Enslavement Evolution, It IS Coming


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Democrats have a grand history of enslaving people of color but the important thing is can it be tied to today? I think it can.

Democrats FIRST form of enslavement of course was the plantation where peoples entire life spans were stolen and very often multi-generations of lives.

Post civil war democrats could no longer steal personhood as blatant as before so they chose to steal land. Yet ANOTHER people of color were to suffer those people being Native Americans. This second venture into enslavement evolution was called reservations. So while NOT able to steal the labor of a person they stole the property of the land owners.

Having completed that theft and moving forward in the democratic idea of enslavement we now find ourselves at WW2 where democrats yet once again let their greed their hate for people of color used that greed that hate to promote ANOTHER theft.

Welcome in FDR and internment camps. TOTAL loss of personal freedom and their property was "bought" for pennies on the dollar. THAT theft they argued was proper and humane.

So when you read about FEMA camps do not be so fast to laugh or write it off.
The history of the democrat party says they ARE real and WILL be used one day soon. Now a lot of these village idiot style democrats will argue well that was back then.

Yet if you look at it and follow it's history and the actions of that party you WILL see it's evolution. The evolution of enslavement is fact and the party behind it well known. Their agenda has never changed only the trappings it wears.

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The Democrats' internment camps aren't meant for people of color, but Whitey Almighty.

We are no longer a nation of Americans, but a nation of competing races. Obama has seen to that.
As their enslavement tech has grown so has their greed. One thing it has always been about them is money. Who do you steal from and how? And as soon as they make enough people poor they can loot the earnings and holdings of those that chose work over theft.
Democrats - the party of slavery. It's reflected in everything they do and have always done. Just look at their legislation, it's always about controlling the actions and lives of citizens to serve their agenda.

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