ENVY OF THE WORLD! Unemployment at 49-Year Low , Wage Hits $27.77/Hour, Stock Market Endless Rally

United States Average Hourly Wages | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Wages in the United States increased to 23.31 USD/Hour in April from 23.24 USD/Hour in March of 2019.
Is it up from the Beast/BO lows around that big drop election night 2016?

On Nov 1 2106 the DJI was 18,037

On Nov 8th 2016 (election night) it was 18,332...

That is not a drop.

Right from 18332 (DJT elected) to now, >26K. Correct? Overall his time, the market is up. With 99% working to destroy his Presidency. DNC wihispering to foriegn leaders, can't trust this guy. He wont last.
From what I've seen, a lot of foreign leaders don't pay attention to the DNC any more. The DOJ will be harder to manipulate after this witch hunt is resolved and the instigators are put In their place. The greater world pities us because they sent us their cast offs, who made really, really good steps up in the world. :D
From what I've seen, a lot of foreign leaders don't pay attention to the DNC any more. The DOJ will be harder to manipulate after this witch hunt is resolved and the instigators are put In their place. The greater world pities us because they sent us their cast offs, who made really, really good steps up in the world. :D

Spend a lot of time with foreign leaders do you? :21::21::21::21::21:
From what I've seen, a lot of foreign leaders don't pay attention to the DNC any more. The DOJ will be harder to manipulate after this witch hunt is resolved and the instigators are put In their place. The greater world pities us because they sent us their cast offs, who made really, really good steps up in the world. :D

Spend a lot of time with foreign leaders do you? :21::21::21::21::21:
Only because I follow President Trump's visits to foreign countries. He's a lot closer to the truth than you, so laugh all you like. ;)
From what I've seen, a lot of foreign leaders don't pay attention to the DNC any more. The DOJ will be harder to manipulate after this witch hunt is resolved and the instigators are put In their place. The greater world pities us because they sent us their cast offs, who made really, really good steps up in the world. :D

Spend a lot of time with foreign leaders do you? :21::21::21::21::21:
Only because I follow President Trump's visits to foreign countries. He's a lot closer to the truth than you, so laugh all you like. ;)

So, you do not what the foreign leaders do the other 99.99% of their time

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Put down the kool aid, nobody envies us.

A half a dozen peer countries have lower UE than we do.

There is no rally, we have been stagnant in the markets for 466 days.

and where the hell did you get the 27.77 figure?
I get it... You're pissy because America is prospering.

Everything good for America is bad for Democrats...

No wonder you're upset
It's been a couple years since Trump was elected so he should get partial credit for a strong economy. Partial credit not being a slight, its just reality as there are other forces in play besides the pres. The fly in the ointment is the tax cuts with increased spending that helps now yet has the debt growing faster than ever, kicking the can down the road. Fiscal conservatives Trump and republicans are certainly not. They are pretty much the opposite, the biggest spenders. Thank god the fed doesn't answer to Trump or any other president.
Put down the kool aid, nobody envies us.

A half a dozen peer countries have lower UE than we do.

There is no rally, we have been stagnant in the markets for 466 days.

and where the hell did you get the 27.77 figure?
I get it... You're pissy because America is prospering.

Everything good for America is bad for Democrats...

No wonder you're upset

I am not pissy about anything, just pointing out the facts. I am sorry that in your world of Trump worship facts are not allowed, but I live in the world of facts.

So, where did the $27.77 figure you posted come from? Or do you lack the balls to answer?
What percentage of growth would you consider a rally in each of these categories?

This is what each market did the same number of days prior to my starting point (the start of Trump's trade war)

DJI up 34.35%

S&P 500 up 24.0%

NASDAQ up 39.47%

Which group of numbers seem better to you?


Obama sucked ass as a POTUS...yet still had better market growth...what does that say about your savior in the White House.

Market growth? LOL for what? Coffee shops?

These numbers are from the end of Apr, i do not feel like updating the math but the point still stands...

Since the day Trump took office:

DJI up 35.09%
S&P up 29.6%
NASDAQ up 54.63%

The same point under Obama:

DJI up 51.02%
S&P up 57.32%
NASDAQ up 98.42%

To recap, under Obama the DJI better by 15.93 percentage points, the S&P better by 27.72 percentage points and the NASDAQ better by 43.79 percentage points
You do realize that you are not comparing apples to apples in a strict sense.

