Zone1 Ebonics and white Americans


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Ebonics seems to be coming a lot more popular in America it would seem, but it wasn't very popular in a previous generation. When I was a little honky kid in Ohio, my mum was quite unpleased with the Ebonics I brought into the home, although I don't think that made her truly "racist", just not totally with-it.

My mum's eyes lit up in fury when I stated "Yo, sheet, muthafucka" Nowadays, of course, any parent would be proud of their kid learning a new dialect.

Ebonics seems to be coming a lot more popular in America it would seem, but it wasn't very popular in a previous generation. When I was a little honky kid in Ohio, my mum was quite unpleased with the Ebonics I brought into the home, although I don't think that made her truly "racist", just not totally with-it.

My mum's eyes lit up in fury when I stated "Yo, sheet, muthafucka" Nowadays, of course, any parent would be proud of their kid learning a new dialect.

Prince, you are gonna catch hell for demeaning a black culture. Don't even go near the baby momma or baby daddy mindset. They think and act differently and demand our acceptance.


There was once a time when I worked in a women's transitional housing program in Seattle -- the transition being from homelessness to being permanently housed -- and one part of the experience I enjoyed as a language geek was the ebonics. That was at the time when the "24/7" thing was brand new.


Twenty five years ago -- a different world.

We used to have a choice.

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