Easy refutation of claimed Christian belief


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
It's easy to disprove a believer.
1) if they believe in Jesus then why the accident insurance,
2) if they believe in Jesus why the medical insurance.
3) if they believe he's coming back then where is their home for him built furnished and ready for him? Your kids have milk and cookies waiting for Santa and all you have waiting for Jesus is a bunch of fat butch looking nuns with mean expressions on their faces.
4) if they truly believed then they wouldn't need to argue for him in his behalf.
5) if all will see his face and bow then why spend millions trying to convert people? Why force convert or torture or kill people in doing so?
Fact: Moshiach is to serve not be served. Fact:Moshiach is not a god only satan lifts himself to be higher then G0D. If you claim Jesus to be a god then he can't be Moshiach. Fact: Moshiach leads man to Torah and it's ethos, Christianity creating it's own new rules and books proves Jesus can't be Moshiach. Fact: Moshiach lead people towards Life and is the messenger of Life. Jesus leads people towards the kingdom in death opposite the creators creation of life against DEUT to choose life.
Fact: jesus admited being Lucifer in Rev 22;16. Fact: jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer and the dragon but none on the Moshiach. Fact:Rome created the image to be adversary (sawtawn) to the temple priesthood). Fact: Rome was the adversary of Israel's sovereinty, Rome created the converged characters and religion as a one world religion they would be in control of.
Fact: They did this to former cultures, repeating the process of deception.
Fact: Present texts do not even remotely match the older texts and history is manipulated by adding figures and stories within the texts as found by no mention in older texts. Certain important portions are removed like Luke where he says the character is not who they hoped him to be as he failed to liberate them. Thomas was removed for the same admission.
Fact: there has been over thousands of wars, and over 50 million murders through the religion that claims him the prince of peace, how many more wars and murders does it take to notice the image of satan when you see it?
Fact: Christians spend millions on converting Jews away from YHWH who they claim is the same God as they worship, but this proves otherwise=FAIL!
Fact, God never gave anyone any land nor does he have a favorite people, there is no proof of any exodus and no Egyptian proof of any Hebrew slaves or Hebrews period in Egypt. I do not worship YHWH and at first you worshipped El, you have so many names for Gods you don't know one from another. You worshipped them all in the OT.
Fact: There is zero evidence for the existence of any "supreme God" that was the "creator" of the universe.

Fact: Many religions are based upon the fabrication of a "supreme God" or gods that will bestow "blessings" upon believers in the "afterlife".

Fact: There is zero evidence for the existence of an "afterlife".

Fact: Many religions claim to be the "one true path/way" to their God(s).

Fact: Many religions have waged long and bloody wars against "unbelievers" on the pretext they were "ordered" to do so by their imaginary God(s).

Fact: Religious texts are a mix of morality and fiction.

Fact: No religion is the owner of morality.

Fact: Morality exists independent of religion.

Fact: Religions bash each other all the time. This OP and thread are evidence of that happening here and now.

Have a nice secular day.
Easier proof is God doesn't exist at all:

- God created the world. He put many things on it he then forbade us to eat and do. Ok, we'll take God's word for it some things are bad for us.

So, why'd God make things that'll kill us like cyanide, anthrax (from cattle which isn't forbidden,)and various other things but not forbid those. Or even give us a heads up like don't eat red leaves?
You "non believers" are a distinct minority in the USA.

Only takes 14 million Jews to secretly run the world's banking system, Hollywood, etc.

Don't underestimate the power of a minority. ;)

"Non believers" are the 3rd largest group in the world and no single group of "believers" are a "majority".

1) first, how is insurance incompatible with faith in Christ?

second, we are legally required to have accident insurance and we are commanded to obey the law.

2) same as 1

3) why would our homes be any different for when Christ comes than it is now?

4) when we covenant with God one of the first things we promise to do is stand as a witness of Him at all times. How is keeping our covenant evidence of no faith? That argument makes no sense whatsoever.

5) no one is forced to convert nor can they be. God has given us free will. If we choose to serve Him we offer our services willingly.

as for facts, they need to be true to be facts. Try again sometime.
You "non believers" are a distinct minority in the USA.

Only takes 14 million Jews to secretly run the world's banking system, Hollywood, etc.

Don't underestimate the power of a minority. ;)

"Non believers" are the 3rd largest group in the world and no single group of "believers" are a "majority".


you used a picture. It must be true.

The Global Religious Landscape Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project
You "non believers" are a distinct minority in the USA.

Only takes 14 million Jews to secretly run the world's banking system, Hollywood, etc.

Don't underestimate the power of a minority. ;)

"Non believers" are the 3rd largest group in the world and no single group of "believers" are a "majority".


you used a picture. It must be true.

Most aren't as trusting as Mormons who'll take a person's word for it golden tablets contained another testament of Jesus and when asked to see them for some reason they couldn't be produced, but it really happened nonetheless. ;)
Fact: There is zero evidence for the existence of any "supreme God" that was the "creator" of the universe.

Fact: Many religions are based upon the fabrication of a "supreme God" or gods that will bestow "blessings" upon believers in the "afterlife".

Fact: There is zero evidence for the existence of an "afterlife".

Fact: Many religions claim to be the "one true path/way" to their God(s).

Fact: Many religions have waged long and bloody wars against "unbelievers" on the pretext they were "ordered" to do so by their imaginary God(s).

Fact: Religious texts are a mix of morality and fiction.

Fact: No religion is the owner of morality.

Fact: Morality exists independent of religion.

Fact: Religions bash each other all the time. This OP and thread are evidence of that happening here and now.

Have a nice secular day.

All true -

"Morality exists independent of religion."
Except if you're admitted pedophile and fantasy rapist, Phil Robertson.

"Many religions have waged long and bloody wars against "unbelievers" on the pretext they were "ordered" to do so by their imaginary God(s).

Still going on right here in the US.

"Christians" beat up and kill gays, blacks, Jews, women, children and if they don't have the balls to do physical violence, they use other means to harm those they don't like.

Jesus would be so proud.

You "non believers" are a distinct minority in the USA.

Only takes 14 million Jews to secretly run the world's banking system, Hollywood, etc.

Don't underestimate the power of a minority. ;)

"Non believers" are the 3rd largest group in the world and no single group of "believers" are a "majority".


you used a picture. It must be true.

Most aren't as trusting as Mormons who'll take a person's word for it golden tablets contained another testament of Jesus and when asked to see them for some reason they couldn't be produced, but it really happened nonetheless. ;)

Not just morms are that gullible or need to believe so bad, they'll literally buy any whack-a-doodle story they're told.

Is there any god-based religion, any belief that includes a "god" that demand that you take the whole idiotic package "on faith"?
You "non believers" are a distinct minority in the USA.

Only takes 14 million Jews to secretly run the world's banking system, Hollywood, etc.

Don't underestimate the power of a minority. ;)

good point------I have noted that some of the same people who adamantly deny that jews ever sojourned
in Egypt-----INSIST that jews----constituting a tiny fraction of a percentage point of the world's population
manage to CONTROL the rest of the BILLIONS---their minds, their souls and their money------JOOOOS IS DA GODS

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