Obama had the benefit of a 'rebound' that he had nothing to do with. When the market hit bottom, it had nowhere to go.

A better comparison would be his second term (after the market had stabilized) and then make comparisons. In the first three years of Obama's presidency, he had little control over the economy, and in fact, many said that he hampered it in many ways.

You always rise quickly out of a valley; then less steeply once you've reached the plateau.
Put down the kool aid, nobody envies us.

A half a dozen peer countries have lower UE than we do.

There is no rally, we have been stagnant in the markets for 466 days.

and where the hell did you get the 27.77 figure?
Read it and weep, hate boy....

Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969. Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969

CNBC... That's right... Even Lib Networks are being shamed into committing journalism.

Too bad for you that your party loses when America wins... Because we're winning often now.
You do realize that you are not comparing apples to apples in a strict sense.

Obama had the benefit of a 'rebound' that he had nothing to do with. When the market hit bottom, it had nowhere to go.

This is accurate, but it did not hit bottom till after his election. Also, it did not have to go back up when it did, it could have keep going down. We have had worse market losses.

I also agree it had little to do with Obama, my point here is not to praise Obama, but to show that Trump is not that much better than the man I consider to be the second worst POTUS ever.

A better comparison would be his second term (after the market had stabilized) and then make comparisons.

Looking at Obama's second term, and this date in his second term the DJI had risen 31.35% compared to Trump's 34.31...So Trump was just slightly better. Which has been my point all along.

In the first three years of Obama's presidency, he had little control over the economy, and in fact, many said that he hampered it in many ways.

I do think that Obama hampered things.

Also, Trump had little control over the economy in his first year, which is when 90% of the market rise occurred. The markets did well based upon optimism of a "pro business" president. Reality set in later when he started his trade war and the markets have been stagnant since. And the main reason they have held even is companies buying back their own stock
Read it and weep, hate boy....

Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969. Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969

CNBC... That's right... Even Lib Networks are being shamed into committing journalism.

Too bad for you that your party loses when America wins... Because we're winning often now.

Thanks for the link...interesting that the only reason hourly rates went up is because the number of hours worked went down. People made less per week in Apr than they did March. But you lack the basic intelligence to go beyond the headlines.

By the way...this is my party...Libertarian Party
More BS. Take off the cheerleader uniforms cause her comes reality.

Relax – the economy can't actually save Trump in 2020

The move was already afoot to declare President Donald Trump the economic wizard in office that his backers, if not his bankers, thought he was in the private sector — even before today’s report showing the US unemployment rate at a 50-year low of 3.6 per cent. Needless to say, that clamor from the usual suspects was repeated once the report hit, even though the details of the data are fairly average, and Trump’s influence on them somewhere between small and none.

Nonetheless, persistent claims of a “new boom” are the heart of the case for electing the 72-year old Trump to a second term next year, and are central to a nagging suspicion among US elites that the president may have one more Houdini-like escape from trouble left in him.

Too bad there is no boom. And the American people — most of them anyway — are likely to be smart enough to figure that out well before the election.

In fact, the jobs report simply continued a series of economic trends that began well before Trump took office in 2017. The growth of 263,000 jobs in April — a healthy number by any reckoning — did little more than offset a weak February, leaving the three-month average at a pedestrian 183,000. No boom there. Wage growth was lower than in the last two months, and no higher than it was in the last expansion that ended in 2007.

Similarly, for all of Trump’s talk of an investment-led growth boom, growth in GDP has also been little better than in 2014 or most of 2015 — before a hiccup caused by the flurry of worries about China’s debt load cut into US exports. This isn’t a huge surprise. First, big tax cuts like Trump’s 2017 corporate-tax bill did little for investment when Ronald Reagan and George W Bush did them, too. The data don’t show any surge in investment now -- the US economy’s better-than-average growth in the first quarter of this year was about a bump upwards in exports, state and local government spending, and inventory buildups, none likely to be repeated soon.

Indeed, the simplest numbers of all for non-experts like most US voters to digest are the unemployment rate, how fast jobs are being added, and the inflation rate. None of these are unusually good for Trump.

