Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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I went to lunch with a US Marine. So what?

Did he kick your Commie ass after lunch? :eek::badgrin::eusa_clap:

No but we argue a lot. He thinks because he's been to Iraq he knows more than everyone else. Just because you are a grunt on the ground doesn't mean you know what's going on politically in fact often times the grunts are left in the dark.

He thought they were there because of WMD's and Freedom.

He also thought Iraqi oil was paying for the war. :eusa_liar:

P.S. I don't want to "Destroy" the Jews. I'm sick of USA getting involved. I'm sick of the Jewish lobby paying our politicians to do Israel's bidding. If the arabs get out of line of course we defend Israel. But they have to take out Iran's nukes, not us. That's their problem.

And us Americans see that the Israeli's are IMPOSSIBLE to negotiate with or to reason with. Give Palestine their own state, stop moving into their territories. We know you guys are not innocent. If you were we would still have your backs.

Its like defending bush after you learned there were no WMD's in Iraq and it was not about Freedom. At some point you have to call bullshit on a bullshitter and saying Israel has issues does not mean we are anti semitic. Are jews annoying? Sure. But I don't want them dead. I want them to stop fucking up the middle east. Put up a fucking border and monitor it so bombs can't get in. But they keep moving into the arabs neighborhoods. :cuckoo:

Seems like they enjoy fucking with arabs imo.
I went to lunch with a US Marine. So what?

Did he kick your Commie ass after lunch? :eek::badgrin::eusa_clap:

No but we argue a lot. He thinks because he's been to Iraq he knows more than everyone else. Just because you are a grunt on the ground doesn't mean you know what's going on politically in fact often times the grunts are left in the dark.

He thought they were there because of WMD's and Freedom.

He also thought Iraqi oil was paying for the war. :eusa_liar:

P.S. I don't want to "Destroy" the Jews. I'm sick of USA getting involved. I'm sick of the Jewish lobby paying our politicians to do Israel's bidding. If the arabs get out of line of course we defend Israel. But they have to take out Iran's nukes, not us. That's their problem.

And us Americans see that the Israeli's are IMPOSSIBLE to negotiate with or to reason with. Give Palestine their own state, stop moving into their territories. We know you guys are not innocent. If you were we would still have your backs.

Its like defending bush after you learned there were no WMD's in Iraq and it was not about Freedom. At some point you have to call bullshit on a bullshitter and saying Israel has issues does not mean we are anti semitic. Are jews annoying? Sure. But I don't want them dead. I want them to stop fucking up the middle east. Put up a fucking border and monitor it so bombs can't get in. But they keep moving into the arabs neighborhoods. :cuckoo:

Seems like they enjoy fucking with arabs imo.

IMO you should pave your back yard with asphalt------so you can stop mowing your lawn
...and our blind, unquestioning support of them is a large part of the reason we are despised in the ME...well, that and our constant meddling and destabilizing nation after nation.
Israel uses us as a cats paw to impose their agenda and we suffer the consequences by wasting american lives and money on people who think they are "superior" to us and our culture.
THAT is the insanity on our part.

Look, it's obvious by now that you've never been to Israel and you therefore don't know what you're talking about,

I've never been to the moon either. So? That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"gods chosen people"

That's nice.
"unclean" and "goyim"

They know that the talmud says christians are unclean and (the derogatory) goyim.

Pretty much so..I doubt you know the definition of "semite"...because I dislike muzzies, too. They're no better than jews. Go look up the word.

talking about the Talmud and such. Any derogatory things the Talmud said was about heathens/idol worshippers.
The talmud is available for anyone to read. It's meanings and who it refers to are quite clear.

Doesn't your New Testament say alot of bad things about Jews? If you don't want to support Israel, that's fine, but you shouldn't say these untruths.

Maybe... so?...Who cares?
We don't receive 3 billion a year in aid from israel..We don't use israel as a proxy to kill our enemies...israel on the other hand does...no more american blood or taxpayer money for proxy wars defending israel. Let them settle their problems with arabs on their own. Let the chips fall where they will.

The Talmud was written in 200 CE (the second part in 500CE), so you can't blame Jewish people in general for what's written in it.
In other words, what's written in the Talmud is irrelevant. What IS relevant is when people actually ABIDE by what's written in it and when other people are affected by that (I am talking specifically about the passages that talk about Jews being superior and things about goyim).
Most Jews are not religious and not even all religious Jews abide by it.

