Electoral College Breakdown

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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be so popular anymore.

Next up, we have
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

Nitpick ... the Electoral College is a 13th Century anachronism ... it was used to elect the Holy Roman Emperor ...

And for the same reasons ... the system gave the German micro-states the same say in who the emperor is as the "biggies", Prussia and Bavaria ... the same here in the last Presidential election, Democrats can't focus on the Big States like California and New York ... they have to carry some Middle States as well ... Hillary went into Pennsylvania promising to shut down all the coal mines, she went into Michigan promising to make state tax-payers clean up Flint ... The Donald carried those EC votes ... the system worked as intended ...

As a liberal ... I think the 2016 election was correct ... We the People wanted the liberal initiatives scaled back ... so We the People are getting want we want ...
If I was Trump I would NOT be scared of Joe Biden. Trump needs to be more presidential and get the economy back up before November and he's in.
Your polls are not scary because they don't show the margin of error, usually +/- 3% or so.

If I was Joe Biden or a democrat, what I would be worried about are the 2016 results vs the 2016 polls. IMHO many democrats will swear that they will vote for Biden, but when in that voters booth they will vote for Trump to keep the good jobs coming back to the US.

Please remember that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have a China Problem, in that Hunter got $1.5b from China to their fund. Nice to have $1.5b to play with, huh??
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The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states.

BECAUSE...Dem TAX increases, jobs killing policies, and threats to destroy entire industry sectors to appease stupid shit climate changers were unpopular in those states. Imbecile :itsok:
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be
so popular anymore.

Next up, we have

Tell you what Joe, lets make a bet. If Trump wins the election, you don’t post for a year from Election Day. If Biden wins, I won’t post for a year from Election Day.

Seems fair right?
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be so popular anymore.

Next up, we have

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her,

It was outrageous! Dem crimes and corruption must remain hidden.
Dem crimes and corruption must never be exposed.

or because of Russian Shennanigans,

Russian memes on Facebook tricked many millions of Dems to vote for Trump.
Facebook and memes must be outlawed!!!
I think these are the states that matter - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL. And of those, the first three are most important.

If Trump loses FL, there's no way he's going to win the election.
The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states.

Hillary went into Pennsylvania promising to shut down all the coal mines, she went into Michigan promising to make state tax-payers clean up Flint ... The Donald carried those EC votes ...

Apparently, JoeB131 thinks that Hillary should have been entitled to win those states specifically by going in and promising to screw them over; and that it is only because of the various absurd conspiracies that he alleges, that the voters in these states rejected her, rather than because she was a bad candidate, whose stated policy positions would have been harmful to those voters in ways that were obvious to them.

…the system worked as intended ...

If you've paid enough attention to JoeB131, then surely you know of the deep contempt in which he holds this nation's Constitution, the rule of law under it, and the wise men who wrote it. Even if he were to agree that the Electoral College worked exactly as intended, he doesn't agree with the intent, not with the principles on which that intent is based.

Before the day is out, I predict that you will see him describe the great men who wrote the Constitution in vulgar and degrading terms, and openly express the opinion that the Constitution should simply be disobeyed, because he does not agree with it.
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be so popular anymore.

Next up, we have
Tell us about the 18th century stuff again. But Rhode Island has two federal senators while South Dakota has the same. Rhode Island is a pimple on South Dakota's ass.
If I was Trump I would NOT be scared of Joe Biden. Trump needs to be more presidential and get the economy back up before November and he's in.
Your polls are not scary because they don't show the margin of error, usually +/- 3% or so.

The Democraps are pinning a lot of hope on the expectation that by November, voters will blame Trump for the economic disaster that the Democraps have deliberately created in relation to the COVID-19 hoax. Truly, that is what it comes down to. They are hoping that the American people are stupid enough to blame Trump for what anyone can see is the Democraps' doing.
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be so popular anymore.

Next up, we have
For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes.
Are those voters in those states really that stupid to vote for an Old, Rich, White Guy who gropes children and women? Are they such dumbasses that all during the first 3 years of Trumps admin, the liberals did nothing for them but try to overthrow the election results of 2016? I bet many of those states are fed up with dumbass liberal elites who still have their jobs, but didnt help those who lost their job during the Wuhan Virus pandemic that the left was always so far behind schedule. You can keep on thinking that Sleepy Joe the groper is going to win, Joe, but like 2016 the result will be the same.
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be so popular anymore.

Next up, we have
We need a Fiction Section.

This post could win a creative writing award.
Absolutely best case scenario for Biden...


It might not be PA...but at least one of those four...MI, MN, WI, & PA...stays red and the Invisible Man loses.

That's BEST CASE SCENARIO for Dems with The Invisible Man from Deleware who is running for Senate as their standard bearer.
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I think this is what the map of 2020 is going to look like, with the way the liberals in Congress were such petulant children, i think Nan from San Fransicko is going to pass the gavel again, and it will be by a super majority.

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