Economy Is Improving...So The Media Is Claiming New COVID-19 Cases Means A New Wave Is Coming..New Democrat Created Lockdown On The Way..Trust Me.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you noticed in the last couple of days...every media source is again refocusing on new I predict that Democraps will all start screaming for yet another lockdown to continue their destruction of the economy, for purely political purposes of course.

This has been the trend this year since they started this pandemic coverage in our corrupt media.
First they all start reporting the numbers every few minutes and then Democrats start calling for another lockdown.
The virus hasn't really done that much damage to this country. It's been these lockdowns and their riots that have done most of the damage.

The Democrats are trying to prevent anything that might help cure the virus from being used by anyone.
They're going to continue telling us that we need another 3 months of wearing that mask to get rid of that virus.
They're going to keep claiming that there are new cases and that this means we can't go on with our normal lives.

They are hoping for another Great Depression to finally rid America of Capitalism.
I don't think it's going to work....but we'll see what happens.

Well which is it, it this another move by the president to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic or is it real this time and we should all be concerned? Which is it since we have no leader in our nation that can give us the 411 without disinformation and lyng?
Lock down are anti-American. If the leftist want to catch Barrett on something, it certainly is her willingness to go through with the lockdown.
Your guy was trying to legislate from the Oval Office, yet no suggestions for upgrading infrastructure were a priority. Upgrading infrastructure could help stimulate our economy and render it more efficient for when pandemic subsides.
Why do that when you can put out worthless EO's that he claimed he wouldn't do?
Lock down are anti-American.
So is death via a disease yet it happens..

It is an unfortunate fact of nature. I am talking about anti-American human behavior. Germs are not Americans.
If that be true the the previous existence of humans and pandemics is wiped from the history books along with the laws passed to ensure compliance during those difficult times. It is not anti- American nor is it anti-human. Are you try to tell me that we as a nation has never fought a disease to defeat it?
Well which is it, it this another move by the president to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic or is it real this time and we should all be concerned? Which is it since we have no leader in our nation that can give us the 411 without disinformation and lyng? you folks are using that tactic.
Being the party that uses lies and smears as a campaign tactic, as spelled out by Nancy Pelosi, it's hilarious that you would bring up lying now.

First you do your Chicken Little routine.....then you hope Trump responds with something that undermines it.....just so you can claim he's lying.
Lock down are anti-American.
So is death via a disease yet it happens..

It is an unfortunate fact of nature. I am talking about anti-American human behavior. Germs are not Americans.
If that be true the the previous existence of humans and pandemics is wiped from the history books along with the laws passed to ensure compliance during those difficult times. It is not anti- American nor is it anti-human. Are you try to tell me that we as a nation has never fought a disease to defeat it?

Government mandating Americans to be locked up in their homes is as anti-American as it comes. Of course, during a pandemic Americans are free to exercise our good judgment - never lets you down.

You really should try some other nation if even the obvious things escape you.
Lock down are anti-American.
So is death via a disease yet it happens..

It is an unfortunate fact of nature. I am talking about anti-American human behavior. Germs are not Americans.
If that be true the the previous existence of humans and pandemics is wiped from the history books along with the laws passed to ensure compliance during those difficult times. It is not anti- American nor is it anti-human. Are you try to tell me that we as a nation has never fought a disease to defeat it?

Government mandating Americans to be locked up in their homes is as anti-American as it comes.

You really should try some other nation if even the obvious things escape you.
Then why are there laws in the USA supporting the lockdowns in American that were written well over one hundred years ago?
Well which is it, it this another move by the president to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic or is it real this time and we should all be concerned? Which is it since we have no leader in our nation that can give us the 411 without disinformation and lyng? you folks are using that tactic.
Being the party that uses lies and smears as a campaign tactic, as spelled out by Nancy Pelosi, it's hilarious that you would bring up lying now.

First you do your Chicken Little routine.....then you hope Trump responds with something that undermines it.....just so you can claim he's lying.

You are so confused you can't answer the question I see..
Lock down are anti-American.
So is death via a disease yet it happens..