Same goes for the Quran. There are some extremely violent passages in it, but in this case , many Muslims DO abide by it and it affects other people (non believers AKA infidels)
I am Jewish, went to private Jewish elementary and Jewish high school and have been around Jewish people my whole life. My entire family lives in Israel except my parents who moved to Canada from there. I have NEVER seen or heard any one talking about or using the Talmud in their daily life.
Yes, there are extremist Jews who believe what's written in it, but there are a very small minority. Even the ones who do read it probably don't believe anything that's in it.
I went to lunch with a US Marine. So what?

Did he kick your Commie ass after lunch? :eek::badgrin::eusa_clap:

No but we argue a lot. He thinks because he's been to Iraq he knows more than everyone else. Just because you are a grunt on the ground doesn't mean you know what's going on politically in fact often times the grunts are left in the dark.

He thought they were there because of WMD's and Freedom.

He also thought Iraqi oil was paying for the war. :eusa_liar:

P.S. I don't want to "Destroy" the Jews. I'm sick of USA getting involved. I'm sick of the Jewish lobby paying our politicians to do Israel's bidding. If the arabs get out of line of course we defend Israel. But they have to take out Iran's nukes, not us. That's their problem.

And us Americans see that the Israeli's are IMPOSSIBLE to negotiate with or to reason with. Give Palestine their own state, stop moving into their territories. We know you guys are not innocent. If you were we would still have your backs.

Its like defending bush after you learned there were no WMD's in Iraq and it was not about Freedom. At some point you have to call bullshit on a bullshitter and saying Israel has issues does not mean we are anti semitic. Are jews annoying? Sure. But I don't want them dead. I want them to stop fucking up the middle east. Put up a fucking border and monitor it so bombs can't get in. But they keep moving into the arabs neighborhoods. :cuckoo:

Seems like they enjoy fucking with arabs imo.

What's Iran's part in this mess?
I went to lunch with a US Marine. So what?

Did he kick your Commie ass after lunch? :eek::badgrin::eusa_clap:

No but we argue a lot. He thinks because he's been to Iraq he knows more than everyone else. Just because you are a grunt on the ground doesn't mean you know what's going on politically in fact often times the grunts are left in the dark.

He thought they were there because of WMD's and Freedom.

He also thought Iraqi oil was paying for the war. :eusa_liar:

P.S. I don't want to "Destroy" the Jews. I'm sick of USA getting involved. I'm sick of the Jewish lobby paying our politicians to do Israel's bidding. If the arabs get out of line of course we defend Israel. But they have to take out Iran's nukes, not us. That's their problem.

And us Americans see that the Israeli's are IMPOSSIBLE to negotiate with or to reason with. Give Palestine their own state, stop moving into their territories. We know you guys are not innocent. If you were we would still have your backs.

Its like defending bush after you learned there were no WMD's in Iraq and it was not about Freedom. At some point you have to call bullshit on a bullshitter and saying Israel has issues does not mean we are anti semitic. Are jews annoying? Sure. But I don't want them dead. I want them to stop fucking up the middle east. Put up a fucking border and monitor it so bombs can't get in. But they keep moving into the arabs neighborhoods. :cuckoo:

Seems like they enjoy fucking with arabs imo.
I think its the first or second time I'm actually responding to any of your posts, I never been in Iraq thank god, but I live in Israel and I was IDF for like 3 years, so I think I do know a little more than you do, in fact you are not a politician yourself so..what do you know about classified operations? what do you know about the law and life in Israel? what do you know about me beside what I wrote now?
I'm also American but I don't think it matters much but I do care about America, and if you read the link you can see that I'm not talking about the training as 'THE ONLY REASON' rhetorically like you present it, I just mentioned it for my personal experience.
But let me tell you about 'nonnegotiable' - Jonathan Polard
But don't hang on this, go read the link I posted.
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Look, it's obvious by now that you've never been to Israel and you therefore don't know what you're talking about,

I've never been to the moon either. So? That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"gods chosen people"

That's nice.
"unclean" and "goyim"

They know that the talmud says christians are unclean and (the derogatory) goyim.