Yes, the unemployment rate is very low — but the 1.1-percentage-point drop since Trump took office 27 months ago is less than the drop in 2013 alone and the same as in 2014. Annualized, it’s half as fast.

Americans are used to falling unemployment now — it’s regarded as due recovery from the mess that followed the 2008 financial crisis, which cost the country 9 million jobs in what seemed like no time at all. If unemployment stopped falling, that would be a huge political problem.

Similarly, inflation is bouncing around 2 per cent — last year the consumer price index rose 1.9 per cent, including food and energy — and that’s no better than it has been through the last decade either. Real median household incomes, which took a 10 per cent hit between 2007 and 2011, recovered all of their losses by 2017 and have continued to rise without accelerating. Rumors of a tight jobs market that boosts pay sharply have proven exaggerated, and consumer confidence is high but declining slightly, according to surveys by the University of Michigan and the Conference Board.

The challenge for voters will be to decide whether Trump — who spends days ranting on Twitter about Russia, trade or immigration — is somehow transmogrified into the stable genius of his own imaginings when he turns to manage the economy.

Sure. If you believe that, we’ve got a Trump University degree to sell you. Indeed, one reason the economy and the stock market are strong as they are is that Trump muted his harsh rhetoric because markets often tanked when he threatened tariffs.

More likely, 2020 will feature Americans breaking into their now-familiar tribes, with the Blue team allocating credit for unemployment — which Barclays thinks may reach 3 per cent by then — to trends established under former President Barack Obama, and the Red team crediting Trump.

That leaves the election to be decided on culture issues — immigration chief among them — just as Trump wanted in 2016. And he can sell that to an electorate younger and more non-white than that which rejected him in the popular vote, hoping to replicate the electoral college tightrope walk that put him in office under even tougher conditions.

Yahoo is now part of Oath

If nothing else you Tards are amusing with all your bullshit

from one side to the other.....

Do you not remember obozo telling us this is the new normal

and all those manufacturing jobs were gone for good...

Obozo told us all those workers would have to be retrained

as computer programmers or some bullshit....

Remember when obozo said...

“Whots” Trump “goni” do?

Wave his magic wand?

And what about paul Krugman?

That dumb ass Tard predicted a collapse of the economy.....

You Tards, your so called experts and all your lying FAKE NEWS

media have all been proven to be full of SHIT.....

Get ready for the Ass Kicking Trump is going to put on your ass in 20...

Are we having fun or what?
If nothing else you Tards are amusing with all your bullshit

from one side to the other.....

Do you not remember obozo telling us this is the new normal

and all those manufacturing jobs were gone for good...

Obozo told us all those workers would have to be retrained

as computer programmers or some bullshit....

Remember when obozo said...

“Whots” Trump “goni” do?

Wave his magic wand?

Obama was correct, we will never get back to where we were in the 80s as far as the number of manufacturing jobs. This is because 80% of the jobs lost were lost to automation and process improvements. Because you people lack the basic intelligence to look beyond the headline, what you fail to realize is that even as manufacturing jobs were being lost a record rates, manufacturing output was still going up.


What is 27.77? Average wage per hour?

That's what they're claiming but their number's are skewed and included all wage earner's but when you take the top 1% which is anyone making over $250000 and figure in everyone else to included 48% of the population making under $30,000 this is what they come up with. The majority in my area on an average make somewhere around an average of $14.00 but throw in the millionaire's and it raises the average. So this $27 bucks an hour really doesn't represent the majority.
If nothing else you Tards are amusing with all your bullshit

from one side to the other.....

Do you not remember obozo telling us this is the new normal

and all those manufacturing jobs were gone for good...

Obozo told us all those workers would have to be retrained

as computer programmers or some bullshit....

Remember when obozo said...

“Whots” Trump “goni” do?

Wave his magic wand?

Obama was correct, we will never get back to where we were in the 80s as far as the number of manufacturing jobs. This is because 80% of the jobs lost were lost to automation and process improvements. Because you people lack the basic intelligence to look beyond the headline, what you fail to realize is that even as manufacturing jobs were being lost a record rates, manufacturing output was still going up.

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Did you say something Chicken Little.....

Are we all going to be Dead in 12 years?

No sane person believes the bullshit from your side......

You and yours have been caught lying too many times.

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