Effects of a nuclear exchange or war


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
With tensions between the US and Russia once more making the news, a refresher course those of us who came of age during the Cold War is in order. Planning to survive a nuclear war only makes us more complacent about the possibility. In effect, making one more likely. But those who think surviving it is a good idea are clearly ignorant of the facts and consequences of a nuclear exchange.

The Effects of Nuclear War
"Fedeartion of American Scientists" the go-to guys for nuclear weapons information (non-classified sort.)

The Social and Economic Effects Of Nuclear War | Cato Institute
"The Social and Economic Effects Of Nuclear War"

IPPNW: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
"Catastrophic Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons"

Surviving a nuclear war simply means you die from related effects like law and order breakdown and social chaos and anarchy, diseases only kept in check because of mdoern infrastructure which would end after a nuclear attack, starvation as things stop growing and being delivered to stores, etc.

Unless ok at the prospect of sitting in your fallout shelter for at least a few years, emerging too soon means you'll die from radiation. And once that's fallen to a suvivable level, you're still emerging into a 3rd world like country with rampant disease, anarchy and law of the jungle society, and a pretty bleak visual all around you.

Better perhaps than trying to plan ahead to survive such things is working to make sure it never happens through disarmament, and diplomacy and negotiation instead of relying on military might to get your way.
Uncle Ferd says dey gettin' ready to hit us with an EMP bomb...

On land and sea, China’s nuclear capability growing
August 26, 2014 ~ Why is China, a country with a “no first-use” policy, upgrading its nuclear arsenal at a time when the United States and Russia are reducing their stockpiles?
Earlier this month, a minor Chinese environmental office broke some of the biggest news in nuclear missile technology since the end of the Cold War. The Shaanxi Province Environmental Monitoring Center posted a work summary of its projects, which included site monitoring for research into the Dong Feng-41 missile. The Department of Defense told Congress earlier this year that China was developing the DF-41, a road-mobile, next-generation intercontinental ballistic missile capable of launching multiple nuclear warheads.

The missile had been conceptualized for years, well before China’s military modernization of the past decade began. However, no Chinese governmental agency was willing to confirm its development until the provincial environmental office’s website did so. The post was quickly taken down, but only after it had been reported by the China Communist Party-affiliated Global Times. The DF-41 news comes amid reports that China also conducted tests this month of its current land-based missile standard, the DF-31A.

U.S. officials also expect China to have operational nuclear missile-equipped submarines this year. The HK-6 bomber, a nuclear-capable aircraft with a range of about 2,000 miles, became part of the Chinese arsenal last year. Collectively, it represents a nuclear triad, the decades-old standard that the United States still counts on for surviving a global nuclear war. The Chinese triad remains heavily imbalanced in favor of land-based missiles, since its aircraft can’t fly very far and its submarines may not be all that reliable, according to analysts.

However, the bigger question remains: Why is China, a country with a “no first-use” policy, upgrading its nuclear arsenal at a time when the United States and Russia are reducing their stockpiles? No one in power in the United States, China or any other nation seen as a rational actor is advocating a nuclear strike in today’s global environment. That said, military planners get paid to consider worst-case scenarios and keep open their options.

Uncle Ferd says dey gettin' ready to hit us with an EMP bomb...

On land and sea, China’s nuclear capability growing
August 26, 2014 ~ Why is China, a country with a “no first-use” policy, upgrading its nuclear arsenal at a time when the United States and Russia are reducing their stockpiles?

Nuclear detonations maximising the EMP are the opening shots in every nuclear exchange scenario. And a great concern in any terrorist-use scenario.

We still improve our nuclear weapons just like China. Reducing the number of warheads doesn't mean we're not making better ones for however many we've agreed to maintain. Might seem silly to worry about building a better nuke, but contrary to the movies, nuclear weapons aren't quite as all-powerful as that. Don't wanna have to use a megaton-class weapon if all you're hoping to achieve is the destruction of an enemy's silo for example. So maximizing the effects of smaller yield detonations and figuring the optimum altitude to detonate it is important.
Isn't about leader vs leader. Is no winner in a war between Russia and the US since the only way such a war can be decided is to use nuclear weapons. To decisively win against the US you have to come to the US and that means ships crossing the Atlantic which we're not gonna be okay with so we're gonna start sinking them at sea, and to prevent that nuclear weapons would be used.
On base in uniform when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever consider what it feels like to wonder if you will even see the flash of the bomb that kills you?
naw not me , in my situation I don't believe in ' sheltering in place ' bodecea !!
No way Putin would take on a guy like Obama

No way

Putin seems like a confused guy. I just read in the news that he has decided to sell China S-400s which I think is very stupid from Russian perspective because Russia already has an enemy in the West and now Russia is enabling another enemy in the East.
naw , no Japanese here Delta , just plain old native American !! But toilet paper and dry beans never go bad and both items are good to have around .

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