E. Jean Carroll Had a Cat Named "Vagina"

i'll start with the worst- he's a fucking traitor to this nation & our constitution.

I've seen him IN ACTION for 40 years; being who he is thru interviews on TV, in print, & hearing him on Howard Stern several times - let me tell you how enlightening THAT was - one time, he was bloviating about how he would walk right into the dressing rooms unannounced for the 15 & 16 yr old contestants competing in his beauty pageant, while they were in various stages of undress - & 'line them up so he could inspect them '

anyhoo - not everyone knows who & what donny is - only the gold plated facade thru bullshit fluff pieces that would show what a big successful biznez man he is…. or worse - the fake reality show he had.

whoring around NYC with his whore marla & making sure it was splashed all over the tabloids, knowing it was gonna be shoved in his still married to wife & 3 young spawn's faces…then there was the time he took them both on an aspen ski vacation & bragged how he enjoyed watching the cat fight when they both crossed paths with each other. or when he buffed a porn star, without protection, whilst his 3rd trophy wife/baby mama had just given birth to his 5th spawn; putting them both at risk for all kinds nasty STDs. lol… donny said that ' STDs were his Vietnam '

then there the eminent domain case where he tried to steal an old woman's home & property thru eminent domain so he can bulldoze it & pave a brand new limo parking lot for the patrons one of his bankrupted casinos.

he lost.

hey! how's about the fact that he was also sued for fraud - ripping people off for tuition cash at his fake university?

& also that there 'charitable' foundation of his, having to close because donny used it as his own piggy bank? yaaaaaa….. & his first 3 spawn had to take classes on how to actually run a foundation - but are now not legally able to sit on ANY charity board in the state of NY again.

20+ women have stated that he assaulted them in one way or the other. they all can't be lying. e jean carroll certainly wasn't & the jury gave her $5 million dollars to make a pont of it.

now those were going right to mind, & there are more - but I think that will do in proving just how vile donny is.
Your reason for hating Big Donny is because he is, in your words, a “traitor”? First, you do know that is merely your opinion, right? Of course you don’t! Second, I bet you vote for Democrats and, therefore, have supported some bona fide traitors in your time.
You one racist mother fucker that needs to knock that shit off.
Do not ever talk about the Black Community again.

Hellbilly "Slim" is out of the cage and I am not taking this racist bullshit from a CRACKER

and fuck your smiley face CRACKER
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That must have struck a nerve in Hondabusa. Lol!! You know he is right, dude. Blacks are racist as fuck.
Biden's new normal...crazy people can bring frivolous lawsuits in a court of law and they're treated as if they're sane.

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