Elon Musk is working on consensual telepathy


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The billionaire tesla CEO's new startup, Neuralink Corp, wants to merge our brains with machines.

Facebook isn't the only one working on linking the human brain with computers.

Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, on Thursday laid out a plan for his new company, Neuralink Corp. The startup is working on a way to meld the mind with a computer interface by implanting neurons in the brain, according to an interview with the website Wait But Why.

The aim for now is to create a product that could help patients with severe brain injuries like stroke or paralysis. Musk hopes to release a product like that in four years. It would take about eight to 10 years to reach people without disabilities, and Musk warned that much of this depends on regulatory approval.

Elon Musk is working on 'consensual telepathy'

Oh the leftist libtards won't have a problem giving up their free will and rights to privacy all nicely created by lazy fks who want everything instantly and have to have a computer/robot think for them invade people's privacy pretty much anything UNETHICAL these lunatics get off on and want it, and they want it in a hurry.

It's just a shame that Government and ignorance will abuse what could be a really cool tool to have.
I don't won't my mind link with poor Matthew's mind. It has a stay out block for that one at this time.
This is really cool! Elon Musk is the Edison of our time.
Sure, what could go wrong?
Like most things, it's in the application. This looks like the kind of hysteria we saw about implantable chips. It's only a problem, if it's forced on people. For people that can benefit from it, this and chips can be life savers.
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This is really cool! Elon Musk is the Edison of our time.
Sure, what could go wrong?
Like most things, it's in the application. This looks like the kind of hysteria we saw about implantable chips. It's only a problem, if it's forced on people. For people that can benefit from it, this and chips can be life savers.

The technology isn't the problem, you have to realize not everyone is going to be a good boy , the Gov. will use it against you anyway they can .

Haven't you ever watched " Continuum" Fringe" and any of those other SCI FI picks...... you think this Government is going to use it to help you LMAO dude you need to wake up and so does anybody else who thinks that.

They will have such control over every aspect of your life..................think you can' pick and choose now well keep pushing that idea you have by the time you realize it , it's going to be to late.

It will effect what you can eat, what you can't eat
if you can drive your car or no drive your car
it will decide how much health insurance you can have
it will make your car stop when that car wants to stop not when you want to.

I am talking about all this tech. coming not just this one specifically.
If it involves implanting neuron proxies, like the article implies, it will never be an "involuntary" process. My first gig in graduate school was working in a lab that had totally blind folks with large connectors in their skulls attached to custom planted electrodes. We stimulated them to actually see patterns and moving edges. They got addicted to the stimulation. Much like video game addiction. But nobody ever thought this was gonna be a universal "cure" for blindness anytime in the next century.

So unless your govt is gonna do INVOLUNTARY brain surgery on you -- you probably have nothing to fear.
THIS however, is more troublesome. And offers some competition to Musk's approach. This is just training neural network detection algorithms to detect primitive thoughts about numbers and letters to an amazing degree of accuracy. But there are probably some "gimmicks" involved in doing this..

Mind reading tech that predicts thoughts

Scientists have developed a new mind-reading technology that can predict a person's thoughts by analysing their brainwaves, an advance that may allow speech-impaired people to communicate.

The technology can recognise the numbers zero to nine with 90 percent accuracy using electroencephalogram (EEG) readings while the subject utters the numbers.

It can also recognise 18 types of Japanese monosyllables from EEG signals with 60 percent accuracy, demonstrating the possibility of an EEG-activated typewriter in the near future.

The research group from Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan collected EEG data of subjects speaking Japanese digits and monosyllables. Using this data, the group conducted digit and monosyllable recognition experiments.

Up until now, speech decoding via EEG signals has been inhibited by a lack of data to allow the use of powerful algorithms based on deep learning or other types of machine learning.

This is also a "breaking" science story from the past month.
If it involves implanting neuron proxies, like the article implies, it will never be an "involuntary" process. My first gig in graduate school was working in a lab that had totally blind folks with large connectors in their skulls attached to custom planted electrodes. We stimulated them to actually see patterns and moving edges. They got addicted to the stimulation. Much like video game addiction. But nobody ever thought this was gonna be a universal "cure" for blindness anytime in the next century.

So unless your govt is gonna do INVOLUNTARY brain surgery on you -- you probably have nothing to fear.

