Economy Warming Up: Layoffs Hit 28-Year Low, 250K New Jobs in Dec, Stock Market Hits 25K

For the first time in 7 years there are no vacant commercial office and store space in my town...the economy will give the Trumpster four more...
There is an AWESOME space downtown I would love to buy or rent and turn into a bookstore/coffee shop or an eatery my wife could run she is a GREAT cook its a v shape and intersects 2 roads and near the police station,fire station and 2 schools. Maybe time will tell.
Liberals will still lie. It's all they have.
Liberalism is a lie.
The title of this thread, "250K New Jobs in Dec" is the lie!!!
Like everything from the Right, 148K jobs is inflated to 250K.
148k does not even keep up with population growth. If 96 million have not given up looking for work Tramp's REAL UE would be over 40%.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!

JAN. 11, 2017
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Say again?
There were less jobs created in 2017 that any year since 2012

Heating up EH? :rolleyes:
Obama managed to CRUSH over 1 million manufacturing jobs in 1 year what kind of jobs do you think people had in 2009? FAST FOOD! WALMART! ETC ETC! President Trump has brought back almost 200k manufacturing jobs in 1 year and I expect the next 7 to be even better. Lie all you want its very amusing.
Liberals will still lie. It's all they have.
Liberalism is a lie.
The title of this thread, "250K New Jobs in Dec" is the lie!!!
Like everything from the Right, 148K jobs is inflated to 250K.
148k does not even keep up with population growth. If 96 million have not given up looking for work Tramp's REAL UE would be over 40%.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!

JAN. 11, 2017
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Say again?
Tramp has also set a new record for workers who are not working but eating, 96,230,000.

Employment Situation Summary

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 148,000 in December
Here's a good article, written less than two months ago, on the numerous signs that the economy is showing solid improvement: 7 Signs America's Economic Growth Will Keep Booming. Here's an excerpt:

Corporate profits not only are rising, but they’re doing so at a faster rate than they were just a year ago.

According to John Butters of financial data and research firm FactSet, 74% of companies in the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index that have reported their third-quarter results so far have posted earnings above expectations – better than the five-year average. Collectively, earnings are 4.8% better than estimates.

The blended earnings growth rate so far is 5.9%, too. That compares to expectations of 3% growth at the start of the quarter, which means profit expansion for Q3 is almost double initial estimates. While not as robust as the 15% year-over-year increase in first-quarter profits, this quarter still keeps the index on pace to easily outdo 2016, when earnings remained flat.

A promising sign looking forward: FactSet says analysts’ fourth-quarter “bottom-up” EPS estimate (“an aggregation of the median EPS estimates for all the companies in the index”) dropped by 0.8% during the first month of the quarter. That might sound negative at first blush, but this is actually a smaller first-month decline than the one-, five- and 10-year averages.​
Policies take years to curve an economy!!!
Spoken like a big government liberal.....Obama's policy takes years obviously...Trump's policies work immediately....

I will go with Trump's way if you don't mind....
You can run the economy and lead from behind all you want...we are going to make America great again...we are going to make the economy great again... we will not tell everyone that a piss poor economy is the new normal like Obama did...
There was real struggle going on under Obama....

Your Bush fucked up the economy, Obama Revived it...Trump hasn't done anything to affect the economy in a big way....simply because he is very busy tweeting, watching Fox, Golfing and eating burgers. Technically as long as he doesn't get involved the bubble will continue get bigger till he bursts it.

what, specifically, did Obama do? Tell us how he achieved lower healthcare costs? Tell us how he said energy costs should not go up?
Thanks to Obama and hard working Americans, legal residents and illegal ones.
To claim that an orange child who spends all day watching fox and tweeting curved the economy in 1 year is not only a dumb statement but a childish one. Policies take years to curve an economy!!!

It happened under Trump's watch.....its what you people screamed about Bush for years.
now we wait for Nancy Pelosi to complain about our President Bush over this agonizing economy where 500 million people are losing their jobs a month
Interesting: Under Obama, liberals clung to any sliver of good economic news and studiously ignored all the bad economic news. Under Trump, they're doing the opposite. It's like they're so rabid that they don't want the economy to improve, much less improve dramatically, if Trump is in the White House.
Thanks to Obama and hard working Americans, legal residents and illegal ones.
To claim that an orange child who spends all day watching fox and tweeting curved the economy in 1 year is not only a dumb statement but a childish one. Policies take years to curve an economy!!!
With each passing day since Nov. 8, 2016, this arguement gets punier and punier.
Interesting: Under Obama, liberals clung to any sliver of good economic news and studiously ignored all the bad economic news. Under Trump, they're doing the opposite. It's like they're so rabid that they don't want the economy to improve, much less improve dramatically, if Trump is in the White House.
Pure projection, of course!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Actually, commercial real estate vacancy has been up since Trumpchange was elected
You must live in a blue dead state run by progressive nut jobs!

You made a statement: "For the first time in 7 years there are no vacant commercial office and store space in my town...the economy will give the Trumpster four more..."

Please name the city that has "no vacant commercial office and store space."

To answer your question, my residency is Nevada. I have residences in Nevada, two in California, NYC, Florida, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Your turn.

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