Pretty much so..I doubt you know the definition of "semite"...because I dislike muzzies, too. They're no better than jews. Go look up the word.

The talmud is available for anyone to read. It's meanings and who it refers to are quite clear.

Doesn't your New Testament say alot of bad things about Jews? If you don't want to support Israel, that's fine, but you shouldn't say these untruths.

Maybe... so?...Who cares?
We don't receive 3 billion a year in aid from israel..We don't use israel as a proxy to kill our enemies...israel on the other hand does...no more american blood or taxpayer money for proxy wars defending israel. Let them settle their problems with arabs on their own. Let the chips fall where they will.

The Talmud was written in 200 CE (the second part in 500CE), so you can't blame Jewish people in general for what's written in it.
In other words, what's written in the Talmud is irrelevant. What IS relevant is when people actually ABIDE by what's written in it and when other people are affected by that (I am talking specifically about the passages that talk about Jews being superior and things about goyim).
Most Jews are not religious and not even all religious Jews abide by it.

Same goes for the Quran. There are some extremely violent passages in it, but in this case , many Muslims DO abide by it and it affects other people (non believers AKA infidels)
I am Jewish, went to private Jewish elementary and Jewish high school and have been around Jewish people my whole life. My entire family lives in Israel except my parents who moved to Canada from there. I have NEVER seen or heard any one talking about or using the Talmud in their daily life.
Yes, there are extremist Jews who believe what's written in it, but there are a very small minority. Even the ones who do read it probably don't believe anything that's in it.

I'm more of a Torah/Bible guy myself than a Talmud guy. If I attend any class, it would be Torah. That's because I attended a Talmud class one time, and the 2 pages we were learning was about the correct way to wipe one's ass. No kidding. I got turned off from Talmud after that.
Wow, you know more about Judaism than most Israelis. Have you thought of converting?

The Nazis have their own special Talmud - based on the ever popular "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."

The Butlerite morons will regale you with the most amazing passages - which no Jew has ever seen...


but we aren't talking about either of those, are we?
compulsion to deflect and mention "hitler" or "nazis" is noted.
Look, it's obvious by now that you've never been to Israel and you therefore don't know what you're talking about,

I've never been to the moon either. So? That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"gods chosen people"

That's nice.
"unclean" and "goyim"

They know that the talmud says christians are unclean and (the derogatory) goyim.

Pretty much so..I doubt you know the definition of "semite"...because I dislike muzzies, too. They're no better than jews. Go look up the word.

The talmud is available for anyone to read. It's meanings and who it refers to are quite clear.

Doesn't your New Testament say alot of bad things about Jews? If you don't want to support Israel, that's fine, but you shouldn't say these untruths.

Maybe... so?...Who cares?
We don't receive 3 billion a year in aid from israel..We don't use israel as a proxy to kill our enemies...israel on the other hand does...no more american blood or taxpayer money for proxy wars defending israel. Let them settle their problems with arabs on their own. Let the chips fall where they will.

The Talmud was written in 200 CE (the second part in 500CE), so you can't blame Jewish people in general for what's written in it.
In other words, what's written in the Talmud is irrelevant. What IS relevant is when people actually ABIDE by what's written in it and when other people are affected by that (I am talking specifically about the passages that talk about Jews being superior and things about goyim).
Most Jews are not religious and not even all religious Jews abide by it.

Same goes for the Quran. There are some extremely violent passages in it, but in this case , many Muslims DO abide by it and it affects other people (non believers AKA infidels)
I am Jewish, went to private Jewish elementary and Jewish high school and have been around Jewish people my whole life. My entire family lives in Israel except my parents who moved to Canada from there. I have NEVER seen or heard any one talking about or using the Talmud in their daily life.
Yes, there are extremist Jews who believe what's written in it, but there are a very small minority. Even the ones who do read it probably don't believe anything that's in it.

Oh.. I see..even though it plainly says the things I pointed out...it doesn't count and is "irrelevant"....because you said so..ok...I get it, zionist.

The point remains that jews and muzzies don't like white christian people and perceive themselves as superior.
Therefore they are enemies to our culture, race and way of life.
fuckem..let them kill each other off..no great loss either way.

n Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says:

"A Jew must not associate himself with gentiles because they are given to the shedding of blood."