LOL yah think so huh.......... oh boy you guys have so , so much to learn.
They tell you vaccines aren't forced either oh but wait " can't get into school with out them" , many work places you can't have a job with out them.

Health coverage, oh it's a fair game unless you smoke, or wait you smoke pot so you aren't eligible for that transplant ............ A case in UTAH which would not give a man a lung transplant because he smoked pot..

Connect the dots.

The first use to make user accept going BEYOND PERMISSION................... Prisoners nobody gives a damn about prisoners they will say " oh it's keeps you safe " we can creat a PRE CRIME reason to put them into prison '

C'mon use your heads.
If it involves implanting neuron proxies, like the article implies, it will never be an "involuntary" process. My first gig in graduate school was working in a lab that had totally blind folks with large connectors in their skulls attached to custom planted electrodes. We stimulated them to actually see patterns and moving edges. They got addicted to the stimulation. Much like video game addiction. But nobody ever thought this was gonna be a universal "cure" for blindness anytime in the next century.

So unless your govt is gonna do INVOLUNTARY brain surgery on you -- you probably have nothing to fear.

LOL yah think so huh.......... oh boy you guys have so , so much to learn.
They tell you vaccines aren't forced either oh but wait " can't get into school with out them" , many work places you can't have a job with out them.

Health coverage, oh it's a fair game unless you smoke, or wait you smoke pot so you aren't eligible for that transplant ............ A case in UTAH which would not give a man a lung transplant because he smoked pot..

Connect the dots.

The first use to make user accept going BEYOND PERMISSION................... Prisoners nobody gives a damn about prisoners they will say " oh it's keeps you safe " we can creat a PRE CRIME reason to put them into prison '

C'mon use your heads.

The technique requires brain surgery. Are you IMPORTANT enough for the govt to perform INvoluntary brain surgery on? Bless you if you are !!! :biggrin:
Take this for example ------------------>
Soon, Cars May Take Away the Keys of a Drunken Driver

Looks good on the outside, but this is how they sell that technology but behind the curtains it will spread out into other areas of our lives in some form or another.

They they think of something else to use it for ( against us) where people will jump for joy " oh this is a great idea" ...........when really no it's not.

What happens when this car has what every computer in the world has " a glitch" . what happens when some hacks your mind " With out permission" ........

From your OP link -- the ones to worry about aren't Musk's announcement.

Earlier this week, Facebook announced a similar effort trying to merge the brain with computers. The social network's secretive hardware group, Building 8, said it's working on a brain-to-computer interface to try to make it possible for people to type 100 words per minute directly from their brains.

But Facebook said it's working strictly on "non-invasive" methods, which means the company would not implant electrodes in the brain.
If it involves implanting neuron proxies, like the article implies, it will never be an "involuntary" process. My first gig in graduate school was working in a lab that had totally blind folks with large connectors in their skulls attached to custom planted electrodes. We stimulated them to actually see patterns and moving edges. They got addicted to the stimulation. Much like video game addiction. But nobody ever thought this was gonna be a universal "cure" for blindness anytime in the next century.

So unless your govt is gonna do INVOLUNTARY brain surgery on you -- you probably have nothing to fear.

LOL yah think so huh.......... oh boy you guys have so , so much to learn.
They tell you vaccines aren't forced either oh but wait " can't get into school with out them" , many work places you can't have a job with out them.

Health coverage, oh it's a fair game unless you smoke, or wait you smoke pot so you aren't eligible for that transplant ............ A case in UTAH which would not give a man a lung transplant because he smoked pot..

Connect the dots.

The first use to make user accept going BEYOND PERMISSION................... Prisoners nobody gives a damn about prisoners they will say " oh it's keeps you safe " we can creat a PRE CRIME reason to put them into prison '

C'mon use your heads.

The technique requires brain surgery. Are you IMPORTANT enough for the govt to perform INvoluntary brain surgery on? Bless you if you are !!! :biggrin:

Surgery for now, " Radio waves/ Frequencies" will make it simple and simple to do on the masses.

Electromagnetic waves can and do easily hack the brainwaves... Not on this level yet.

But trust that surgery won't be needed.

What they say they just learned , trust me they've had it for twenty years already.
Take this for example ------------------>
Soon, Cars May Take Away the Keys of a Drunken Driver

Looks good on the outside, but this is how they sell that technology but behind the curtains it will spread out into other areas of our lives in some form or another.

