Ed Schultz Calls Out Hannity Twice To A Debate, Hannity Cowers Like A Bitch


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
Not that this is to anyone's surprise. Hannity like all those on the far right have been doing nothing but spreading outright lies and other BS. Schultz has been putting Hannity in his place and has now twice in the past month called out Hannity to debate him, and as expected, Hannity ran away like the punk bitch his is.

That's how those are on the far right, they act like tough guys, then roll over like cowards when they are called out,..

Sean Hannity Rejects ?Total Buffoon? Ed Schultz?s Debate Challenge | Mediaite
Who is Ed Schultz??


If this "debate" were to come to fruition, I'll be sure not to watch it. Two simplistic, shallow, bombastic partisan ideologues shouting hyperbolic, boilerplate winger slogans at each other. A couple of narcissistic division pimps accomplishing absolutely nothing outside of firing up their sheep.

No thanks.

Proverbs 26:4-14 (New Living Translation)

4 When arguing with fools, don't answer their foolish arguments, or you will become as foolish as they are. 5 When arguing with fools, be sure to answer their foolish arguments, or they will become wise in their own estimation. 6 Trusting a fool to convey a message is as foolish as cutting off one's feet or drinking poison! 7 In the mouth of a fool, a proverb becomes as limp as a paralyzed leg. 8 Honoring a fool is as foolish as tying a stone to a slingshot. 9 A proverb in a fool's mouth is as dangerous as a thornbush brandished by a drunkard. 10 An employer who hires a fool or a bystander is like an archer who shoots recklessly. 11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. 12 There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise. 13 The lazy person is full of excuses, saying, "I can't go outside because there might be a lion on the road! Yes, I'm sure there's a lion out there!" 14 As a door turns back and forth on its hinges, so the lazy person turns over in bed.
So a guy with so-so ratings is calling out another guy in the same profession who has much better ratings. Wouldn't that debate result in the guy with lower ratings getting more exposure than he would get on his own? Hmmmmmmm :eusa_think:

Yes, I'm sure it's fear that's driving this refusal and not wanting to help a competitor has nothing to do with it.
Why should he debate with Ed Schultz, who has such a small amount of viewers compared to Hannity.
Ed is doing this to try and get better ratings, what a loser.
Ed Schultz - 127,000
Hannity 356,000
Ratings - TVNewser

If this "debate" were to come to fruition, I'll be sure not to watch it. Two simplistic, shallow, bombastic partisan ideologues shouting hyperbolic, boilerplate winger slogans at each other. A couple of narcissistic division pimps accomplishing absolutely nothing outside of firing up their sheep.

No thanks.


Now I am tired of you. You have not listened to either man have you?

You haven't listened to either of them. You are now in the "full of shit" pile.
They're both surface level, shallow intellects. Watching a debate with those two would be like watching two first graders fighting over a toy.
Ed Schultz is a big fat red faced mean-spirited blowhard, and it's amazing that people on the left takes this guy seriously.

If this "debate" were to come to fruition, I'll be sure not to watch it. Two simplistic, shallow, bombastic partisan ideologues shouting hyperbolic, boilerplate winger slogans at each other. A couple of narcissistic division pimps accomplishing absolutely nothing outside of firing up their sheep.

No thanks.


Now I am tired of you. You have not listened to either man have you?

You haven't listened to either of them. You are now in the "full of shit" pile.

Sure I have, still do. Sometimes Hannity just gets too rude with anyone who dares to disagree with him, constantly interrupting them, and sometimes Schultz just gets too insane, trying desperately to make a name for himself, but I can hang in there for a while.

The fact that you don't agree with me doesn't make me "full of shit", but that's your call.


Hannitty is a coward, and so is Limbaugh.

Beck, as crazy as he is, would stand up to Schultz.

If this "debate" were to come to fruition, I'll be sure not to watch it. Two simplistic, shallow, bombastic partisan ideologues shouting hyperbolic, boilerplate winger slogans at each other. A couple of narcissistic division pimps accomplishing absolutely nothing outside of firing up their sheep.

No thanks.


Now I am tired of you. You have not listened to either man have you?

You haven't listened to either of them. You are now in the "full of shit" pile.

Sure I have, still do. Sometimes Hannity just gets too rude with anyone who dares to disagree with him, constantly interrupting them, and sometimes Schultz just gets too insane, trying desperately to make a name for himself, but I can hang in there for a while.

The fact that you don't agree with me doesn't make me "full of shit", but that's your call.



I do agree, Hannity interrupts almost all the callers I think he likes his voice the best. On the other hand the little I listen to Rush I am impressed how he will let people say what they want and get it over with. I think that is the best stratergy. The people seem to drone on thinking he is going to stop them and when he doesn't they keep on sounding like a dope.

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