Empty our prisons by executing or excluding all repeat felons.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
South Pacific
I know this sounds over-reactive, but I am fed up with crime and criminals back out on the streets just months after committing their former crimes. Either we use San Clemente Island off of the California Coast as a penile institution or we dispatch all career criminals.

San Clemente you say??? Sure why not. It has no population other than goats and rabbits.

Criminals who prove that they do not have the capability to live in society need to be separated from society permanently, so send the criminals to a place where they can form their own society.

The US Navy can be assigned to patrol off of the island so that no boats could approach and no improvised boats could escape. The waters for five miles around the island would be a free fire zone.

We could drop off lumber, hammers and nails by air drop so the convicts could build shanties. Provide them with spears and fishing equipment so they could fish the ocean that surrounded them. We could even send them a water barge every two weeks for drinking water, but they would have to build their own dams for irrigation purposes.

If they refused to establish a cooperative society and killed each other, tough! They would have to settle on their own form of government. Not our worry. Our only concern would be that they never return to the mainland.

If people in society could not agree to San Clemente, then we would have to change the constitution to accomodate the death penalty for all serious crime. I would prefer San Clemente.
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You know, a smart man once said that a liberal is a conservative who spend a night in prison. I do not wish that a night in prison happens to you, but you seem like you need to have a good perespective on how it feels to be on the states wrong side.
I find it hard to take your posts as anything but crass attempts at humor because you just can not be serious. Prisoners, more than almost anyone else, need our compassion, not to plunge them even further into savagery. I just don't understand how anyone could feel the way you do about other human beings.
If you are fed up with crime, don't be a criminal. It would be real nice if we could just zap all people we are fed up with to some planet somewhere. Let's start with all those who oversimplify complex social issues. Send them off to their own island where they can control everything.

Or, we can work on our own minds.

What makes more sense? Covering the earth in leather or wearing a pair of shoes?
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Okay, there is something to be said for banishing people, rather than imprisoning them.

Done correctly, I might be willing to seriously consider this plan.

After all, some of the people we currently house in prison are a meance to the other prisoners and the guards, too.

I dread to think what kind of society those types might cobble together, but it might be more humane than the maximum security prisons we have now.

One thing I suspect we can all agree on...what we have now serves to dehumanize people whose grasp of humanity is already somewhat challenged already, right?

I might be inclined to think this makes some kind of sense on behalf of those prisoners who still have a shred of humanity, and who are currently living in the hell that their fellow prisoners make of our current system.

But I don't think the three time loser concept is a very good one. Far too many basically minor crimes are considered felonies when they are in fact merely minor infractions.

I think I'd be inclined to limit banishment to those who have proven to be extremely violent.
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Okay, there is something to be said for banishing people, rather than imprisoning them.

Done correctly, I might be willing to seriously consider this plan.

I think I'd be inclined to limit banishment to those who have proven to be extremely violent.

Good on you edi! The fact remains that I talked about career criminals (i.e. recidivists). My father was murdered by criminals. I do not take too kindly to the criminal subhumans who pollute this planet.

Short of killing them, I am in favor of banishment. Let them try to live in a society of their own creation. Amanda thinks that we just need to give them more love and everything will be fine. Next, she will suggest that we put them on public assistance and all the drugs they want, and they will be good loving members of society.

We could start with banishing all murderers and then send all recidivist felons to San Clemente. The present system is a failed system and needs to be replaced.
Amanda thinks that we just need to give them more love and everything will be fine. Next, she will suggest that we put them on public assistance and all the drugs they want, and they will be good loving members of society.

That's not what I said.

I just don't see how making their existence worse is a good thing for anyone. Maybe throwing people away like garbage is your idea of a solution, it's not mine.
That's not what I said.

I just don't see how making their existence worse is a good thing for anyone. Maybe throwing people away like garbage is your idea of a solution, it's not mine.

I take it that you have never been violently gang raped? Probably never been robbed at knifepoint or gunpoint either? Anybody ever almost beat you to death and disfigure you just for the fun of it? Have you ever had a loved one murdered by violent criminals? It makes me wonder how you think you can live with these repeat animalistic criminals?

Repeat criminals need to be removed from society. Have you ever heard of "three strikes and you're out"?

My proposal would give these pieces of perverted shit an opportunity to create their own utopia on San Clemente Island. Just think of what a paradise they could create if they worked at it.

You want to keep them here in prison. You are very mean spirited. Remember, modern prison is cruel and unusual punishment. Banishment is not.
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You know, a smart man once said that a liberal is a conservative who spend a night in prison. I do not wish that a night in prison happens to you, but you seem like you need to have a good perespective on how it feels to be on the states wrong side.

So I take it that you do not approve of the present prison system. That is my position, too. Banishment would be a kindness. These men who can not comply with the laws of society can form their own new society for the betterment of their kind.

Let me hear you say amen to that.
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I know this sounds over-reactive, but I am fed up with crime and criminals back out on the streets just months after committing their former crimes. Either we use San Clemente Island off of the California Coast as a penile institution or we dispatch all career criminals.

San Clemente you say??? Sure why not. It has no population other than goats and rabbits.

Criminals who prove that they do not have the capability to live in society need to be separated from society permanently, so send the criminals to a place where they can form their own society.

The US Navy can be assigned to patrol off of the island so that no boats could approach and no improvised boats could escape. The waters for five miles around the island would be a free fire zone.

