How Can Anybody Support Hamas?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
That isn't a terrorist btw. Notice I didn't say that isn't a Muslim because I do believe that we got at least a couple of Muslims on this message board and they don't support those evil people.
And? What are they doing?

I don't have time to hold your hand and walk you through all this. They're killing people who had nothing to do with October 7, including people who weren't even alive when Hamas was allegedly "elected" many years ago.

And you support it, because you believe what the TV tells you, and you apparently believe "polls" before looking into who is behind a poll and following the money.
I don't have time to hold your hand and walk you through all this. They're killing people who had nothing to do with October 7, including people who weren't even alive when Hamas was allegedly "elected" many years ago.

And you support it, because you believe what the TV tells you, and you apparently believe "polls" before looking into who is behind a poll and following the money.
People die in Wars. Hamas ran Gaza and started it. Israel has every right to finish them.

If they were evil as people like you love to say, GAZA WOULD BE A PARKING LOT
So a Washington DC-based neocon Israel lobby funded by billionaires closely aligned with said foreign country came up with a "poll" that just so happens to justify what Israel is doing in Gaza?

I mean, whoda thunk it?!? :lol:

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The poll is by the Ramallah-based non-profit Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, a Palestinian think tank, which has been publishing polls and other studies of Palestinian culture and society since the 1990's. In other words it is the Palestinians' own opinion about themselves.
The poll is by the Ramallah-based non-profit Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, a Palestinian think tank, which has been publishing polls and other studies of Palestinian culture and society since the 1990's. In other words it is the Palestinians' own opinion about themselves.

I'm familiar with the PSR because someone posted another "poll" by that same organization on another thread, a while back.

Their director is chummy with the CFR, so that's all I need to know about how trustworthy his "polls" are.
Clearly, your mind is sealed against any facts that might challenge what you have decided to believe.

Haha, total projection. You're the one believing a group who is chummy with the CFR, in other words the globalists behind our unconstitutional foreign policy based on lies.

But continue to believe what the TV tells you, I'm sure they won't steer you wrong. :lol:
Haha, total projection. You're the one believing a group who is chummy with the CFR, in other words the globalists behind our unconstitutional foreign policy based on lies.

But continue to believe what the TV tells you, I'm sure they won't steer you wrong. :lol:
Again, you confirm your mind is sealed against anything that might challenge what you have decided to believe, so that you are unable to learn from new facts or even to think about them beyond silly stuff like "chummy".
Again, you confirm your mind is sealed against anything that might challenge what you have decided to believe, so that you are unable to learn from new facts or even to think about them beyond silly stuff like "chummy".

Wrong. The only thing that matters to me is the truth. I didn't always have the position I have now. In fact, several years ago I would've probably been agreeing with you here, because at that time my view was very mainstream. But because I'm a truth seeker, when things don't add up, I dig deeper... as opposed to letting the controlled MSM do my thinking for me.

One of the things you need to realize is that most wars are started based on deception / false premises. I can understand people being fooled by the government / MSM once.... maybe even twice. But multiple times? That takes willful blindness, or just plain stupidity and gullibility. I could give specific examples if I wanted to, but.... I really don't want to spend much more time on this. The bottom line is, question everything, don't automatically believe what the spokespeople for all these wars based on lies tell you. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated.
Wrong. The only thing that matters to me is the truth. I didn't always have the position I have now. In fact, several years ago I would've probably been agreeing with you here, because at that time my view was very mainstream. But because I'm a truth seeker, when things don't add up, I dig deeper... as opposed to letting the controlled MSM do my thinking for me.

One of the things you need to realize is that most wars are started based on deception / false premises. I can understand people being fooled by the government / MSM once.... maybe even twice. But multiple times? That takes willful blindness, or just plain stupidity and gullibility. I could give specific examples if I wanted to, but.... I really don't want to spend much more time on this. The bottom line is, question everything, don't automatically believe what the spokespeople for all these wars based on lies tell you. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated.
You can't be a truth seeker if you refuse to consider facts that challenge what you have decided to believe in, which is clearly what you doing.

libs love to destroy
You can't be a truth seeker if you refuse to consider facts that challenge what you have decided to believe in, which is clearly what you doing.

What "facts" are you talking about? A poll conducted by a group who is aligned with the CFR, the very people behind all these wars in the first place?

You do realize that whenever anyone wants to justify slaughtering non-combatant individuals (women, children, babies, elderly, etc) those individuals must ALWAYS be demonized and dehumanized first? This is not rocket science. And it's nothing new. Turn off the idiot box.
What "facts" are you talking about? A poll conducted by a group who is aligned with the CFR, the very people behind all these wars in the first place?

You do realize that whenever anyone wants to justify slaughtering non-combatant individuals (women, children, babies, elderly, etc) those individuals must ALWAYS be demonized and dehumanized first? This is not rocket science. And it's nothing new. Turn off the idiot box.
It is a poll about the Palestinians by the Palestinians. There is no rational basis for dismissing its results; certainly not if you want to be a truth seeker. The fact is you are a true believer, not a truth seeker.

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