Ecuador Cuts Off WikiLeaks Founder’s Outside Communications

julian assange has the same agenda as Russia....and is a pawn of theirs.... equador needs to boot him for breaking their sad too bad.... many people had hopes that he was an honest broker.... but he isn't!

Please disconnect from Rachel "Blinky" Maddow insanity.

With the help of Seth Rich, Wikileaks exposed the tip of iceberg of one the most corrupt regimes in world history (Crooked Hillary and Hussaine Obama, Biden, etc.).

wikileaks is an outlet created for the Russians to release their STOLEN GOODS....

Has Assange ever released any thing at all on Russia? NO....

Assange's only goal is not to be an honest broker, he has an agenda against Russia's foes....

so, you can take your lying propaganda, and put it where the sun don't shine comrade....

You are totally brainwashed and have no idea on how long it would take to download data of the amount that was taken from the DNC server if it was that far away and ESPECIALLY without alerting the IT pros. Seth Rich is the one that put them on a thumb drive and on site, it would take only a few minutes. What I find hilarious even unto this day is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails that proves criminality, corruption of the highest order and deep state intervention on behalf of the Hildebeast...Oh HELL no! They are pissed about the fact that it was released to begin with and that speaks VOLUMES about the lack of character of the leftard clown posse.....very, very sad.
Bingo!!! So right Dale.

The left should be screaming at the D party and the MSM for colluding to screw Bernie out of the nomination, but they aren't. It is amazing how the left have become a bunch of big government statists. Whatever the state run MSM tells them, they believe. They used to fear the power of government, where non-interventionists and hated warmongers. Now they want the government to have more power.

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