Elizabeth Warren. Green Rules for thee, but not for me.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
If we are going to be honest for ten seconds. Every political figure running for a national office burns up tens of millions of gallons of jet fuel in private planes. As the Campaign continues, the planes get bigger and bigger. From small jets to big charter Boeings, the campaign spends the dollars to fly all over to try and put every state into play.

But what do you do if you have campaigned on the Green New Deal we apparently can’t live without? Do you accept the delays of waiting around airports and the hassle of connecting flights, and further delays? Do you subject yourself to the commoners who will interrupt your work with the staff in polishing your message?

No, you fly a private jet anyway. You just hope that you aren’t caught.

Green New Conceal: Warren tries sneaking off private jet after spotting camera

It is the hiding behind the staffer that makes her look bad. She could have said that there were just not enough hours in the day to do her senate business and the campaign, and she needed every second she could save. She could argue that there were not many flights from Iowa to New Hampshire. She could have taken the time to argue that the lack of flights show how desperately the High Speed Rail is needed.

She could have ignored the camera guy, who is obviously just a local probably with a phone. Instead, she hid, and made a minor snicker of a story, a lot bigger.

Instead she embodied the Gulfstream Environmentalist. You know, the hipper and more woke than thou who fly across the oceans on private planes to attend Green events to show how much they care about the whole Global Climate Change thing. The ones who are called hypocrites. Warren didn’t have anything to fear, everyone else in the Campaign is doing it. Bernie Sanders is doing it most of all. But she knew she was a hypocrite, and didn’t want to be the one caught, too late.
LOL. And she also wants people to believe her story that Bernie confronted her specifically to tell her a woman can't win
LOL. And she also wants people to believe her story that Bernie confronted her specifically to tell her a woman can't win

Well of course, that way she can get the Sympathy vote, and the women’s vote.

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