Elections have Consequences

They enter a contract upon copulation. Apply standard contract law.

Its an option I suppose, but it won't hold legally for sex under the influence - I'd say the majority of "abortion causing" sex is drunk/stoned wouldn't you? So partial answer maybe...
If they’re adults, intoxication is irrelevant. They made that choice to enter the contract.

Contract law doesn't work that way though. To wit (from memory):

Minors, the mentally ill, and persons who are intoxicated or drug-addicted are generally excluded from entering into legal agreements. Mental incapacity simply means that a person does not have the competence to enter into a contract. In addition to intoxication, mental incapacity can result from mental illness, such as schizophrenia, senility, and even bipolar condition. Most courts look at contracts with persons of such mental incapacity as voidable contracts.

I don't believe it can work like you think it would/want it to...
As long as the intoxication is self-induced with the knowledge of the risk of copulation it’s legit.

Wow- so any woman who gets drunk and passed out- is the one responsible if some guy decides to rape her then- wait- you wouldn't even consider that rape would you? Just an 'open for business sign'.
Not talking about rape.
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.

Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.
No, they don’t. The father doesn’t get to choose abortion and is forced to subsidize a baby he may choose to abort.
Sexist double standard and cruel to children, depriving them of a father by choice.
Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.

Both the man and the woman have equal opportunity- and responsibility when it comes to the actions that result in a pregnancy- but it is a sexist double standard and cruel for men to tell women what they must do with their bodies- while women must risk injury and death- just because a man is liable for equal costs of raising their living child.
It’s not just her body. It’s a man’s dna.

So a woman doesn't have control over her body once a man injects her with his DNA?
Its an option I suppose, but it won't hold legally for sex under the influence - I'd say the majority of "abortion causing" sex is drunk/stoned wouldn't you? So partial answer maybe...
If they’re adults, intoxication is irrelevant. They made that choice to enter the contract.

Contract law doesn't work that way though. To wit (from memory):

Minors, the mentally ill, and persons who are intoxicated or drug-addicted are generally excluded from entering into legal agreements. Mental incapacity simply means that a person does not have the competence to enter into a contract. In addition to intoxication, mental incapacity can result from mental illness, such as schizophrenia, senility, and even bipolar condition. Most courts look at contracts with persons of such mental incapacity as voidable contracts.

I don't believe it can work like you think it would/want it to...
As long as the intoxication is self-induced with the knowledge of the risk of copulation it’s legit.

Wow- so any woman who gets drunk and passed out- is the one responsible if some guy decides to rape her then- wait- you wouldn't even consider that rape would you? Just an 'open for business sign'.
Not talking about rape.

Because you believe that an intoxicated woman has provided tacit consent to whomever by getting intoxicated- so you don't think that an intoxicated woman can't be 'raped'- because if she has blacked out- she isn't saying 'no'
Well the argument is that a father has as much control over the child as the mother - be that child born yet or not. It does indeed get sticky because an unborn child happens to be in the mother's body, (which undoubtedly belongs to her and no one else,) but the premise in particular has nothing to do with the mother's ownership/control of her own body, nor her rights as a woman - it's about the rights of fathers to that unborn child.

It's kind of... similar to how one can argue that the gov can regulate what drugs and foods one puts into their body. Do you consider that NY saying you can only buy a (what was it 12oz soda?) is "against a woman's control of her body"? Do you consider the FDA and regulations on prescription drugs as "controlling someones body"? I doubt it. That is the kind of idea that "fathers rights to unborn child" would go off of, not "fathers controlling a woman's body" as you argue presently Syriusly. It's like the gov, society, argues that a person shouldn't consume dangerous drugs thus regulates, the fathers rights premise would argue that they can in a sense "regulate" the "murder" of their unborn child via abortion.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?

They lost too.

Millions of men in this nation will be faced with child support to pay then college to pay for. They will no longer be able to make a child then just walk away with out looking back to see what they've done. Thanks to DNA they will no longer be able to deny their own flesh and blood.

