DWTS 3/16


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
So. Who is gonna watch. I'll think about it. I can't stand Suzanne Somers so I might long enough to hope she stumbles and then gets kicked to the curb.
Nasty mean hateful snotty bitch she is. Yes, I met her. Skank.
So. Who is gonna watch. I'll think about it. I can't stand Suzanne Somers so I might long enough to hope she stumbles and then gets kicked to the curb.
Nasty mean hateful snotty bitch she is. Yes, I met her. Skank.

Yo, all Hollywood so-called Stars are like her! But you Dem`s think they are on your side? They can talk a good game, but when it comes down to it, they prefer their Big Houses and Nice Cars over peons!

Riker rocked it, lol.

Meanwhile, glances of Rumor Willis amazed me. Demi Moore with a Bruce Willis chin. Unique looking.
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So. Who is gonna watch. I'll think about it. I can't stand Suzanne Somers so I might long enough to hope she stumbles and then gets kicked to the curb.
Nasty mean hateful snotty bitch she is. Yes, I met her. Skank.

Yo, all Hollywood so-called Stars are like her! But you Dem`s think they are on your side? They can talk a good game, but when it comes down to it, they prefer their Big Houses and Nice Cars over peons!

Knock it off. NO POLITICS.
omg. Get rid of the bimbo. She sucked. Big time. Yuck. I feel sorry for her partner.
I've met and mingled with Sam Elliot while he was shooting a movie at Ft. Benning in 2001. A humble, nice guy who doesn't have a pretentious bone in his body. A guy to have a beer with. Also, I've met Gary Sinise who is one of the nicest people you would want to meet. Of course, they are both partial to and admire soldiers but that's one reason I have respect for them. Mel Gibson? The 2d biggest asshole in America. I wouldn't give him the time of day or shake his hand.
LaBelle was graceful and it was pleasing to watch her but....too tame.
Another big asshole I met was Leslie Nielsen.Now HE was a big time douchebag. Stuck up, hoity, nasty attitude, obnoxious. He would have been a good fit for skanky Somers if he wasn't dead.
Gay dude did ok and I didn't see the horrendous footwork the judges were jabbering about but...I guess they saw more than I did. He IS a very handsome dude. And what a bod. Dayum.
Carol Burnett is a sweetheart. TINY too. Like 5'4" or so. Maybe 5'2"? Tiny. I towered over her. Very kind, very polite and sweet.

Another one that surprised me with being funny and just like a regular guy with no pretentiousness was Sammy Davis Jr. Totally a nice guy.
I saw the promo for this show during the basketball game. Lots of sparkles and glitter.

DWTS is not a show I would ever watch, but I did love that movie Strictly Ballroom (1992).
That guy with one arm and one leg? omg. Those abs! That dude is HOT!!! Yum! And God bless him..he is trying so hard.
The first night the show came on, Shark Tank dude and his partner...I KNEW right then...first time they were on the floor together, something was happenin'. Sparks. Flame and tinder. RIght there on the camera. And turns out that is exactly what happened. They are dating.

Meanwhile...I'm sorry, but Rumor Willis is just...homely. The whole bottom of her face and chin is all square and HUGE. Nose up, she looks like Demi. The rest of her face is a female Bruce Willis. HUGE face.
Somers is still there. eww. All nicey nice until the scores are shown then you see the REAL Somers face. Eat that, bitch.

Meanwhile, get rid of the bimbo that hangs on her cell phone. No brains, that one. Then dump Somers cuz she's a skank. Then Patti cuz she sucks at dancing. Great singer, not so much a dancer.

I like the skinny rocker dude so far.
Oh. I forgot about that fugly Chris Soules from The Bachelor. He SUCKS too.
CellPhone Bimbo is gone. Good.
Next....Chris Soules or Patti LaBelle. THEN Somers.
What a LYING fucking bitch Somers is. She didn't want anything to do with Ritter for THIRTY FUCKING YEARS because he got more money than she did. And now she is using his death to win brownie points in the pity department. Why is that old bag still there? She SUCKS. And she's a fucking fake.

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