Egyptian singer Shyma sent to prison for two years over 'explicit' music video of her eating a banan

It is actually the alt-left that would be a greater danger of such activities actually. When it comes to demands for censorship, efforts to ruin peoples careers and lives on their words or even allegations, it is definitely within the scope of the alt-left, socialists.

I hope and pray the Democrats can return to the center so I don't have to even worry about the alt-left. If America follows this path, without question your Republic and the greatest nation of liberty and natural laws the world has ever see will be damaged beyond repair.

God Bless America. All those who abuse their authority and who destroy lives for speech and expression, I hope there is a seat in hell waiting for you.
I, too, feel very sorry for that Egyptian singer (and those Egyptian gay men who were recently forced to have rectal examinations).

But at least they had a semblance of a trial.

Here in our country, however, hundreds of men are being destroyed without any due process whatsoever.

Boss says to employee: A woman has just accused you of sexual harassment. Pack up your belongings and leave the building before noon.
I, too, feel very sorry for that Egyptian singer (and those Egyptian gay men who were recently forced to have rectal examinations).

But at least they had a semblance of a trial.

Here in our country, however, hundreds of men are being destroyed without any due process whatsoever.

Boss says to employee: A woman has just accused you of sexual harassment. Pack up your belongings and leave the building before noon.

LMFAO! Dude, chill with the hysterics. I'm hugely not a fan of the sexual violence crusaders eroding due process in the US, but more oppressive than the M.E.? We're not nearly there, yet.

I feel like if I held up a political mirror to Linda Sarsour, you're the right wing reflection that I would see.
Muhammed was a slave owner and child fucker, yet the left love Muhammed and hate Jesus. It’s kind of interesting.

If he owned slaves, doesn’t that make him evil?

Do Muslims worship an evil child fucker?
Dnag OP, you shoulda been in Mexico with me at the Zumbido when I saw the banana dance in person.
Muhammed was a slave owner and child fucker, yet the left love Muhammed and hate Jesus. It’s kind of interesting.

If he owned slaves, doesn’t that make him evil?

Do Muslims worship an evil child fucker?

They want to import a bunch of people from nations with age of consent of 12, and rampant rape statistics.

That should give you a clue how much they actually care about the issue. Nah, they just do whatever it takes to win. And Republicans will keep losing until they do the same.
Fuck Egypt and their draconian morality law enforcement. Embargo Bananas bound for Egypt. Probably upset that the banana in the video is twice the size of Arabs dicks.

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