Enough! BLM Protests Are Even Losing Support From Black Americans, New Poll Shows


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Enough! BLM Protests Are Even Losing Support From Black Americans, New Poll Shows

25 Sep 2020 ~~ By Carmine Sabia Jr.
Every time you look at your television there is a new Black Lives Matter protest in another city and it invariably involves violence and looting.
And after months of the nation being under siege from these thugs, the citizens have had enough of their antics, The Daily Mail reports.
Support for Black Lives Matter has plummeted like a rock since enjoying a high of 54% support in June compared to 39% now.
Christian Davenport, a political scientist from the University of Michigan, said the change is due to “compassion fatigue” as the videos of incidents like the George Floyd police encounter have faded.
The shift also occurred as the new poll showed nearly a third of Americans believe the protests are “mostly or always violent,” a dramatic change from 22% three months ago.
There was a steep division among racial lines, with 33% of white respondents and 10% of black respondents saying they believe the protests are “mostly or always violent.”
Only 35% of white Americans say that they approve of the protests today and 50% disapprove. That’s a switch from June, when 53% approved and 34% disapproved.
Of the Latinos polled, 31% approve of the protests, a decline from the 44% who approved of them in June.
And among those who identify as black Americans, 63% still support the protests, but that is still a significant drop from 81% in June.
“I was supportive back in June, but after seeing everything up until now, I’m almost dead against them,” Dave Hipelious, of New Lenox, Illinois, told the Associated Press.
Hipelious, a white man aged 63, said that his support for the protests waned as rioting, arson, and looting started to become more prevalent.
“I was a pretty wild young man,” he said. “Every time the police stopped me, and every issue I had with them, I was completely in the wrong. I do believe they are doing their job right.”
Davenport said that there was more sympathy and support when the Floyd video was new, but Americans want their lives to get back to normal.
“When this was all about the video and the visceral response to seeing someone’s life get squeezed out of them, that’s fine,” Davenport argued.
“But from the moment that topic is raised to awareness, the clock starts ticking with regards to, ‘How quickly can we resolve this so I can get back to my normal life?’” he said.
It also likely has to do with the hypocrisy of being told you cannot go to church but tens of thousands can gather to protest.
Americans are a sympathetic and loving people, but there is a limit to what they are willing to tolerate and that point has been reached.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and their Fifth Columnist Media have been astroturfing BLM and Antifa. It was made apparent as soon as saw their official platform talked about the “epidemic of violence against Queer and Transwomen of color” I knew it was fake. Does anyone think that is a grassroots issue among Blacks?
Simply the majority of Americans both Black and Whitewho want the same things we all do and it definitely s not the vision of BLM or Antifa. There are many who are beginning to see this clearly and reject the radical vision of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left.
I've often remarked that Afro-American suffer from mass Stockholm Syndrome. For generations Democrats have forced segregation, Jim Crow, lynched and abused them, deliberately pitting blacks against poor whites. Yet they cling to Democrats while rejecting the sage teachings of Martin Luther King Jr.
PMS/DSA Democrats have created a welfare state for blacks that incentivized a wide array of social dereliction that include the destruction of the family unit, trapping then in a multi-generational spiral of poverty, poor education, addiction, prison, and ruined lives.
Black Americans should be leading the opposition to BLM. They are the group most exploited and LEAST LIKELY to benefit from this organization of Marxists, Anarchists and Gay/Tranny promoters.
Very true, it's just guilty white rich kids.....who think this is a way to contribute and are lemmings for the left power structure
Only criminals and communists support this criminal Marxist organization.

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