They they think of something else to use it for ( against us) where people will jump for joy " oh this is a great idea" ...........when really no it's not.

What happens when this car has what every computer in the world has " a glitch" . what happens when some hacks your mind " With out permission" ........


That's OLD stuff. There's been several commercial "drunk locks" available for problem drivers for MANY years.
From your OP link -- the ones to worry about aren't Musk's announcement.

Earlier this week, Facebook announced a similar effort trying to merge the brain with computers. The social network's secretive hardware group, Building 8, said it's working on a brain-to-computer interface to try to make it possible for people to type 100 words per minute directly from their brains.

But Facebook said it's working strictly on "non-invasive" methods, which means the company would not implant electrodes in the brain.

They will all work together

Elon Musk
Bill Gates
Mark Fuckenberg Oops Zuckender
Take this for example ------------------>
Soon, Cars May Take Away the Keys of a Drunken Driver

Looks good on the outside, but this is how they sell that technology but behind the curtains it will spread out into other areas of our lives in some form or another.

They they think of something else to use it for ( against us) where people will jump for joy " oh this is a great idea" ...........when really no it's not.

What happens when this car has what every computer in the world has " a glitch" . what happens when some hacks your mind " With out permission" ........


That's OLD stuff. There's been several commercial "drunk locks" available for problem drivers for MANY years.

I didn't say the key taking were a new thing " I said take how that is accepted and why" I don't give a shit if it came out ten years ago.
Free will is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action. It is closely linked to the concepts of responsibility, praise, guilt, sin, and other judgments which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. It is also connected with the concepts of advice, persuasion, deliberation, and prohibition. Traditionally, only actions that are freely willed are seen as deserving credit or blame. There are numerous different concerns about threats to the possibility of free will, varying by how exactly it is conceived, which is a matter of some debate.

Some conceive free will to be the capacity to make choices in which the outcome has not been determined by past events. Determinism suggests that only one course of events is possible, which is inconsistent with the existence of such free will. This problem has been identified in ancient Greek philosophy,[1] and remains a major focus of philosophical debate. This view that conceives free will to be incompatible with determinism is called incompatibilism, and encompasses both metaphysical libertarianism, the claim that determinism is false and thus free will is at least possible, and hard determinism, the claim that determinism is true and thus free will is not possible. It also encompasses hard incompatibilism, which holds not only determinism but also its negation to be incompatible with free will, and thus free will to be impossible whatever the case may be regarding determinism.

No matter how they do it , or what with we still stand to lose " Our Free Will".
If it involves implanting neuron proxies, like the article implies, it will never be an "involuntary" process. My first gig in graduate school was working in a lab that had totally blind folks with large connectors in their skulls attached to custom planted electrodes. We stimulated them to actually see patterns and moving edges. They got addicted to the stimulation. Much like video game addiction. But nobody ever thought this was gonna be a universal "cure" for blindness anytime in the next century.

So unless your govt is gonna do INVOLUNTARY brain surgery on you -- you probably have nothing to fear.

LOL yah think so huh.......... oh boy you guys have so , so much to learn.
They tell you vaccines aren't forced either oh but wait " can't get into school with out them" , many work places you can't have a job with out them.

Health coverage, oh it's a fair game unless you smoke, or wait you smoke pot so you aren't eligible for that transplant ............ A case in UTAH which would not give a man a lung transplant because he smoked pot..

Connect the dots.

The first use to make user accept going BEYOND PERMISSION................... Prisoners nobody gives a damn about prisoners they will say " oh it's keeps you safe " we can creat a PRE CRIME reason to put them into prison '

C'mon use your heads.

The technique requires brain surgery. Are you IMPORTANT enough for the govt to perform INvoluntary brain surgery on? Bless you if you are !!! :biggrin:

Surgery for now, " Radio waves/ Frequencies" will make it simple and simple to do on the masses.

Electromagnetic waves can and do easily hack the brainwaves... Not on this level yet.

But trust that surgery won't be needed.

What they say they just learned , trust me they've had it for twenty years already.

What I learned about helping blind folks to "see" is that every brain utilizes it's "storage" and processing UNIQUELY by individuals. Never the same electrode placement. So for detecting "brain waves" (without surgical mapping) -- don't expect signals for "thoughts" to be exactly the same for every individual. It's not rocket science -- IT'S HARDER than that...

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