Likewise in Iore Dea (153,2):

"An Israelite must not associate himself with the Akum [Christians] because they are given to the shedding of blood."

In the Abhodah Zarah (25b) it says:

"The Rabbis taught: If a Goi joins an Israelite on the road, he [the Jew] should walk on his right side.(44) Rabbi Ismael, the son of Rabbi Jochanan the nephew of Beruka, says: if he carries a sword, let the Jew walk on his right side.(45) If the Goi carries a stick, the Jew should walk on his left side.(46) If he is climbing a hill or descending a steep incline, the Jew must not go in front with the Goi behind, but the Jew must go behind and the Goi in front, nor must he stoop down in front of him for fear the Goi might crack his skull. And if he should ask the Jew how far he is going, he should pretend he is going a long way, as Jacob our Father said to the impious Esau: Until I come to my Lord in Seir (Gen. XXXIII, 14-17), but it adds: Jacob set out for Sukoth."

Orach Chaiim (20,2) it says:

"Do not sell your overcoat (Talith) with the fringes to an Akum, lest he should join up with a Jew on the road and kill him. It is also forbidden to exchange or lend your overcoat with a Gentile, except for a short time and when there is nothing to be feared from him."

In the Abhodah Zarah (15b) it says:

"Animals of the masculine sex must not be left in the barns of the Gentiles with their men, nor animals of the feminine sex with their women; much less must animals of the feminine sex be left with their men and of the masculine sex with their women. Nor must sheep be left to the care of their shepherds; nor must any intercourse be had with them; nor must children be given into their care to learn to read or to learn a trade."

In the same tract a little farther on (22a) it is explained why animals must not be allowed in the barns of Gentiles, and why Jews are not permitted to have sexual intercourse with them:

"Animals must not be allowed to go near the Goim, because they are suspected of having intercourse with them. Nor must women cohabit with them because they are over-sexed."

In fol. 22b of the same book the reason is given why animals especially of the feminine sex must be kept away from their women:

"...because when Gentile men come to their neighbors' houses to commit adultery with their wives and do not find them at home, they fornicate with the sheep in the barns instead. And sometimes even when their neighbors' wives are at home, they prefer to fornicate with the animals; for they love the sheep of the Israelites more than their own women."

The Talmud gives two reasons why the Goim are unclean: because they eat unclean things, and because they themselves have not been cleansed (from original sin) on Mount Sinai. In Schabbath, (145b) it says:

"Why are the Goim unclean? Because they eat abominable things and animals that crawl on their belly."

Likewise in Abhodah Zarah, 22b:

"Why are the Goim unclean? Because they were not present at Mount Sinai. For when the serpent entered into Eve he infused her with uncleanness. But the Jews were cleansed from this when they stood on Mount Sinai; the Goim, however, who were not on Mount Sinaim were not cleansed."

"When ten persons are praying together in one place and they say Kaddisch, or Kedoschah, anyone, even though he does not belong there, may respond Amen. There are some, however, who say that no dung or Akum must be present."

In Iore Dea (198, 48) Hagah, it says:

"When Jewish women come out of a bath they must take care to meet a friend first, and not something unclean or a Christian. For if so, a woman, if she wants to keep holy, should go back and bathe again."

It is worthy of note that the following list of unclean things is given in Biur Hetib, a commentary on the Schulchan Arukh:

"A woman must wash herself again if she sees any unclean thing, such as a dog, an ass, or People of the Earth; a Christian (Akum), a camel,(47) a pig, a horse, and a leper."

In Kerithuth (6b p. 78) it says:

"The teaching of the Rabbis is: He who pours oil over a Goi, and over dead bodies is freed from punishment. This is true for an animal because it is not a man.(48) But how can it be said that by pouring oil over a Goi one is freed from punishment, since a Goi is also a man? But this is not true, for it is written: Ye are my flock, the flock of my pasture are men (Ezechiel, XXXIV, 31). You are thus called men, but the Goim are not called men."

In the Sanhedrin (74b) Tosephoth, it says:

"The sexual intercourse of a Goi is like to that of a beast."

