El Salvador Sends Hundreds Of Police To Border To Thwart Migrants Effort To Get To U.S.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Not tired yet.

SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) – El Salvador’s government will deploy at least 800 police to its borders with Honduras and Guatemala in a bid to thwart U.S.-bound migrants, officials said on Wednesday.

A government statement said the deployment is set to begin on Thursday at La Hachadura, a border crossing with Guatemala near the Pacific coast and where hundreds of Salvadoran migrants have previously attempted to cross as part of large caravans.

The police will be backed up by another 350 immigration officials who will review identification and travel documents of migrants seeking to cross, according to a Salvadoran government official.

El Salvador sends hundreds of police to border to thwart migrants - Reuters
Not tired yet.

SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) – El Salvador’s government will deploy at least 800 police to its borders with Honduras and Guatemala in a bid to thwart U.S.-bound migrants, officials said on Wednesday.

A government statement said the deployment is set to begin on Thursday at La Hachadura, a border crossing with Guatemala near the Pacific coast and where hundreds of Salvadoran migrants have previously attempted to cross as part of large caravans.

The police will be backed up by another 350 immigration officials who will review identification and travel documents of migrants seeking to cross, according to a Salvadoran government official.

El Salvador sends hundreds of police to border to thwart migrants - Reuters

If you guys keep on doing this how will Texas ever turn blue?

I mean let the illegals come, anchor in with their babies, and then allow them to vote Blue so we can confiscate your guns and tell you how being white is the mark of Cain and should be consider a sin?

Oh, I am glad that El Salvador is stepping up their efforts but let not kid ourselves this is just for show and the Cartels own the Police and Government down there and even here...
Destroying all the poppy fields should be the next thing on the agenda. Give our pilots some useful practice.

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