Elizabeth Warren's Plan To Pay For Medicare For All:


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Spend So Much The National Debt Clock Rolls Over To Zero


Elizabeth Warren's Plan To Pay For Medicare For All: Spend So Much The National Debt Clock Rolls Over To Zero
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I’M THE OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY?”: Not Even Democrats Want to Pay for Medicare for All.


In Bernie Sanders’ fantasy world, Americans are just itching to pay more in taxes to get all the free stuff he’s promising. “I suspect that a lot of people in the country would be delighted to pay more in taxes if they had comprehensive health care as a human right," Sanders has claimed. To his credit, Sanders hasn’t been shy about the fact that to pay for his Medicare for All plan he’d have to raise taxes on the middle class.

Who exactly are these Americans who are salivating over the idea of paying more taxes to get “free” healthcare? Have you met any? I haven’t. There’s a reason Elizabeth Warren doesn’t want to admit she’ll have to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for her plan.

Still, Bernie doesn’t deserve any points for honesty, because even those who support Medicare for All in principle don’t want to pay for it.

According to a recent poll, only 39 percent of likely voters even support an expansion of Medicare to include all Americans, compared to 46 percent who oppose it. The highest level of support Medicare for All has ever received was two months ago, and that was only 41 percent.

Even those who want it aren’t willing to chip in for it. According to the poll:

“when told that making Medicare available to all may cost Americans more in taxes, 46% are not willing to pay any more each year.”​

Another 18% are willing to pay only $100 more a year in taxes for Medicare for all.
Twenty-nine percent (29%) are willing to pay $300 or more per year, with
five percent (5%) who are ready to pay more than $1,000 in additional taxes.

Among voters who favor Medicare for all, 17% aren’t willing to pay any more in taxes, and 27% are willing to pay only $100 more per year.

Bernie Sanders, as a one-percenter himself, he doesn’t pay his “fair share” of taxes, he gave less than one percent of his income to charity, and bought his third home back in 2016—a Lakefront Dacha.

57 percent of Democrats favor Medicare for All, but a third of them don’t want to pay any more in taxes to make it happen. Democrats can’t sell Medicare for All to their own party.
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