And in Kethuboth (3b) it says:

"The seed of a Goi is worth the same as that of a beast."

etc...etc...etc...deny it all you like, zionist. There it is in black and white.
So supposedly, something WRITTEN in a book is a GOOD reason for members of a religion to commit MURDER; even against each other.
No wonder God told Avraham to listen to Sarah and kick Hagar and Ishmael out of the house.
Still trying to change the subject when you get backed into a corner by the truth I notice. :doubt:

I'm not changing any subject. The MO of Nazis is to post supposed shocking Talmud passages, which oddly cannot be found in the Talmud. At which time the Nazi spews about "secret Talmuds" that only they, the Nazis have access to.

Now I don't know a damned thing about the Talmud, because I don't give a shit.. But I'd bet there is a a better than even chance that these passages you are posting are fabricated bullshit.

Oh, and you sure seem like an Obamunist - you sure you're not one? I mean, Jooooo haters are virtually ALWAYS leftists...
So supposedly, something WRITTEN in a book is a GOOD reason for members of a religion to commit MURDER; even against each other.
No wonder God told Avraham to listen to Sarah and kick Hagar and Ishmael out of the house.

The joooish old testament says eye for an eye and to kill your kids if they disrespect you, no?
So supposedly, something WRITTEN in a book is a GOOD reason for members of a religion to commit MURDER; even against each other.
No wonder God told Avraham to listen to Sarah and kick Hagar and Ishmael out of the house.

The joooish old testament says eye for an eye and to kill your kids if they disrespect you, no?

And I DO study Torah AND Talmud.

You can't take eye for eye literally because the Torah discusses renumeration for physical damages.
I've never been to the moon either. So? That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"gods chosen people"

That's nice.
"unclean" and "goyim"

They know that the talmud says christians are unclean and (the derogatory) goyim.

Pretty much so..I doubt you know the definition of "semite"...because I dislike muzzies, too. They're no better than jews. Go look up the word.

The talmud is available for anyone to read. It's meanings and who it refers to are quite clear.

Maybe... so?...Who cares?
We don't receive 3 billion a year in aid from israel..We don't use israel as a proxy to kill our enemies...israel on the other hand does...no more american blood or taxpayer money for proxy wars defending israel. Let them settle their problems with arabs on their own. Let the chips fall where they will.

The Talmud was written in 200 CE (the second part in 500CE), so you can't blame Jewish people in general for what's written in it.
In other words, what's written in the Talmud is irrelevant. What IS relevant is when people actually ABIDE by what's written in it and when other people are affected by that (I am talking specifically about the passages that talk about Jews being superior and things about goyim).
Most Jews are not religious and not even all religious Jews abide by it.

Same goes for the Quran. There are some extremely violent passages in it, but in this case , many Muslims DO abide by it and it affects other people (non believers AKA infidels)
I am Jewish, went to private Jewish elementary and Jewish high school and have been around Jewish people my whole life. My entire family lives in Israel except my parents who moved to Canada from there. I have NEVER seen or heard any one talking about or using the Talmud in their daily life.
Yes, there are extremist Jews who believe what's written in it, but there are a very small minority. Even the ones who do read it probably don't believe anything that's in it.

Oh.. I see..even though it plainly says the things I pointed out...it doesn't count and is "irrelevant"....because you said so..ok...I get it, zionist.

The point remains that jews and muzzies don't like white christian people and perceive themselves as superior.
Therefore they are enemies to our culture, race and way of life.
fuckem..let them kill each other off..no great loss either way.

n Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says:

"A Jew must not associate himself with gentiles because they are given to the shedding of blood."

Likewise in Iore Dea (153,2):

"An Israelite must not associate himself with the Akum [Christians] because they are given to the shedding of blood."

In the Abhodah Zarah (25b) it says:

"The Rabbis taught: If a Goi joins an Israelite on the road, he [the Jew] should walk on his right side.(44) Rabbi Ismael, the son of Rabbi Jochanan the nephew of Beruka, says: if he carries a sword, let the Jew walk on his right side.(45) If the Goi carries a stick, the Jew should walk on his left side.(46) If he is climbing a hill or descending a steep incline, the Jew must not go in front with the Goi behind, but the Jew must go behind and the Goi in front, nor must he stoop down in front of him for fear the Goi might crack his skull. And if he should ask the Jew how far he is going, he should pretend he is going a long way, as Jacob our Father said to the impious Esau: Until I come to my Lord in Seir (Gen. XXXIII, 14-17), but it adds: Jacob set out for Sukoth."

