Eighth Thread: Where is the proof that Trump colluded with Russia?

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Well, I have asked in seven previous threads for anyone to provide one iota of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Now, with recent revelations, we understand completely why this evidence was never forthcoming.

The fact is, the whole thing was a lie generated by the Hillary campaign, and fed to an all too willing to lie mainstream media.

And as icing to the cake, it turns out that Hillary herself had corrupt dealings with Russia.

This thread is an opportunity for liberals and Democrats to apologize for the lie they've been manufacturing and promulgating for nearly a year.

If you don't repent, you will definitely go to hell, so please, for your own sake, repent now and apologize.
Still as dumb as a rock I see. Bob Mueller isn’t a teen age delinquent blabber mouth like trump is. He’s holding his findings close to his vest LIKE PROFESSIONALS DO. You’re not use to professionals since you support an idiot in adult daycare.
We do know for a fact that Trump Jr met with Russians to EAGERLY try to get dirt on Hillary. We have the emails to prove it. Couple days later daddy says he has a big announcement. So what was the dirt? WikiLeaks first dump.
Trump is as dirty as hell. Can’t wait to see the look on your face when the sledgehammer comes down on your orange anus’ head.
You do know that Mueller probably has T’s tax returns don’t you. I bet there’s a treasure trove of illegal and nefarious activities there.
Never asked yourself why would the asshole be sooo petrified to release his tax returns?
You’ll find out. You voted for a criminal.
Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.
Who said he colluded with Russia?

The investigation is over Russian interference in the 2016 election

If it points to Trump....let the chips fall where they may
You're joking, right? :lol:

If Trump is clean...he has nothing to be concerned about
an innocent man doesn’t desperately try so hard to derail the investigation.
Bob Woodward: Trump certainly acts like a guilty man.
Mueller will get to the bottom of why key Trump aides were holding meetings with Russian agents
He will also follow the money between the Trump empire and Russian banks

Given that our President is completely honest....he has nothing to be concerned about
Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally
Who said he colluded with Russia?

The investigation is over Russian interference in the 2016 election

If it points to Trump....let the chips fall where they may

Who said he colluded with Russia?

Hillary Clinton
Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Maxine Waters
Most of the lefties here.
Probably even you.

Mueller will find out about the amount of involvement Trumps key people had with Russian agents and draw a conclusion of whether it was collusion or not

Or, more likely, he'll waste more time and money. There were people who colluded with the Russians, there were people who accepted Russian money, there were people who help the Russians and their name is Clinton, not Trump. Those are the only facts we actually have.
and yet Diane Weinstein hasn't seen any evidence: so how the fk you know anything?

Feinstein: No Evidence Of Russian Collusion With Trump Campaign, But There Are Rumors

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), pressed twice by CNN's Wolf Blitzer for evidence, said she still has seen none that would show collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

"There are all kinds of rumors around, there are newspaper stories, but that's not necessarily evidence," she said."
Who said he colluded with Russia?

The investigation is over Russian interference in the 2016 election

If it points to Trump....let the chips fall where they may

Who said he colluded with Russia?

Hillary Clinton
Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Maxine Waters
Most of the lefties here.
Probably even you.

Mueller will find out about the amount of involvement Trumps key people had with Russian agents and draw a conclusion of whether it was collusion or not

Or, more likely, he'll waste more time and money. There were people who colluded with the Russians, there were people who accepted Russian money, there were people who help the Russians and their name is Clinton, not Trump. Those are the only facts we actually have.

Our President should welcome the Mueller Report

It will prove once and for all that Trump won fair and square

What are you worried about?

Wasting time and taxpayer money for something that was obviously made up.
Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.
How do you know they haven’t?
No one feels there is any doubt Russia interfered with our election. No sane people anyway. There’s been ample proof of it the last month or two. Remember all those stories of Hillary being sick. Her having Parkinson’s ? Came directly from Russian trolls. I bet you fell for it too.
We have the best intelligence services in the world and they are sure Russia interfered. Trump can’t say anything bad about Russia so the idiot won’t trust his own intelligence agencies.
THATS WHERE YOU GET YOUR OPINION. You follow dum dum right down that road.
Russian trolls also targeted certain counties in swing states with lies and misinformation about Hillary to help get the fat one elected..
Who helped them? How did they know where the hot spots were?
You’ve believed every conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard about HRC... but have zero critical thinking skills with all this new information on how the Russians flooded our social media for one purpose only. To get the racist knownothing idiot elected.
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Well, I have asked in seven previous threads for anyone to provide one iota of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Now, with recent revelations, we understand completely why this evidence was never forthcoming.

The fact is, the whole thing was a lie generated by the Hillary campaign, and fed to an all too willing to lie mainstream media.

And as icing to the cake, it turns out that Hillary herself had corrupt dealings with Russia.

This thread is an opportunity for liberals and Democrats to apologize for the lie they've been manufacturing and promulgating for nearly a year.

