Elizabeth Warren Sells Out To Her Corporate Masters


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
Warren promised "to work for the middle class and working families every chance I get" and ensure that "we don't run this country for corporations, we run it for people."

So, one would think that she would be the one leading the charge against the government-funded Export-Import bank that even President Obama once described as "little more than ... corporate welfare."


In fact, it was Tea Party Republicans who fought to scrap this relic of the Great Depression when its term was set to expire at the end of this month—and Warren who said she was on the side of the bank's corporate beneficiaries.

Elizabeth Warren Sells Out to her Corporate Masters - Reason.com

Yet another example of those screaming loudest about cronyism turning out to be the biggest cronyists of all. Shocking, I'm sure...
all the usual rw suspects- daily caller, heritage action network :puke: , redstatedotcom, etc... are running with this non-issue yet you chose the innocuous-sounding one to go with :eusa_think: .
all the usual rw suspects- daily caller, heritage action network :puke: , redstatedotcom, etc... are running with this non-issue yet you chose the innocuous-sounding one to go with :eusa_think: .

So, in other words, you've got nothing. No retort of substance. No logic or reason. You won't even address the issue, but simply attack OTHER periodicals that happen to run the story.

Wow, that is BEYOND pathetic. How sad for you that you are not capable to respond like an adult. Good luck with that.
Elizabeth Warren would make a great President. She is able to take complex subjects and express them in terms that is commonly understood
Elizabeth Warren would make a great President. She is able to take complex subjects and express them in terms that is commonly understood

That she can speak to dumbshits is one thing...but hasn't a damn thing to do with the cronyism she supports, that folks like you lament.

Trouble sticking to the point once again I see. Nothing new.
Elizabeth Warren would make a great President. She is able to take complex subjects and express them in terms that is commonly understood

She does have the talking down to liberal idiots (but then I repeat myself) down cold.

Warren will be unbeatable in small sound bites expressing fundamental concepts

Republicans will respond with Drill baby drill
Elizabeth Warren would make a great President. She is able to take complex subjects and express them in terms that is commonly understood

That she can speak to dumbshits is one thing...but hasn't a damn thing to do with the cronyism she supports, that folks like you lament.

Trouble sticking to the point once again I see. Nothing new.

I read your OP and my bullshit alarm went off after the second sentence

No reason to read any further
Elizabeth Warren would make a great President. She is able to take complex subjects and express them in terms that is commonly understood

She does have the talking down to liberal idiots (but then I repeat myself) down cold.

Warren will be unbeatable in small sound bites expressing fundamental concepts

Republicans will respond with Drill baby drill

We got it. You're unable to respond to the fact she's a suck up to corporate masters, while claiming she's looking out for the little guy. Your, and her hypocrisy is overwhelming.
Nine posts in and our conservatives haven't responded with an Indian reference

Rush Limbaughwill be disappointed
Elizabeth Warren would make a great President. She is able to take complex subjects and express them in terms that is commonly understood

That she can speak to dumbshits is one thing...but hasn't a damn thing to do with the cronyism she supports, that folks like you lament.

Trouble sticking to the point once again I see. Nothing new.

I read your OP and my bullshit alarm went off after the second sentence

No reason to read any further

So you have evidence she did NOT support the bank...or are you just plugging your ears and refusing to listen? Either way, it's fucking pathetic.
Well no surprise. Why not change the name of this country to the United Corporations of America. They control everything anyway. Just think, once they have all control we will have

1). Air as high quality as Beijing... cuz it costs money to regulate emissions.... cry cry whine whine liars they are
2). Water that is undrinkable... but more people will be working for $9 per hour so its a win win

3) Tax breaks for the mega rich and tax increases for the working poor.

That's just a start. Great
I would not be surprised if this is true. Chief Ass-Getting-Wider Lizzie "Squanto" Warren is just as susceptible as anyone else to be influenced by the huge sums of money that change hand in DC. Maybe she will use all of her earnings to build a casino.
Elizabeth Warren would make a great President. She is able to take complex subjects and express them in terms that is commonly understood

Elizabeth Warren taught us to look to your cheek bones so you can find that you are 1/32 of a minority group, claim it, cry victim, and you are in. Complexity made simple.

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