Enormous earthquakes hit both sides of the pacific and experts warn the San Andreas could unzip at


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
(Reported By Michael Snyder) Why is our planet shaking so violently all of a sudden? There have literally been dozens of significant earthquakes right along the Ring of Fire within the past 30 days, and two giant ones made headlines all over the globe on Thursday. First, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Humboldt County, California, and that was followed later in the day by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in the Solomon Islands. But of course these latest earthquakes are just the latest examples of

Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
The quakes are coming more often, not to mention getting bigger more often. The earth is becoming unstable.
Although most have heard this for so long nobody even pays attention to it until it happens.
Highly unlikely that the San Andreas will "unzip" in the manner a lot of folks might presume. At best, even with a "largest ever recorded" quake you're looking at a slide of under 40 feet. While it would be devastating to cities, it's unlikely we'd have to redraw any maps.

It's really not all that surprising to me that there is a string of big quakes like this; as one section lets go it puts extra pressure on other sections across the entire Pacific plate (Ring of Fire) which then let go. I would not be surprised to see these large quakes continue along the ring for the rest of the year.

Even so, I don't think there's reason to panic; a M7 or 8 isn't going to move the plates that much (and depending on the building codes it might not even cause much damage at all - Alaska for example regularly rides out 7's with very little effect.)

If I were in the lower 48, I'd be more worried about Yellowstone than quakes...
Highly unlikely that the San Andreas will "unzip" in the manner a lot of folks might presume. At best, even with a "largest ever recorded" quake you're looking at a slide of under 40 feet. While it would be devastating to cities, it's unlikely we'd have to redraw any maps.

It's really not all that surprising to me that there is a string of big quakes like this; as one section lets go it puts extra pressure on other sections across the entire Pacific plate (Ring of Fire) which then let go. I would not be surprised to see these large quakes continue along the ring for the rest of the year.

Even so, I don't think there's reason to panic; a M7 or 8 isn't going to move the plates that much (and depending on the building codes it might not even cause much damage at all - Alaska for example regularly rides out 7's with very little effect.)

If I were in the lower 48, I'd be more worried about Yellowstone than quakes...

a few thousand year or some super volcanic eruption a la yellowstone that will have profound effect across the country and possibly the world.

Crack will widen and deepen. Ground will be less stable. Land may slip into the ocean a bit over the years. Might even see the coast become an island of sorts as sea water fill the fault............

No it is not going to happen over night.
Growing up in California I remember there was always hysteria about "the big one". A bunch of fear mongering nonesense by progressives. No earthquake is ever going to break part of California away.
Growing up in California I remember there was always hysteria about "the big one". A bunch of fear mongering nonesense by progressives. No earthquake is ever going to break part of California away.

Actually I hate to tell you this, but it's already happened.
Not too many people know about this, but a few decades ago the state did break off and would have floated off into the Pacific.
Luckily a plan was put into place that prevented this from happenning.

These propellers on the hillsides that you see are aimed in a way that forces the land back together. As long as these remain in place the land will stay in place.
Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
(Reported By Michael Snyder) Why is our planet shaking so violently all of a sudden? There have literally been dozens of significant earthquakes right along the Ring of Fire within the past 30 days, and two giant ones made headlines all over the globe on Thursday. First, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Humboldt County, California, and that was followed later in the day by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in the Solomon Islands. But of course these latest earthquakes are just the latest examples of

Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
The quakes are coming more often, not to mention getting bigger more often. The earth is becoming unstable.
Although most have heard this for so long nobody even pays attention to it until it happens.
Coastal Cali eliminated along with millions of leftists, aliens and perverts! Whats not to like?
Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
(Reported By Michael Snyder) Why is our planet shaking so violently all of a sudden? There have literally been dozens of significant earthquakes right along the Ring of Fire within the past 30 days, and two giant ones made headlines all over the globe on Thursday. First, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Humboldt County, California, and that was followed later in the day by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in the Solomon Islands. But of course these latest earthquakes are just the latest examples of

Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
The quakes are coming more often, not to mention getting bigger more often. The earth is becoming unstable.
Although most have heard this for so long nobody even pays attention to it until it happens.
Coastal Cali eliminated along with millions of leftists, aliens and perverts! Whats not to like?
It would also serve the purpose of getting rid of some of them librul Youneeversties too! What`s not to like?
Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
(Reported By Michael Snyder) Why is our planet shaking so violently all of a sudden? There have literally been dozens of significant earthquakes right along the Ring of Fire within the past 30 days, and two giant ones made headlines all over the globe on Thursday. First, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Humboldt County, California, and that was followed later in the day by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in the Solomon Islands. But of course these latest earthquakes are just the latest examples of

Enormous Earthquakes Hit Both Sides Of The Pacific And Experts Warn The San Andreas Could ‘Unzip All At Once’
The quakes are coming more often, not to mention getting bigger more often. The earth is becoming unstable.
Although most have heard this for so long nobody even pays attention to it until it happens.
Coastal Cali eliminated along with millions of leftists, aliens and perverts! Whats not to like?
It would also serve the purpose of getting rid of some of them librul Youneeversties too! What`s not to like?

California is a microcosim of the rest of the US. Largely conservative among the agricultural and working class base, making up most of the California land mass but ruled by the large populations in the cities.

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