We could drop off lumber, hammers and nails by air drop so the convicts could build shanties. Provide them with spears and fishing equipment so they could fish the ocean that surrounded them. We could even send them a water barge every two weeks for drinking water, but they would have to build their own dams for irrigation purposes.

If they refused to establish a cooperative society and killed each other, tough! They would have to settle on their own form of government. Not our worry. Our only concern would be that they never return to the mainland.

If people in society could not agree to San Clemente, then we would have to change the constitution to accomodate the death penalty for all serious crime. I would prefer San Clemente.

you are truly insane...
Put them in a huge blender and bake them into biscuits to feed the hungry. Soylent Green anyone?
I am all for capital punishment but only for those deserving it,Banishment is a copout.The three strike rule is ridiculous.
I am all for capital punishment but only for those deserving it,Banishment is a copout.The three strike rule is ridiculous.
Now Roomy. The liberal public would never accept death for all those scumbags career criminals, but they might accept banishment if the Constitution was changed. (That is needed because all the liberals would claim that forcing the criminals to subsist on farming and fishing on an exotic isle would be cruel and unusual. Shoot, the natives were living there for centuries before the Europeans arrived on the scene.

Why should we pay to house violent felons? Liberals want to extend their jail time and increase the burden on the taxpayers. I favor taking the burden off of the taxpayers and making the criminal element outcasts from society. Let them support themselves on San Clemente away from society. If they kill each other because they can not obey the laws of the island, that is good, They deserve each other.

WE could take all the corrupt accountant types who foisted this mortgage fiasco on us and drop them off on San Clemente to be punks for the hardened criminals. Criminal malfeasance when in the public trust should be punished with banishment to San Clemente. The Illinois governor could be a punk on the island as well. We could throw in a couple of senators, too.

Meanwhile we could use the money that we saved for eliminating the national debt that has doulbled in the past 8 years.
The bulk of our prison population is black and Hispanic, and many of the latter are ILLEGAL ALIENS. But it's white taxpayers who fund their weightlifting vacations.
Banishment is not so nearly wasteful as the maximum secrity prisons we're putting these truly violent types in, I think.

Plus these prisoners in those MAXIMUM security prisons have like ZERO chance of ever understanding how to deal with people.

Banished onto someplace where these nitwits would either have to work toegether to survive or die, they MIGHT actually learn something useful for a change.

Probably not, but maybe.

And a maybe is better than nothing which is what they have NOW.

this Banishment suggestion really might solve TWO problems

1. the problem of the impact these nitwits have on the REST of the less insane prison population (getting rid of these guys might actually make prisons less violent for those who are NOT totally fucking insane); and

2. This sink or swim in Banished Island MIGHT give some of them a second chance to learn how to survive in SOME kind of society of their own device.

I mean I am not under any delusion that life there would be swell, but at least they'd have a CHANCE to have a life, which they surely do NOT have sitting 23.5 hours a day in total isolation in a maximum security cell.

Basically the people's who I'd send there are sociopathic personalities.

Not petty theives who got busted three times. Not stupid people who killed somebody in anger and who are not likely to kill again, either.

I'd reserve that banishment system for those who we now basically bury in a cell and forget about.

This system is more humane not only to the sociopaths, but tot he prison guards and other inmates who have to deal with these inhuman types.
Banishment is not so nearly wasteful as the maximum secrity prisons we're putting these truly violent types in, I think.

Plus these prisoners in those MAXIMUM security prisons have like ZERO chance of ever understanding how to deal with people.

Banished onto someplace where these nitwits would either have to work toegether to survive or die, they MIGHT actually learn something useful for a change.

Probably not, but maybe.

And a maybe is better than nothing which is what they have NOW.

this Banishment suggestion really might solve TWO problems

1. the problem of the impact these nitwits have on the REST of the less insane prison population (getting rid of these guys might actually make prisons less violent for those who are NOT totally fucking insane); and

2. This sink or swim in Banished Island MIGHT give some of them a second chance to learn how to survive in SOME kind of society of their own device.

I mean I am not under any delusion that life there would be swell, but at least they'd have a CHANCE to have a life, which they surely do NOT have sitting 23.5 hours a day in total isolation in a maximum security cell.

Basically the people's who I'd send there are sociopathic personalities.

Not petty theives who got busted three times. Not stupid people who killed somebody in anger and who are not likely to kill again, either.

I'd reserve that banishment system for those who we now basically bury in a cell and forget about.

This system is more humane not only to the sociopaths, but tot he prison guards and other inmates who have to deal with these inhuman types.

Better yet, let's make it a reality TV show and it can become a revenue MAKER! Yay for exploitation. I'm so glad we're better than them, I'd hate to be human garbage with no reverence for life like those bad people.
Executing a convicted murderer would mean as much to me as putting an animal out of it's misery, and that is putting it politely.
Better yet, let's make it a reality TV show and it can become a revenue MAKER! Yay for exploitation. I'm so glad we're better than them, I'd hate to be human garbage with no reverence for life like those bad people.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaExrlI1kb4]YouTube - George Carlin on State Prison Farms[/ame]

George Carlin said:
Here's another idea. I'm going to save you a whole lot of money on prisons, but at the same time we are still going to remove from society many of our more annoying citizens. Four groups are going away permanently...

State Prison Farms by George Carlin


The problem I've got with the idea is that... hasn't it been tried before? Haven't we always sent our criminals to far off islands?

I guess Australia's doing pretty good nowadays. Maybe it's not such a bad idea.

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