In case you didn't know, when a woman applies for public assistance the state automatically goes after the father for payments. So that the state isn't left to pay for that child. The state will also force that man to put the children on his insurance and pay for it so the state won't have to pay for the child's medical expenses. The state automatically goes to court to get an order of garnishment on that man and the employer will follow that court ordered garnishment to take that support from that man and put those kids on insurance with the man paying for it.

Abortion isn't reproductive freedom for women only. It's also freedom for men.

I spent many years garnishing wages from deadbeat men. Men who just walked way from their own flesh and blood. Every time I got a new order of garnishment or order to confirm wages, my staff and I all did our happy dance that we were able to make it possible for another child to have food, clothes, a home and health care.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?

They lost too.

Millions of men in this nation will be faced with child support to pay then college to pay for. They will no longer be able to make a child then just walk away with out looking back to see what they've done. Thanks to DNA they will no longer be able to deny their own flesh and blood.

In case you didn't know, when a woman applies for public assistance the state automatically goes after the father for payments. So that the state isn't left to pay for that child. The state will also force that man to put the children on his insurance and pay for it so the state won't have to pay for the child's medical expenses. The state automatically goes to court to get an order of garnishment on that man and the employer will follow that court ordered garnishment to take that support from that man and put those kids on insurance with the man paying for it.

Abortion isn't reproductive freedom for women only. It's also freedom for men.

I spent many years garnishing wages from deadbeat men. Men who just walked way from their own flesh and blood. Every time I got a new order of garnishment or order to confirm wages, my staff and I all did our happy dance that we were able to make it possible for another child to have food, clothes, a home and health care.
In case you didn't know, it's quite common for the mother to state "Unknown" as the father on the child's BC. Then you pay for it.

Men have no say whether their own child lives or dies. The entire onus is on the woman, who must live the rest of her life knowing she's killed her own child.

The father will know she killed the baby girl, too. Is that how you understand equal application/protection under the law?
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.

Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.
No, they don’t. The father doesn’t get to choose abortion and is forced to subsidize a baby he may choose to abort.
Sexist double standard and cruel to children, depriving them of a father by choice.
Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.

Both the man and the woman have equal opportunity- and responsibility when it comes to the actions that result in a pregnancy- but it is a sexist double standard and cruel for men to tell women what they must do with their bodies- while women must risk injury and death- just because a man is liable for equal costs of raising their living child.
It’s not just her body. It’s a man’s dna.

Then if men actually care about this why do millions of men in America walk away from their own flesh and blood every day?

Millions of men have sex, make a woman pregnant then walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused.

Millions of men when faced with a woman who is pregnant with their child deny their own flesh and blood and say it's not their child every day in America.

When men actually do care about their DNA I might start to listen to your garbage rationalizations.

So when 100% of all men in America take responsibility for every life they create you might have a point.

But men won't do one thing about the millions of men who make women pregnant then walk away without even looking back to see what they've done.
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.

Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.
No, they don’t. The father doesn’t get to choose abortion and is forced to subsidize a baby he may choose to abort.
Sexist double standard and cruel to children, depriving them of a father by choice.
Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.

Both the man and the woman have equal opportunity- and responsibility when it comes to the actions that result in a pregnancy- but it is a sexist double standard and cruel for men to tell women what they must do with their bodies- while women must risk injury and death- just because a man is liable for equal costs of raising their living child.
It’s not just her body. It’s a man’s dna.

Then if men actually care about this why do millions of men in America walk away from their own flesh and blood every day?

Millions of men have sex, make a woman pregnant then walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused.

Millions of men when faced with a woman who is pregnant with their child deny their own flesh and blood and say it's not their child every day in America.

When men actually do care about their DNA I might start to listen to your garbage rationalizations.

So when 100% of all men in America take responsibility for every life they create you might have a point.

But men won't do one thing about the millions of men who make women pregnant then walk away without even looking back to see what they've done.
I axed you a keshon.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?

They lost too.

Millions of men in this nation will be faced with child support to pay then college to pay for. They will no longer be able to make a child then just walk away with out looking back to see what they've done. Thanks to DNA they will no longer be able to deny their own flesh and blood.