If you don't repent, you will definitely go to hell, so please, for your own sake, repent now and apologize.
Still as dumb as a rock I see. Bob Mueller isn’t a teen age delinquent blabber mouth like trump is. He’s holding his findings close to his vest LIKE PROFESSIONALS DO. You’re not use to professionals since you support an idiot in adult daycare.
We do know for a fact that Trump Jr met with Russians to EAGERLY try to get dirt on Hillary. We have the emails to prove it. Couple days later daddy says he has a big announcement. So what was the dirt? WikiLeaks first dump.
Trump is as dirty as hell. Can’t wait to see the look on your face when the sledgehammer comes down on your orange anus’ head.
You do know that Mueller probably has T’s tax returns don’t you. I bet there’s a treasure trove of illegal and nefarious activities there.
Never asked yourself why would the asshole be sooo petrified to release his tax returns?
You’ll find out. You voted for a criminal.

When the investigation is done you will be the one crying and proclaiming that Trump is guilty when he was never charged...

Trump is worthless, but I am not quick to say he is guilty and seeing no evidence showing his guilt mean he is innocent until otherwise proven not to be.

Because Tabloid News and those like you found him guilty does not mean he is guilty of anything except being Republican...
Well, I have asked in seven previous threads for anyone to provide one iota of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Now, with recent revelations, we understand completely why this evidence was never forthcoming.

The fact is, the whole thing was a lie generated by the Hillary campaign, and fed to an all too willing to lie mainstream media.

And as icing to the cake, it turns out that Hillary herself had corrupt dealings with Russia.

This thread is an opportunity for liberals and Democrats to apologize for the lie they've been manufacturing and promulgating for nearly a year.

If you don't repent, you will definitely go to hell, so please, for your own sake, repent now and apologize.
Has the investigation been opened to the public now?
Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.
How do you know they haven’t?
No one feels there is any doubt Russia interfered with our election. No sane people anyway. There’s been ample proof of it the last month or two. Remember all those stories of Hillary being sick. Her having Parkinson’s ? Came directly from Russian trolls. I bet you fell for it too.
We have the best intelligence services in the world and they are sure Russia interfered. Trump can’t say anything bad about Russia so the idiot won’t trust his own intelligence agencies.
THATS WHERE YOU GET YOUR OPINION. You follow dum dum right down that road.
Russian trolls also targeted certain counties in swing states with lies and misinformation about Hillary to help get the fat one elected..
Who helped them? How did they know where the hot spots were?
You’ve believed every conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard about HRC... but have zero critical thinking skills with all this new information on how the Russians flooded our social media for one purpose only. For Hillary to lose.

So what you and your kind are claiming is that fake news cost Clinton the election?

You wrote about Swing States and you should ask yourself how many of Sanders voters voted for Stein or stayed home?

It was not fake news that cost Clinton the election but her being a flawed candidate that resulted in more people going Green and Libertarian that cost the Democratic Party the election!
Well, I have asked in seven previous threads for anyone to provide one iota of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Now, with recent revelations, we understand completely why this evidence was never forthcoming.

The fact is, the whole thing was a lie generated by the Hillary campaign, and fed to an all too willing to lie mainstream media.

And as icing to the cake, it turns out that Hillary herself had corrupt dealings with Russia.

This thread is an opportunity for liberals and Democrats to apologize for the lie they've been manufacturing and promulgating for nearly a year.

If you don't repent, you will definitely go to hell, so please, for your own sake, repent now and apologize.
Has the investigation been opened to the public now?
well if that is the case how is it you all know so much?

shit man, there are so many threads in this forum about what trump did, how the fk any of you fks know anything to post threads about what you don't know? hmmmm you seem to be confused. and what we do know came out this week and it ain't on trump. soo?
Well, I have asked in seven previous threads for anyone to provide one iota of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Now, with recent revelations, we understand completely why this evidence was never forthcoming.

The fact is, the whole thing was a lie generated by the Hillary campaign, and fed to an all too willing to lie mainstream media.

And as icing to the cake, it turns out that Hillary herself had corrupt dealings with Russia.

This thread is an opportunity for liberals and Democrats to apologize for the lie they've been manufacturing and promulgating for nearly a year.

If you don't repent, you will definitely go to hell, so please, for your own sake, repent now and apologize.
Has the investigation been opened to the public now?
well if that is the case how is it you all know so much?
Where have I claimed that I know so much about this investigation? I never have so you can stop lying any time now.
Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.
There is no hell, except the one you create yourself.

Of course, Pride is ok if trump does it, right?
Well, I have asked in seven previous threads for anyone to provide one iota of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Now, with recent revelations, we understand completely why this evidence was never forthcoming.

The fact is, the whole thing was a lie generated by the Hillary campaign, and fed to an all too willing to lie mainstream media.

And as icing to the cake, it turns out that Hillary herself had corrupt dealings with Russia.

This thread is an opportunity for liberals and Democrats to apologize for the lie they've been manufacturing and promulgating for nearly a year.

If you don't repent, you will definitely go to hell, so please, for your own sake, repent now and apologize.
Has the investigation been opened to the public now?
well if that is the case how is it you all know so much?
Where have I claimed that I know so much about this investigation? I never have so you can stop lying any time now.
oh now you want to rewrite the history of the forum? surrrrrrrrrrrrrre
Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.
There is no hell, except the one you create yourself.

Of course, Pride is ok if trump does it, right?
again, it isn't about trump. it is about his agenda. fk I wish you all would get it.
Who said he colluded with Russia?

The investigation is over Russian interference in the 2016 election

If it points to Trump....let the chips fall where they may
You're joking, right? :lol:

If Trump is clean...he has nothing to be concerned about
an innocent man doesn’t desperately try so hard to derail the investigation.
How, exactly, has he tried to "derail" it?
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