā€.

What almost every government told their people was an absurd set of statements, most of them easily disproven by reference to published literature & often simply by thinking.

These statements were & remain untrue, every last one of them. When politicians make technical statements, itā€™s not reasonable to expect them to know whether itā€™s right or not. But when the advisory team guiding policy responses is invoked, as they usually are, untrue statements by those with good levels of knowledge & experience has no better description than lies. These are not ā€˜slip-upsā€™, ā€˜well-intentioned mistakesā€™, ā€˜erring on the side of cautionā€™ or similar. Theyā€™re deliberately misleading....

Once you examine these statements, you have all the evidence needed to show to a receptive, open minded person that indeed we are all facing a heavily manipulated situation.

While I recognise thereā€™s a constant flow of important new information, such as the time ordering of patents, people apparently becoming magnetised after vaccination, the concept of ā€˜sheddingā€™, graphene oxide in the vaccines etc. Iā€™m more than happy to benefit from others diligence on all these emerging items, and not to invest time I donā€™t have myself.

Iā€™m not convinced that many of the usual institutions are operative, and so Iā€™m not aiming to influence them (in U.K. for example, Parliament).

I may be wrong to do so, but Iā€™m now aiming solely at the general public. I have given & will continue to give interviews on the theme of the ā€œEight covid19 liesā€.

I put it to the list that while interesting, itā€™s not necessary for the purpose of trying to wake up the public to know & tell them about anything more that proves beyond doubt that thereā€™s massive SV scale fraud & deception going on.

There is no possible benign interpretation of the fact that weā€™re all being lied to, for between 15-18months. None whatsoever. All that has been accomplished is destruction of the economies of many G20 countries, wrecking of civil societies, substantial, avoidable loss of life...and a pervading sense of fear, everywhere.

Additionally, large & growing fractions of populations have been injected with new technology, experimental gene based vaccines, which have been associated with rates of death shortly afterwards of 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than any previous public health prophylactic vaccine. Everywhere they are steamrollering appropriate objections to vaccination in people who cannot benefit from this intervention, yet certainly can be harmed or even killed by them.

We hear the imminent arrival of ā€˜vaccine passportsā€™, which donā€™t enhance public safety yet grant to the state totalitarian tyranny over them.

There is no other interpretation that fits all the major facts, than that the goal is control through what will be the worldā€™s first digital identity database.

What will be done with that power, we cannot be sure...

There being immunologically no need or justification for 3rd & subsequent vaccines (booster, top-up, variant) the fact that theyā€™re imminently to be administered to people en masse should send alarm bells ringing loudly.... MORE, FULL STATEMENT HERE: Yeadon Sums It Up
It is strange to see intelligent person from Pfizer discussing actual facts vs the holocost survivor CEO they currently have installed.

My guess is there zero chance the truth will be acted upon by politicians, judges, MSM, academia, mid east derived religions, etc. because they are all in on it. Imagine the lawsuits against Fauci and the NIH for funding the Fauci Flu, the lawsuits against all the governors, the lawsuits against mayors, etc. In fact, the establishment will label truth tellers, "insurrectionists" and have the FBI or one of the 17 intelligence agencies who insisted Putin hacked the 2016 election do a raid to arrest them. :dunno:
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It is strange to see intelligent person from Pfizer discussing actual facts vs the holocost survivor CEO they currently have installed.

My guess is there zero chance the truth will be acted upon by politicians, judges, MSM, academia, mid east derived religions, etc. because they are all in on it. Imagine the lawsuits against Fauci and the NIH for funding the Fauci Flu, the lawsuits against all the governors, the lawsuits against mayors, etc. In fact, the establishment will label truth tellers, "insurrectionists" and have the FBI or one of the 17 intelligence agencies who insisted Putin hacked the 2016 election do a raid to arrest them. :dunno:

Bourla was born in 1961 he is not a Holocaust survivor. That said, yes he should know better than to be experimenting on 6 month old babies with his clot shots.
It is strange to see intelligent person from Pfizer discussing actual facts vs the holocost survivor CEO they currently have installed.

