Election expert: Recounts always result in change of "a few hundred" of votes, tops

Trump will not win on recounts.

If you keep counting the Democrat fraudulent votes over and over again not much will change.

Trump will win when the Court throws out the fraudulent votes.
Not when done with an accompanying fraud investigation involving ballot harvesting, ballot manufacturing, and software that does vote swapping, and you have to compare the actual ballot to the vote that was tabulated for it, and then also verify the voter rolls, and compare that with canvassing.

I am estimating about 50,000 vote swing to Trump and about 20,000 ballots outright tossed out because they are illegal and invalid.

This is going to take a long time.
Trump will not win on recounts.

If you keep counting the Democrat fraudulent votes over and over again not much will change.

Trump will win when the Court throws out the fraudulent votes.
Once more and more fraud is uncovered, the recount will be a re-vote and this will be highly scrutinized. Also Deep State Candidate, Jo Jorgenson will not be invited. Senate and House Candidates will be invited.
Yep, Arizona requires over a 200 vote difference in an election to trigger a recount.
There is a reason for that ;)
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Trump will not win on recounts.

If you keep counting the Democrat fraudulent votes over and over again not much will change.

Trump will win when the Court throws out the fraudulent votes.
Once more and more fraud is uncovered, the recount will be a re-vote and this will be highly scrutinized. Also Deep State Candidate, Jo Jorgenson will not be invited. Senate and House Candidates will be invited.
Trump team is presenting the fraud in the lawsuits. It is up to the Court to decide if it is valid or not.

The Democrat filth have been planning this fraud in the battleground states for months and used mail in ballots. Trump has the evidence and everything will be decided in the courts.

If the Democrat assholes get away with it then our Republic is lost.
Not when done with an accompanying fraud investigation involving ballot harvesting, ballot manufacturing, and software that does vote swapping, and you have to compare the actual ballot to the vote that was tabulated for it, and then also verify the voter rolls, and compare that with canvassing.

I am estimating about 50,000 vote swing to Trump and about 20,000 ballots outright tossed out because they are illegal and invalid.

This is going to take a long time.
If this happens , you have to wonder if deals will be made to keep people out of jail.
When Trump needs tens of thousands in a recount...he'll get hundreds...maybe
NO, you didn't like the result so you installed Soros funded voting machines with Clinton-Feinstein Vote Swapping Dominion software on them, and when the software could not keep up with The Election Day Flood of Legal Trump Voters, you had no choice to put the call out to 6 states you were getting your ass whipped in, stop the count and start backing up the trucks and bringing in Fraudulent Biden ballots with no signatures, no privacy envelopes, incorrect addresses, fictitious birth dates of 01/01/1900, dead people, and fictitious people.

In one incident, there were simultaneous registrations of 25,000 nursing home patients registered on election eve ALL FOR DEMOCRATS ONLY, and these registrations did not "stream in" in a normal pattern. They were added all at once. Same with The Biden Ballots which were all 100% Joe Biden. In another incident 450,000 Biden Ballots were added in to the system simultaneously with zero down ballot votes on them. I could go on, but I won't. Right now we have broken all records on Fraud Reports, and the number of affidavits, for Election Fraud witnessed has never been seen at this level ever.

Thousands of ballots will be tossed out from both Georgia, and PA.

Your polls were wrong, and you did not anticipate the turnout for President Trump of 73 Million People, and your software could not keep up. You were losing and you know it, and you have already lost.

It was too big of a deficit to make up through Fraud. Same as in 2016, only you learned a couple lessons, but cheaters never prosper.

God said He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel and bless those who stand up for life and Donald J Trump does both of those things, and He is angry with cheaters, liars, and thieves.

Donald Trump is your 46th President, or God is ready to roll with The End Times Prophecies and will turn over America to The Heathen Barbarians who will bring in the New World Order.

So we pray for our Republic in The Name of Jesus, Lord, Creator, Messiah, and we ask Him to petition The Courts of Heaven for JUSTICE, and undo the deeds of the wicked. For God has said, The Wicked and Ensnared by the traps they lay for others. And so you will be undone by your own Evil Deeds, and we believe this in the Name of Jesus Christ who left His Throne, became a man so He could voluntarily pay for the Sins of The 1st Adam and offer Himself up as a Sinless Second Adam, so that we would have a way back to God, and stand before Him sinless, not of ourselves but through the sacrifice of God, of The Son of God who loved us so much He allowed Himself to be crucified and who was God so much, that DEATH could not hold Him and He is resurrected and sitting on the right hand of The Father awaiting the order from The Father to return in visible form for His Church, and then again at the very end to save Israel and destroy the New World Order of AntiChrist at the end of The Tribulation, and establish His righteous rule of peace forever and ever.

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