It is an unfortunate fact of nature. I am talking about anti-American human behavior. Germs are not Americans.
If that be true the the previous existence of humans and pandemics is wiped from the history books along with the laws passed to ensure compliance during those difficult times. It is not anti- American nor is it anti-human. Are you try to tell me that we as a nation has never fought a disease to defeat it?

Government mandating Americans to be locked up in their homes is as anti-American as it comes.

You really should try some other nation if even the obvious things escape you.
Then why are there laws in the USA supporting the lockdowns in American that were written well over one hundred years ago?

Because we have let in bunch of anti-American morons into the nation. Morons like you who can not take a poop without the government telling you to do so.
Lock down are anti-American.
So is death via a disease yet it happens..

It is an unfortunate fact of nature. I am talking about anti-American human behavior. Germs are not Americans.
If that be true the the previous existence of humans and pandemics is wiped from the history books along with the laws passed to ensure compliance during those difficult times. It is not anti- American nor is it anti-human. Are you try to tell me that we as a nation has never fought a disease to defeat it?

Government mandating Americans to be locked up in their homes is as anti-American as it comes.

You really should try some other nation if even the obvious things escape you.
Then why are there laws in the USA supporting the lockdowns in American that were written well over one hundred years ago?

Because we have let in bunch of anti-American morons into the nation. Morons like you who can not take a poop without the government telling you to do so.
Be sure to use Vaseline when you stroke so hard what with yer due diligence to the subject matter at hand.
Lock down are anti-American.
So is death via a disease yet it happens..
is the disease you have anti AMERICAN? sounds it
I have never met a disease that was a nationalist, sorry.

Then you haven't met the China virus.... or heard about the Spanish flu.

Indeed, expecting us to overthrow our system because of a Chinese virus is not even in the ballpark of reasonable or sane.
View attachment 394509

If you noticed in the last couple of days...every media source is again refocusing on new I predict that Democraps will all start screaming for yet another lockdown to continue their destruction of the economy, for purely political purposes of course.

This has been the trend this year since they started this pandemic coverage in our corrupt media.
First they all start reporting the numbers every few minutes and then Democrats start calling for another lockdown.
The virus hasn't really done that much damage to this country. It's been these lockdowns and their riots that have done most of the damage.

The Democrats are trying to prevent anything that might help cure the virus from being used by anyone.
They're going to continue telling us that we need another 3 months of wearing that mask to get rid of that virus.
They're going to keep claiming that there are new cases and that this means we can't go on with our normal lives.

They are hoping for another Great Depression to finally rid America of Capitalism.
I don't think it's going to work....but we'll see what happens.

I was hoping we were turning another corner, though hoping we were doing it more cautiously this time. Last couple of days have had national US death tolls under 350 people. Not particularly more concerned about a new wave because fall is in the air. Donnie's BS about it disappearing, similarly to normal flues when summer and hot weather arrives were 100% false and based on nothing, so I am not sure there will be an uptick due to seasonal cooling posited by the other side. Not sure there is any statistical basis of support for either assumption. In Jackson, TN we are out from under manditory masking in business and crowds, though city/county Mayors, health department and larger local and national business representative are still recommending it. I will continue to take masking precautions, distancing, and avoiding air travel, probably until a working safe vaccine is available.
Lock down are anti-American.
So is death via a disease yet it happens..
is the disease you have anti AMERICAN? sounds it
I have never met a disease that was a nationalist, sorry.

Then you haven't met the China virus.... or heard about the Spanish flu.

Indeed, expecting us to overthrow our system because of a Chinese virus is not even in the ballpark of reasonable or sane.
NO one is doing that since Wall Street lost it's lunch last spring over supply chain disruption and the govt. threw 6 trillion at them to help with "capitalism" that can only exist with other people's money. It is the CDC and NIH which guides the local state health departments and yet you can't come to fathom that the CDC and NIH are federal agencies under Trump's control. And, if this is such an overblown situation why is Trump pushing for a victory via a vaccine?

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