In case you didn't know, when a woman applies for public assistance the state automatically goes after the father for payments. So that the state isn't left to pay for that child. The state will also force that man to put the children on his insurance and pay for it so the state won't have to pay for the child's medical expenses. The state automatically goes to court to get an order of garnishment on that man and the employer will follow that court ordered garnishment to take that support from that man and put those kids on insurance with the man paying for it.

Abortion isn't reproductive freedom for women only. It's also freedom for men.

I spent many years garnishing wages from deadbeat men. Men who just walked way from their own flesh and blood. Every time I got a new order of garnishment or order to confirm wages, my staff and I all did our happy dance that we were able to make it possible for another child to have food, clothes, a home and health care.
In case you didn't know, it's quite common for the mother to state "Unknown" as the father on the child's BC. Then you pay for it.

Men have no say whether their own child lives or dies. The entire onus is on the woman, who must live the rest of her life knowing she's killed her own child.

The father will know she killed the baby girl, too. Is that how you understand equal application/protection under the law?

It is not uncommon for a woman to do that.

However not all women do. Those women who put that man's name on that birth certificate will be able to go after that man for his responsibility to the child he created.

When red states are facing larger and larger public assistance rolls they will pass laws forbidding the male's name from being left off.

If you think that red states are going to willingly pay for those children they forced women to give brith to you're even more delusional than I thought.

They aren't. They will find ways to find the man who walked away from his own flesh and blood.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?

They lost too.

Millions of men in this nation will be faced with child support to pay then college to pay for. They will no longer be able to make a child then just walk away with out looking back to see what they've done. Thanks to DNA they will no longer be able to deny their own flesh and blood.

In case you didn't know, when a woman applies for public assistance the state automatically goes after the father for payments. So that the state isn't left to pay for that child. The state will also force that man to put the children on his insurance and pay for it so the state won't have to pay for the child's medical expenses. The state automatically goes to court to get an order of garnishment on that man and the employer will follow that court ordered garnishment to take that support from that man and put those kids on insurance with the man paying for it.

Abortion isn't reproductive freedom for women only. It's also freedom for men.

I spent many years garnishing wages from deadbeat men. Men who just walked way from their own flesh and blood. Every time I got a new order of garnishment or order to confirm wages, my staff and I all did our happy dance that we were able to make it possible for another child to have food, clothes, a home and health care.
In case you didn't know, it's quite common for the mother to state "Unknown" as the father on the child's BC. Then you pay for it.

Men have no say whether their own child lives or dies. The entire onus is on the woman, who must live the rest of her life knowing she's killed her own child.

The father will know she killed the baby girl, too. Is that how you understand equal application/protection under the law?

It is not uncommon for a woman to do that.

However not all women do. Those women who put that man's name on that birth certificate will be able to go after that man for his responsibility to the child he created.

When red states are facing larger and larger public assistance rolls they will pass laws forbidding the male's name from being left off.

If you think that red states are going to willingly pay for those children they forced women to give brith to you're even more delusional than I thought.

They aren't. They will find ways to find the man who walked away from his own flesh and blood.
Is that how you understand equal application/protection under the law?
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.

Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.
No, they don’t. The father doesn’t get to choose abortion and is forced to subsidize a baby he may choose to abort.
Sexist double standard and cruel to children, depriving them of a father by choice.
Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.

Both the man and the woman have equal opportunity- and responsibility when it comes to the actions that result in a pregnancy- but it is a sexist double standard and cruel for men to tell women what they must do with their bodies- while women must risk injury and death- just because a man is liable for equal costs of raising their living child.
It’s not just her body. It’s a man’s dna.

Then if men actually care about this why do millions of men in America walk away from their own flesh and blood every day?

Millions of men have sex, make a woman pregnant then walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused.

Millions of men when faced with a woman who is pregnant with their child deny their own flesh and blood and say it's not their child every day in America.

When men actually do care about their DNA I might start to listen to your garbage rationalizations.

So when 100% of all men in America take responsibility for every life they create you might have a point.

But men won't do one thing about the millions of men who make women pregnant then walk away without even looking back to see what they've done.
Millions of men.. blah blah blah...
Considering that men are offered no choice why would you expect as much concern?
Regardless, a bad thing doesn’t excuse another bad thing.
Roe v Wade = Dred Scott
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.

Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.
No, they don’t. The father doesn’t get to choose abortion and is forced to subsidize a baby he may choose to abort.
Sexist double standard and cruel to children, depriving them of a father by choice.
Certainly the father and mother both have equal rights when it comes to their living baby.

Both the man and the woman have equal opportunity- and responsibility when it comes to the actions that result in a pregnancy- but it is a sexist double standard and cruel for men to tell women what they must do with their bodies- while women must risk injury and death- just because a man is liable for equal costs of raising their living child.
It’s not just her body. It’s a man’s dna.

So a woman doesn't have control over her body once a man injects her with his DNA?
She doesn’t have control over his body and their body.
If they’re adults, intoxication is irrelevant. They made that choice to enter the contract.

Contract law doesn't work that way though. To wit (from memory):

Minors, the mentally ill, and persons who are intoxicated or drug-addicted are generally excluded from entering into legal agreements. Mental incapacity simply means that a person does not have the competence to enter into a contract. In addition to intoxication, mental incapacity can result from mental illness, such as schizophrenia, senility, and even bipolar condition. Most courts look at contracts with persons of such mental incapacity as voidable contracts.

I don't believe it can work like you think it would/want it to...
As long as the intoxication is self-induced with the knowledge of the risk of copulation it’s legit.

Wow- so any woman who gets drunk and passed out- is the one responsible if some guy decides to rape her then- wait- you wouldn't even consider that rape would you? Just an 'open for business sign'.
Not talking about rape.

Because you believe that an intoxicated woman has provided tacit consent to whomever by getting intoxicated- so you don't think that an intoxicated woman can't be 'raped'- because if she has blacked out- she isn't saying 'no'
I didn’t say she couldn’t. It’s a completely separate issue.
A woman could poison a man and cut off his penis and that would be a separate issue.
You sheep just keep repeating the same illogic.
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.
Talk about sexist. Did you write a book?
Yep, I was talking about sexism in the form of feminist double standards. More typical bigotry from the left.
You're an author.
Boss, get with the program. Try a little logical deductive reasoning. Have you ever been pregnant? Exactly! Neither have I. Before you start talking "double standards", why don't you live in a woman's shoes. I've heard that many times from women, and they are exactly right. Are you a woman? If not, you and I don't know squat. Get it now? Or are you of the misogynist arrogant, ass hole type, who knows everything about what a woman needs?
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.
Talk about sexist. Did you write a book?
Yep, I was talking about sexism in the form of feminist double standards. More typical bigotry from the left.
You're an author.
Boss, get with the program. Try a little logical deductive reasoning. Have you ever been pregnant? Exactly! Neither have I. Before you start talking "double standards", why don't you live in a woman's shoes. I've heard that many times from women, and they are exactly right. Are you a woman? If not, you and I don't know squat. Get it now? Or are you of the misogynist arrogant, ass hole type, who knows everything about what a woman needs?
The woman in the womb needs her mother. And will until the mother dies.

Besides, DAD, she's as much your daughter as she is her mother's.
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.
Talk about sexist. Did you write a book?
Not the dreaded S-word!

Allowing/forcing women alone to decide if a human being lives or dies is as sexist, arbitrary, and capricious as making the father alone decide.
What creepy crawly hole did you come out from under, while planting the lie in that sentence of yours? You pick up a word or a phrase, and suddenly your fairy tale becomes fact for you.
Why does a woman choose what happens to a man’s baby? That’s his DNA and not just her body. Totally sexist.
Talk about sexist. Did you write a book?
Yep, I was talking about sexism in the form of feminist double standards. More typical bigotry from the left.
You're an author.
Boss, get with the program. Try a little logical deductive reasoning. Have you ever been pregnant? Exactly! Neither have I. Before you start talking "double standards", why don't you live in a woman's shoes. I've heard that many times from women, and they are exactly right. Are you a woman? If not, you and I don't know squat. Get it now? Or are you of the misogynist arrogant, ass hole type, who knows everything about what a woman needs?
A woman doesn't get pregnant like catching a cold. She has to involve herself in a specific behavior with a man.
I'm no mysoginist. You're an advocate for child abuse.
Get your head out of your mob ego box and try a little logic.

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