Orach Chaiim (20,2) it says:

"Do not sell your overcoat (Talith) with the fringes to an Akum, lest he should join up with a Jew on the road and kill him. It is also forbidden to exchange or lend your overcoat with a Gentile, except for a short time and when there is nothing to be feared from him."

In the Abhodah Zarah (15b) it says:

"Animals of the masculine sex must not be left in the barns of the Gentiles with their men, nor animals of the feminine sex with their women; much less must animals of the feminine sex be left with their men and of the masculine sex with their women. Nor must sheep be left to the care of their shepherds; nor must any intercourse be had with them; nor must children be given into their care to learn to read or to learn a trade."

In the same tract a little farther on (22a) it is explained why animals must not be allowed in the barns of Gentiles, and why Jews are not permitted to have sexual intercourse with them:

"Animals must not be allowed to go near the Goim, because they are suspected of having intercourse with them. Nor must women cohabit with them because they are over-sexed."

In fol. 22b of the same book the reason is given why animals especially of the feminine sex must be kept away from their women:

"...because when Gentile men come to their neighbors' houses to commit adultery with their wives and do not find them at home, they fornicate with the sheep in the barns instead. And sometimes even when their neighbors' wives are at home, they prefer to fornicate with the animals; for they love the sheep of the Israelites more than their own women."

The Talmud gives two reasons why the Goim are unclean: because they eat unclean things, and because they themselves have not been cleansed (from original sin) on Mount Sinai. In Schabbath, (145b) it says:

"Why are the Goim unclean? Because they eat abominable things and animals that crawl on their belly."

Likewise in Abhodah Zarah, 22b:

"Why are the Goim unclean? Because they were not present at Mount Sinai. For when the serpent entered into Eve he infused her with uncleanness. But the Jews were cleansed from this when they stood on Mount Sinai; the Goim, however, who were not on Mount Sinaim were not cleansed."

"When ten persons are praying together in one place and they say Kaddisch, or Kedoschah, anyone, even though he does not belong there, may respond Amen. There are some, however, who say that no dung or Akum must be present."

In Iore Dea (198, 48) Hagah, it says:

"When Jewish women come out of a bath they must take care to meet a friend first, and not something unclean or a Christian. For if so, a woman, if she wants to keep holy, should go back and bathe again."

It is worthy of note that the following list of unclean things is given in Biur Hetib, a commentary on the Schulchan Arukh:

"A woman must wash herself again if she sees any unclean thing, such as a dog, an ass, or People of the Earth; a Christian (Akum), a camel,(47) a pig, a horse, and a leper."

In Kerithuth (6b p. 78) it says:

"The teaching of the Rabbis is: He who pours oil over a Goi, and over dead bodies is freed from punishment. This is true for an animal because it is not a man.(48) But how can it be said that by pouring oil over a Goi one is freed from punishment, since a Goi is also a man? But this is not true, for it is written: Ye are my flock, the flock of my pasture are men (Ezechiel, XXXIV, 31). You are thus called men, but the Goim are not called men."

In the Sanhedrin (74b) Tosephoth, it says:

"The sexual intercourse of a Goi is like to that of a beast."

And in Kethuboth (3b) it says:

"The seed of a Goi is worth the same as that of a beast."

etc...etc...etc...deny it all you like, zionist. There it is in black and white.

You can tell an anti-Semite Nazi right away if they start spouting Talmud verses. No matter how many times I told this guy that most Israelis are secular, worship Western culture, etc., etc., he keeps on coming back with the same things. I see no quotes from the Quran, though he claims to hate Muslims. When I pointed out inflammatory verses about Jews from the New Testament, he says who cares. So who cares about the Talmud? This guy has memorized every Jewish member of Congress. I visited Arlington National Cemetary, and I've seen crosses and stars of David. I didn't see any crescents. I had 3 Jewish friends in grammar-school whose fathers had served in the American military. But then again Hitler killed all the German Jews who had served Germany in WW1.
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I think this is what Hamas wanted.

They wanted to provoke Israel to attack them so that they can take them on the international stage where they have the upper hand.
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