My guess is there zero chance the truth will be acted upon by politicians, judges, MSM, academia, mid east derived religions, etc. because they are all in on it. Imagine the lawsuits against Fauci and the NIH for funding the Fauci Flu, the lawsuits against all the governors, the lawsuits against mayors, etc. In fact, the establishment will label truth tellers, "insurrectionists" and have the FBI or one of the 17 intelligence agencies who insisted Putin hacked the 2016 election do a raid to arrest them. :dunno:

I hear there are some white hat FBI who want to go public with what they know about framing the "insurrectionists." Just one senate committee granting them immunity and sitting them down and it all comes tumbling down.
It is strange to see intelligent person from Pfizer discussing actual facts vs the holocost survivor CEO they currently have installed.

My guess is there zero chance the truth will be acted upon by politicians, judges, MSM, academia, mid east derived religions, etc. because they are all in on it. Imagine the lawsuits against Fauci and the NIH for funding the Fauci Flu, the lawsuits against all the governors, the lawsuits against mayors, etc. In fact, the establishment will label truth tellers, "insurrectionists" and have the FBI or one of the 17 intelligence agencies who insisted Putin hacked the 2016 election do a raid to arrest them. :dunno:

Except that the vaccines are working everywhere but the USA, because in every other country in the world where half the country isn't in thrall to the crazies, we're getting our shots and our lives are pretty much back to normal.

Americans are proving themselves to be the short bus students here. How long until you people smarten up and realize the Republican Party and the anti-vax lies are what put you where you are. You're making yourselves look ridiculous.
Except that the vaccines are working everywhere but the USA, because in every other country in the world where half the country isn't in thrall to the crazies, we're getting our shots and our lives are pretty much back to normal.

Americans are proving themselves to be the short bus students here. How long until you people smarten up and realize the Republican Party and the anti-vax lies are what put you where you are. You're making yourselves look ridiculous.

Actually all the evidence says the vaccines only reduce deaths, but do nothing to reduce infection, spread, or end anything.
What the numbers say that it is losing effectiveness by about 30% per month.
Which means the vaccine did not really fool the immune system at all, and there is no long term T-cell immune memory stored by the vaccine.
There are only temporary antibody increase, that dies off after about 3 months.
Actually all the evidence says the vaccines only reduce deaths, but do nothing to reduce infection, spread, or end anything.
What the numbers say that it is losing effectiveness by about 30% per month.
Which means the vaccine did not really fool the immune system at all, and there is no long term T-cell immune memory stored by the vaccine.
There are only temporary antibody increase, that dies off after about 3 months.

That is complete and total bullshit just like everything else itā€™s been posted in this thread.

This is from a briefing to the British government, but the Brit's have almost as bad a record in dealing with covid as the Americans, right up to the point where Boris Johnson got covid and nearly died. But your former Pfizer employee has been debunked by everyone else in the world.

Why do YOU continue to seize on every debunked lunatic out there, but refuse the evidence of the success of other nations in dealing with the pandemic? It's beyond stupid for you to continue to push Trump's lies and failures, while ignoring successes in every other jurisdiction in the first world.
This is from a briefing to the British government, but the Brit's have almost as bad a record in dealing with covid as the Americans, right up to the point where Boris Johnson got covid and nearly died. But your former Pfizer employee has been debunked by everyone else in the world.

Why do YOU continue to seize on every debunked lunatic out there, but refuse the evidence of the success of other nations in dealing with the pandemic? It's beyond stupid for you to continue to push Trump's lies and failures, while ignoring successes in every other jurisdiction in the first world.

Wow, you're such a liar. 12,000 scientist and epidemiologists back him up. But you just can't escape the propaganda your commies masters have been spoon feeding you.


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