Taking every swing state is a landslide, given the margins and closeness that was sold by pollsters.It is not actually a landslide when you win by a couple percent, which is what we are talking about here.
But the reason why "landslide" may be apropos is this: Trump won despite the Left having every conceivable advantage.
And if you prevail against all that, you are entitled to gloat, for at least a little while.
- The Media were all-in for Harris, despite the fact that few actual humans wanted her to win (only that Trump should lose),
- Academe was and remains almost 100% for any Leftist on any ticket,
- Hollywood was all-in for Harris,
- Government employees at all levels - there are millions of them - were totally supportive of Harris,
- Most major labor unions openly endorsed Harris (even as the rank & file were clearly for Trump),
- Democrats control the election machinery in most of the Swing States,
- The Democrats out-spent Trump dramatically,
- Most social media sites (like this one) were cornucopias of Trump ridicule and slander.