Elon Tweets “My Pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci” – Twitter Owner ELON MUSK to Release the Twitter Files on COVID and Dr Fauci

Faustus is the golden idol of the needless lockdowns and other actions against Freedom loving , thought motivated supporters of Trump
The is No Way Musk will be permitted to fully uncover Fakey

When he uncovers it the same cult that doesn't know now won't know about it then.
The Democrat Media Cult hasn't mentioned any of it and their inbred cultists will never hear of any of it.
Musk is wrong on so many levels…this is effed up.

In less than two months, Musk has undone years of investments in trust and safety at Twitter — dismissing key parts of the workforce and bringing back accounts that previously had been suspended.

The Trust and Safety Council unraveled after Musk himself had pitched the creation of a content moderation council that would have weighed in on key content moderation decisions, but later appeared to change his mind about introducing such a body.

And in the process, he has exposed some of the company’s current and former employees to online harassment.

Yoel Roth, Twitter’s former head of trust and safety, and his family were forced from their home after Elon Musk’s tweets misrepresented Roth’s academic writing about sexual activity and children. The online mob also sent threats to people Roth had replied to on Twitter, forcing some of Roth’s family and friends to delete their Twitter accounts, according to a person familiar with Roth’s situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to concerns about Roth’s safety.
WTF is a trust and safety council? Musk can do as he pleases, stop your hysteria.
Hey, when he releases the bombshells about Hunter's laptop and Twitter, you're going to need UN Peace keepers to keep the civil unrest to a minimum. The living will envy the dead.

Whats that....

You mean he's already released all that stuff and nothing happened.

Impossible! Fake news!!! :laugh:
Oh, gee. Twitter stopped Hunter Biden's dick pics from being posted on Twitter at the request of the Biden family.

What a scandal for the ages!
If they were stopped, how do you know about them?

Care to share?
Since his files are let downs, or nothing burgers I thought I'd spice it up.

Enjoy your big, fat nothing burger. Don't choke on it now.

Elon's perverse crusade to destroy freedom of speech.

Taibbi, Musk, and company seem to have focused a lot of their fire on Twitter’s suppression of Hunter’s dick pics and similar stuff. The currently accessible tweets cited in the email that elicited Musk’s First Amendment comment were about sex, not political corruption. All that is revealed by the emails in that screenshot is Twitter following its own terms of service. Nonconsensual pictures of people’s junk are not protected speech. As Jeffrey Lebowski once told Walter Sobchak, “This is not a First Amendment thing, man.”

But let’s look at who was posting those pics in the first place. The third tweet cited in Taibbi’s screenshot, the Internet Archive shows, came from an account that features a logo and slogan indicating the user is a member of New Federal State of China. The NFSC is an organization set up in 2020 by Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui, an exiled Chinese mogul, who has aggressively promoted false claims about Covid vaccines and the 2020 election.
That’s know as dying “with” Covid as opposed to the liberal bitter clinging to “from” Covid, About 1 of 10 false metrics with the Hoax
yeh, lots of liars in the world, all liberals

we have to get rid of them once and for all.. send them to Liberia or something

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